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Who's Your Shepherd? | 06.02.2006 09:54 | Analysis | Culture | Social Struggles | World

Calling for the beheading of an artist for creating a caricature depicting a religion as violent is about hypocritical. The one certain thing all of these Torah-touting, Koran-clutching, Bible-thumping, Scripture-screeching religious zealots seem to share, is an unbridled lust for violence.

Who's Your Shepherd?
Who's Your Shepherd?

The global furor over the publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad as violent seems as inappropriate as the tepid condemnation over Pat Robertson’s call to assassinate Hugo Chavéz.

Calling for the beheading of an artist for creating a caricature depicting a religion as violent is hypocritical. As assaulting or killing a woman for appearing in a degrading beauty contest. Or like amputating Ann Coulter’s legs for her immodest vagina flashing on Fox News. Or castrating and sodomizing men who rape.

As fanatical, intolerant Muslim preachers continue to incite violence over the depictions of violence, and as Israeli Jews deliberately incite riots by building unauthorized new structures in settlements, America’s religious righteous -- armed with justifications from their churches, mosques and synagogues -- are mincing into gay bars with machetes and guns and opening fire. Others are frantically preparing to picket Coretta Scott King’s funeral because she supported gay rights. The Pope, lost in the haze of his Nazi Youth is too busy purging the symptoms of his dysfunctional, homocentric Church -- in between satin dress fittings and Prada shopping sprees -- blissfully oblivious to the blatantly obvious causes. The one certain thing all of these Torah-touting, Koran-clutching, Bible-thumping, Scripture-screeching religious zealots seem to share, is an unbridled lust for violence.

While all the world’s major religions -- Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, and Hinduism – shoulder responsibility for fueling extremist factions spewing hatred, violence and intolerance, Muslims do need to drop the victimization act and realize that just as they condemn and judge others with impunity, so too must they learn to cope with being subject to criticism.

Until people stop, in Allah's name, stoning woman to death, killing homosexuals, cutting the hands off children stealing food to survive, flying passenger planes into skyscrapers, car-bombing innocent people, forcing their religious convictions onto others, and other such atrocities, and until Muslims loudly and clearly reject and condemn the violence perpetrated by those who have hijacked and perverted their religion, the likelihood of cartoonists depicting Muhammad as a gentle, olive-branch carrying dove is not particularly high.


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The Complete Picture

06.02.2006 10:40

Now they wear the true label of the cartoon. If they do not know what Mohammad looks like, how did they recognize the drawing?

martyr artist

The Complete Fake

06.02.2006 10:50

I've seen some crappy fake photoshopped pics posted up here of the shouting beardies, but that one's definitely the crappiest yet.

Wossmatter, the real pics not scary enough for you?

Foat O' Shopp

Shit-stirring hate merchants

06.02.2006 14:03

Reposting a comment from a few threads down simply proves you are shit stirring. It wasn't worth responding to first time.

The fact that you can't be bothered investing the time to write what you think, and rely on reposting a badly written anti-Islamic Jewish-American opinion piece as news shows you really don't understand anarchism or IndyMedia. Don't you have an opinion of your own or do you just regurgitate right-wing mainstream guff ?

A lot of people around here are involved in the peace movement, which generally means building bridges between different races and religions rather than burning those bridges.
There is a site where they love this sort of racist bile, and where they applaud your freedom to offend, I suggest you fuck off to it -


Shit-Eating Gullible Converts

07.02.2006 00:40

I am now hearing that many of theses people did not even know about the cartoons unto extremist clerics circulated them. This just goes to show how quick and easy it is for clerics to organize their people when they want to. It is pathetic that they do not exercise this influence to march against their terrorist brethren. I didn't think the marches happened spontaneously...

This just makes me loathe Islam all the more- and yes, they can all be clumped together with the Vatican and Pat Robertson harlots of Babylon. They are the roots of bigotry.

Organized tax-exempt religion is what stands in the way of heaven on earth. They have been the root and justification of warfare from time eternal. I have no sympathy for these frauds that claim divinity of scripture. Whether these Moslems are white, black or pink, they can all be sprayed in the face with burning hot oil, as far as I care.

The issue is free speech, not whether Islam’s bloodthirsty brain damaged prophet should not be labeled for what he is - a vulgar fucking tyrant. If this is not true, then why do they not fucking march to make this point and stop calling for censorship - bloody retards.

If I cannot diffuse my anger here at Indymedia, then I will take it into the streets too.

I am not racist, because it is disgusting to condemn someone for something they did not choose for themselves. Religion is a choice for those who will raise their children.

Ethnicity, gender or sexual persuasion is not a choice - bigotry is.

sick of their deviant gods

Coprophiliac hypocites

07.02.2006 16:37

>It is pathetic that they do not exercise this influence to march against their terrorist brethren.
As pathetic as you not marching against your terrorist brethren ? Probably not that pathetic since we massacre them and for the most part they march for peace - against all extremism.

>If I cannot diffuse my anger here at Indymedia, then I will take it into the streets too.
'Taking it into the streets' is the whole point of IM. If IM diffuses anyones anger over any issue then it stops being worthwhile. Go, protest, noones stopping you.

>Religion is a choice for those who will raise their children.
And tolerance is a choice we all face.
