Cartoon Capers in the Papers
Og | 06.02.2006 13:28 | Anti-racism
Nick Griffin of the BNP was exonerated of ‘Incitement to Racial Hatred’ at the Crown Court for describing Muslims as cockroaches who should be driven from our shores, but when the radical cleric Abu Hamza called on the followers of Islam to defend themselves against such vicious attacks, he too was charged with inciting violence and hate speech.
So, what did Flemming Rose, the culture editor of Jyllands-Posten do at this time of heightened racial tension? He defied a strict taboo, to publish twelve cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a terrorist, inflaming Islamic nations.
Arnauld Levy of France-Soir also chose to exercise his freedom to blaspheme when race relations with French Muslims are at an all time low, after urban riots and a ban on wearing headscarves in school, another infringement of Islam’s cherished precepts.
Defamation of their beliefs in newspapers was a dirty trick and not about free speech, but the slander of a billion Muslims, and there are laws against that, although the ADL only seem to activate when Jewish sensibilities are offended. European freedom of speech is thin on the ground when historians inquire into the accuracy of the Holocaust.
These drawings were not simply insensitive, but deliberate provocation, goading a reaction from Muslims worldwide. The anticipated backlash from angry extremists, who used their freedom of expression to demand the death of their enemies, was opportune for the ‘Racial and Religious Hatred Bill’ which outlaws ‘glorifying terrorism’ and was recently defeated in the House of Lords.
This legislation is really intended to curb dissent in the ‘war on terror’ and in light of the timely “hate-filled” protests in London, will likely be reintroduced. Ministers insist the new law would not affect “criticism, commentary or ridicule of faiths” but denigrating Islam is clearly acceptable in the UK anyway.
The warmongers want a ‘Clash of Civilizations’ with a showdown in the Middle East, and a terror attack by “al Qaeda” will be more plausible in the aftermath of this furore. Therefore, if a degenerating US city gets a surprise nuclear makeover, there will be guns blazing all the way to Tehran and beyond.
It would be a Godsend for the War President and both Bush and Blair said on the same day this week, that they are looking forward to a free and democratic Iran, which reveals that ‘regime change’ and an ‘oil change’ are the true motives for confrontation and Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions were never the issue.
We are reminded that a free press is fundamental to democracies, who instigated the present crisis, but Europe is the current target of Muslim indignation. President Chirac has previously warned that he is prepared to use France’s nuclear capability against States responsible for a terrorist outrage in his country.
Another ‘false flag’ will be the catalyst to prompt retaliation, which will trigger WWIII. Religious intolerance and fanaticism are being blamed for fanning the flames of conflict and the proposed solution for peace among men, is the integration and unity of all faiths. That old chestnut again, a Global Religion.
So, what did Flemming Rose, the culture editor of Jyllands-Posten do at this time of heightened racial tension? He defied a strict taboo, to publish twelve cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a terrorist, inflaming Islamic nations.
Arnauld Levy of France-Soir also chose to exercise his freedom to blaspheme when race relations with French Muslims are at an all time low, after urban riots and a ban on wearing headscarves in school, another infringement of Islam’s cherished precepts.
Defamation of their beliefs in newspapers was a dirty trick and not about free speech, but the slander of a billion Muslims, and there are laws against that, although the ADL only seem to activate when Jewish sensibilities are offended. European freedom of speech is thin on the ground when historians inquire into the accuracy of the Holocaust.
These drawings were not simply insensitive, but deliberate provocation, goading a reaction from Muslims worldwide. The anticipated backlash from angry extremists, who used their freedom of expression to demand the death of their enemies, was opportune for the ‘Racial and Religious Hatred Bill’ which outlaws ‘glorifying terrorism’ and was recently defeated in the House of Lords.
This legislation is really intended to curb dissent in the ‘war on terror’ and in light of the timely “hate-filled” protests in London, will likely be reintroduced. Ministers insist the new law would not affect “criticism, commentary or ridicule of faiths” but denigrating Islam is clearly acceptable in the UK anyway.
The warmongers want a ‘Clash of Civilizations’ with a showdown in the Middle East, and a terror attack by “al Qaeda” will be more plausible in the aftermath of this furore. Therefore, if a degenerating US city gets a surprise nuclear makeover, there will be guns blazing all the way to Tehran and beyond.
