The Indymedia UK News Sheet
IMCista | 06.02.2006 15:43 | G8 2005 | World
Scotland after the G8; Radical Social Centers; UK Video Activism; Genoa; WEF in Davos; Zapatista Other Campaign
Scotland after the G8; Radical Social Centers; UK Video Activism; Genoa; WEF in Davos; Zapatista Other Campaign
Offline is a (not very)regular publication that brings the highlights of IndyMedia news back to the streets. If you think it's important that indymedia (undeniably a very important part of the alternative grassroots media movement) has a presence beyond the net, please download the PDF, print off and distribute widely.
The files are in PDF format. To be able to read them you'll need Acrobat Reader. If you don't have this get it free online from Adobe.
The files are in PDF format. To be able to read them you'll need Acrobat Reader. If you don't have this get it free online from Adobe.
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Are we a network of what?
06.02.2006 18:12
I thought that indymedia was an open project all about co-operation and collaboration. The IMC UK is a network comprising of regions all over the country and over a hundred active participants of those regional collectives.
So, why is there no mention of the proposal to put together a new issue of 'Offline' on any of the relevant lists?
Nothing on imc-uk-outreach, nothing in imc-uk-process and nothing in imc-uk-network
I finally found a single email in the imc-london list but doesn't that make offline a purely London project and prevent anyone else from other collectives from having any input?
That really sucks and I am sure that an issue of Offline that represented all of the network would be a much more powerful and useful tool for everyone.
Please, please, please, Indymedia needs better internal communication!
(I'd forward this to imc-uk-network but apparently nobody uses it)
how about some communication!
07.02.2006 10:37
It would have been nice to at least see this go to the imc-uk-process list as a draft before being published as a thing which is clearly representing the collective as a whole in some way. Having said that though, as a (currently pretty inactive) member of one of the regional imc's, my main reaction to seeing this was "cool, someone's got it together to produce this at last...I'll go and print some out and distribute them".
Yes but, but
07.02.2006 14:43
It is great when people just get on and do stuff, and probably essential in order that things happen at all without getting bogged down in bureaucratic processes, however, it's difficult to see any justification in this case of not announcing the intention on the outreach list or network list so that it could involve people beyond London. I suspect London still can't avoid seeing it's self as the core of IMC UK.
voice piece
Fuck off and die
08.02.2006 21:27
I deny that. You are a bunch of middle-class pseudo-libertarians populated with refugees from the SWP who are as corrupt, hypocritical and manipulative as the mafia, the security services, the BBC or any other Stalinists masquerading as anarchists.
Just more smug and more hypocritical.
Real anarchists oppose power structures whereever they find them - which means the 'editors' here.
IMCista faker
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