It would be a Godsend for the War President and both Bush and Blair said on the same day this week, that they are looking forward to a free and democratic Iran, which reveals that ‘regime change’ and an ‘oil change’ are the true motives for confrontation and Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions were never the issue.
We are reminded that a free press is fundamental to democracies, who instigated the present crisis, but Europe is the current target of Muslim indignation. President Chirac has previously warned that he is prepared to use France’s nuclear capability against States responsible for a terrorist outrage in his country.
Another ‘false flag’ will be the catalyst to prompt retaliation, which will trigger WWIII. Religious intolerance and fanaticism are being blamed for fanning the flames of conflict and the proposed solution for peace among men, is the integration and unity of all faiths. That old chestnut again, a Global Religion.
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link between Iran and Denmark
06.02.2006 15:14
"when the UN Security Council gets round to considering what form of sanctions to impose on Iran, guess to whom chairmanship of the Council will have passed. You’ve got it... plucky little Denmark.
Suddenly, the pieces fall into shape. The rumpus suddenly escalated, complete with fabricated offensive cartoons, to so enflame Muslim opinion that Denmark could be intimidated directly through a threatened Muslim boycott of its goods, or indirectly by the EU fearful of a wider boycott, into voting in favour of Iran."
Link between Melanie Phillips and Hitler
06.02.2006 16:08
Denmark sends forces to occupy Islamic countries then insults Islam which means British troops will be tied up protecting the Danes and their snow-plough. Supposed libertarians are quoting Voltaire to applaud mocking far-right provocation of the victims of the wars we failed to stop. The peace movement is damaged by this, the nazis are being strengthened, and people are dying because of this.
Muslim Anti-Cartoon Clashes Turn Deadly
"Afghan police also fired on protesters in the central city of Mihtarlam after a man in the crowd shot at them and others threw stones and knives, Interior Ministry spokesman Dad Mohammed Rasa said. Two demonstrators were shot to death, and two police were injured, officials said...In Kabul, about 200 protesters tried to break down the gate of a the Danish government's diplomatic mission office but failed, said police who were guarding the building...Protesters called for the death of anyone who insults Muhammad and demanded withdrawal of 530-member Danish military contingent operating under British control.Danish Capt. Philip Ulrichsen said Danish troops were shot at and targeted by stone-throwing youths on Sunday. A roadside bomb planted in the area also was defused. No soldiers were wounded in any of the incidents...Police investigating Sunday's fire and riot at the building housing the Danish mission said that, contrary to previous reports, the mission offices were intact. The fire and wrecking of offices had been confined to Lebanese businesses on lower floors. At least one person died, 30 were injured - half of them security officials - and about 200 people were detained in Sunday's violence, officials said. Prime Minister Fuad Saniora said the arrested included 76 Syrians, 35 Palestinians and 38 Lebanese."
A Pattern?
06.02.2006 16:32
Look Closely
where indeed
06.02.2006 17:45
The Black Panther Colouring Book
06.02.2006 22:55
Europe's Defamation of the Prophet
by Mohamed Khodr
(Sunday February 05 2006)
"...the only freedom of speech left in the west is bashing Islam otherwise it does have its limits."
"O Mankind, We created you from a single pair of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you"
-- Quran 49:13
“In the developed countries there is a poverty of intimacy, a poverty of spirit, of loneliness, of lack of love. There is no greater sickness in the world today than that one."
-- Mother Teresa
The malicious, false depiction of Prophet, Muhammad (P), in defamatory cartoons published in Denmark’s Jylland-Posten then deliberately re-published in other European papers can only be understood as a renaissance of the Inquisition. Such defamation of the Prophet must be met with a civil lawsuit. A civil lawsuit squarely meets the legal requirement under Denmark’s and Europe’s “Defamatory Law.” The basic idea of defamation law is simple. It’s an attempt to balance the private right to protect one's reputation with the public right to freedom of speech.
According to the American and English Encyclopedia of Law, a libel is a malicious defamation expressed either by writing or printing or by signs, pictures, effigies or the like; tending to blacken the memory of one who is dead, or to impeach the honesty, integrity, virtue or reputation.
In Denmark, defamation provisions exist in the criminal code, dividing libel into two categories; “accusations” and “offensive words or conduct”. The latter category is not subject to proof of truth. Both types of criminal defamation require malicious intent. [1]
Under the Danish Constitution, Freedom of Expression is found under section 77. It states:
"Any person shall be at liberty to publish his ideas in print, in writing, and in speech, subject to being held responsible in a court of law”.
Under the Responsibility of Media Act (Act no. 348 of June 6, 1991), the author, publisher, and editors are responsible for their actions under the law. AND:
“While carrying out their tasks mass-media should recognize the need to take the individual citizens rights to personal integrity into account and recognize the need of non-infringement without due course”.
The updated Media Liability Act of1992 includes sections on Press Ethics entitled: “The National code of Conduct:” adopted by the Danish Parliament. The rules comprise all editorial materials (text and picture) published in the written periodical press...(that) comprise persons mentioned and depicted; including deceased persons…The Code requires that the press publish factual information, especially if susceptible to personal bias or tortuous intention which may be prejudicial or insulting to others.
Additionally, the Danish Penal Code: Section 266b States:
"Any person who publicly or with the intention of dissemination to a wide circle of people makes a statement or imparts other information threatening, insulting, or degrading a group of persons on account of their race, color, or national or ethnic origin, belief" or sexual orientation shall be liable to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years."
According to the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC):
"The terms "statement or other information" should be interpreted broadly. They cover both oral and written expressions, pictures, "CARICATURES".
For thirteen centuries Europe has never fathomed Islam and has defamed the moral character of its Messenger Muhammad (pbuh)--9/11 was the cataclysmic excuse to re-launch the Inquisition against Muslims--“convert to our civilized aspiritual secularism where “sacredness” is dead or reap the political, economic, media, and military onslaught. If “God is Dead” in our society, so must your faith be killed.”
Indeed the only freedom of speech left in the west is bashing Islam otherwise it does have its limits. In Europe you can be prosecuted for questioning the extant of the Holocaust or criticizing Israel’s policy given western indoctrination that such “freedom” is Anti-Semitic.” Israel and its bloody history is now the “Holy Grail” for the civilized west, the champions of human rights.
Being civilized begins with education and manifests in rational behavior. The rampant ignorance of Islam in Europe leads to an irrational fear and thus prejudice. Descartes would turn in his grave if he knows that his motto has been transformed into “I don’t think, therefore I’m civilized.”
Prophetically the famed Danish Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) described the misuse of freedom of speech as:
“People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid.”
Freedom of Speech is selectively determined by governments, corporate medias who decide what’s seen and heard by the masses, the military-industrial complex, and corrupt politicians beholden to special interest money. Recently, freedom of lying speech allowed the powerful few Neocons, mostly Jewish, to influence the invasion of Iraq([search]) to secure Oil and Israel’s interests. America’s occupation of MidEast oil will prevent the rise of competitive powers and manipulate the economies of Europe, India, and China As William Hearst, the American media baron, declared to his reporters prior to the Spanish-American war: “you provide the pictures, I’ll provide the war.’ The “free” media has become the dumbed down “Delphi Oracle” of knowledge, opinions, and policies for the western masses.
In western history, God is the instrument for war, colonization, slavery, genocide and the Holocaust. Pope Urban II, Hitler, Theodore Herzl, and Bush([search]) Jr. publicly proclaimed doing God’s work while privately theft and death were on their minds.
Samuel Huntington, the historian and author of “Clash of Civilizations” described western avarice for land and wealth through military adventurism as: “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."
Europe is shocked at Muslim anger when it’s the Muslims who are shocked by Europe’s depleted morality, sacredness, and respect of the “other.”
Freedom of speech is the western cloak and truest weapon of destruction; for missiles kill instantly while insults have a historical life, much like the Crusades.
Whitney Moore, Jr. in describing the western demonizing of the inferior “other” said: “We create an environment where it is alright to hate, to steal, to cheat, and to lie if we dress it up with symbols of respectability, dignity and love”.
Protests against European nations whose medias defamed the Prophet must be peaceful. The lives and properties of westerners must be respected and protected. However, Muslims must use all legal, political, and diplomatic means against such nations along with a stringent boycott of all their products. European governments must condemn these offensive cartoons but Muslims must understand that unlike our autocratic governments they don’t control the “free” press, some whose agenda is light the fire between Christianity and Islam.
The greatest harm to Islam in the eyes of the world is committed by Muslim terrorism against the innocent through murder or hijacking. Resist only the aggressors; that is true Islam.
The west has invaded and occupied our lands, killed our families, robbed our resources, decimated our language and culture, humiliated our humanity and marginalized our faith, and we’ve been silent far too long; but now we draw a line in the sand at the desecration of our Holy Qur’an and the insulting of our beloved Prophet.Enough is enough. It’s time you respected our faith and humanity, withdraw from our lands, stop supporting your dictators, and deal with us as equals. Let’s pray your humanity supersedes your worldly passions and greed before it’s too late. The majority in this world want peace, it’s time we demand it forcefully from our governments, and not Neo Cons, a biased media, and bought politicians determine our destiny. Muslims are willing to die for their faith, what is the west willing to die for? God is indeed Great.
Criminal Defamation Laws and the Right to Freedom of Expression
Joint Amicus Brief of Interights and Article 19 in Constitutional case N 16/98
EXPOSED: UPDATE - MPACUK Digs & Finds Israeli Zionist Axel Owns German Newspaper!
Rating:starstarstarstarstar / 60%
TELEGRAPH journalists could have to adhere to a string of publishing principles -- including registering support for the state of Israel -- if German publishing giant Pro Israeli Axel Springer takes over the newspaper.
As usual Zionists have been quick to stoke the flames and add to the insult. It was an alert member of the public, who posted on our comments section that first tipped us off to the Israeli connection to the attacks on the Prophet PBUH. The brothers name is Bilal Patel and his comment is tucked away in the hundreds of comments and emails we have had on our site. We thank him for being vigilant in this Jihad!
Here MPACUK exposes for the first time in Britain the Zionist owner of the German paper which reprinted the highly Islamaphobic pictures of the Prophet PBUH. Once again MPACUK are the first Muslim group to get to the truth. Imagine readers if only our mosques were as vigilant and active, 2000 groups would be protecting the Ummah instead of one.
Proving once again that Zionists are the biggest cause of Islamaphobia in the world today.
Please do not fall into "non Muslims hate us" trap that they want you too. Blame the perpertrators of the attack and wake up to their evil. The general European is as ignorant as you are of who and why the paper is attacking the Prophet PBUH.
Fund or join MPAC, we cannot forever fight such a great enemy on such meagre resources. Protect the Prophet PBUH now and in the future.
Springer whose executives visited London yesterday to quiz Telegraph managers about the paper and its stablemates, the Sunday Telegraph and the Spectator -- includes the Israel pledge on its website under "publishing principles".
The group says it is determined "to promote reconciliation of Jews and Germans and support the vital rights of the State of Israel".
A biography of the company's eponymous founder notes that he made his first visit to Israel in July 1966, a year before Israel seized the Jordan-controlled West Bank territory.
Journalists on one of Springer's titles today confirmed there was a statement in staff contracts referring to Israel.
Springer is making its bid for the Telegraph's parent company, Hollinger International, in conjunction with the Israeli billionaire Haim Saban, who is believed to have his eye on another of the company's assets, the Jerusalem Post.
The Telegraph became notably pro-Israel under the chairmanship of outgoing proprietor Conrad Black, whose Jewish wife, Barbara Amiel, left, has written trenchantly in support of the Israeli cause.
But its present editorial stance on Europe may be affected if Springer is successful in taking over the group for a reputed £700m.
The Berlin-based company's website says the firm vows "to uphold liberty and law in Germany, a country belonging to the Western family of nations, and to further the unification of Europe".
In common with much of the rightwing press, the Telegraph has been persistently Eurosceptic, with the Sunday Telegraph including a weekly column by Christopher Booker devoted to vilifying EU policy.
Such explicit political goals are unheard of among newspaper proprietors in the UK, although many have strong political editorial agendas.
The company's website also states it is committed to the "transatlantic alliance", adding a pro-American clause to its list of principles the day after the terrorist attacks on the US on September 11 2001.
The following year the company even endowed a "George H W Bush Fellowship", enabling US political experts to engage in research at the American Academy in Berlin.
Under Lord Black -- who filled his board with American neo-conservative hawks such as former secretary of state Henry Kissinger and Richard Perle, the former chairman of the defence policy board -- the Telegraph has been pro-American in outlook.
When Lord Black stepped down as Hollinger's chief executive in November, the former Sunday Telegraph editor Sir Peregrine Worsthorne complained he had cut the Telegraph adrift from traditional English conservatism.
"He's turned the Telegraph into an American-propaganda and Israel-propaganda sheet, which I don't agree with," Sir Peregrine said.
"I think his doctrinaire, almost blind support for America in the Iraq war has given the Telegraph a narrowness of vision that makes it a less impressive newspaper than it should be."
Whatever its politics, the ambitions of the Springer group -- which owns Die Welt and the mass-market tabloid Bild -- are not in doubt.
"In the sixth decade of its existence, Axel Springer Verlag is transforming itself from a German print publisher to an international media company," the company's website says.
The group already publishes more than a hundred newspapers and magazines and various special issues outside Germany.
It has interests in France, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal and has expanded eastwards -- to Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and even Bulgaria.
Springer even has a subsidiary in Russia, while in Romania it has a stake in the country's second largest magazine publisher.
Behind this huge empire is the figure of Friede Springer, the 61-year-old widow of the founder, who controls 55.4% of the company's voting rights.
She met Axel Springer while serving as an au pair for the Springer household and went on to join the company's board in 1984, a year before her husband's death.
Her say will be crucial in deciding the strategy adopted by the chief executive, Mathias Döpfner, as he attempts his most spectacular move yet, one that would see Springer make its first leap outside continental Europe.
By Chris Tryhorn, the Guardian
The Sabotage Of Legitimate Dissent
The Black Panther Coloring Book
Religious Leader Shows Justification for Murder of Artist
07.02.2006 00:46
The cleric said the cartoonist had insulted Islam and must pay the price, as three people were killed during protests against the cartoons in Afghanistan.
“The insult has been established now by everybody, Muslim and non-Muslim, and everybody condemns the cartoonist and condemns the cartoon,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. “However, in Islam, God said, and the messenger Mohammed said, whoever insults the prophet, he must be punished and executed. This man should be put on trial and if it is proven to be executed.”
The cleric said Muslims in Britain were not allowed to kill people who insulted Islam because it was against the law of the country.
“We are not saying ourselves to go there and start to look to him and kill him, we are not talking about that. We are talking about Islamic rules. If anybody insults the prophet, he will have to take a punishment in this life.”
He said if countries refused to put people on trial for insulting Mohammed they must “face the consequences”.
off the wire
Why am I searching over here the lights over there
07.02.2006 02:38
In wittering on about how Billions of Moslems are insulted by satire of their Prophet, these men fail to exercise the critical thinking that Islam preserved in the world allowing the Renaissance and Enlightenment to happen in Europe.
These are not Clerics whose heritage is Rumi or Omar Khayam. These are Men who have taken it upon themselves to interpret a holy book and then dispense their wisdom to the masses. These are insulting the Faithful of Islam. Most of these people are ageing Clerics or their sycophant hangers on of ageing mullahs whose greatest. Abu Hamza, for all the furore about him, is nothing more than a deluded old man.
The Clerics of Islam are failing their Faithful by telling them Jihad requires violence. The greatest Jihad was fought by the Moslem "suicide bomber" protester who apologised for causing offence. By apologising he has shown his spirituality by example: if the Danish Newspaper could do likewise it would demonstrate their Secular worth.
Jihad is a struggle to increase spirituality in the world. It has been hijacked by the petty Fascist sensibilities of senile men in organisations across cultural boundaries. To be Fascist is to desire Absolute Power and the Violence to achieve that Variety of Power. This is the
same desire as the BNP, Al Qadia, The Republican Party, Vlaam Blok and others. It is the betrayal of the many and powerless by the few and powerful.
Those who will suffer are not the Clerics or Western Ruling Classes. Had Osama Bin Laden wished to he could have strapped on a few pounds of semtex and become a Suicide Bomber. But, like Blair and Bush and the others that send the masses off to die, he's too important for that. And the endless nonsense that will be spewed forth about these great men of History will save not a single life.
That is how much the Muslim Masses have been betrayed. Exactly the same amount as the Non Moslem Masses.
I'm not religious - I couldn't care less if gods exist or not. I don't expect Muslims to care if gods exists or some dead man was talked about uncharitably. I expect Muslims to behave in a civilised fashion. I expect Muslims to expect me to behave in a civilised fashion. The clash of civilisations is between the rulers and the ruled, not the Moslem and Non-Moslem "worlds".
It's the same world. We will all die. We will all find out. When the pretend suicide bomber dies he might get a ticking off for youthful exuberance - but he'll probably get seventy two
virgins for apologising.
Right Wing Daily Mail Conspiracy theory
07.02.2006 13:03
The irony is the Daily Mail normally praise entrepreneurial capitalists. Still, any excuse for a bit of arab-baiting eh ?