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Sweden Supports Nordic Human Rights Lining

Ake Tyvi | 05.02.2006 13:47 | Analysis

Sweden has been supporting Nordic Socialist Lining on Human Rights supporting non-prosecutions in their nation on Human Rights violations.

Sweden Supports Nordic Human Rights Lining

Swedish-Russian Military Exercise taken place at North-Sweden on January proved Nordic Zone Lining on Human Rights interpretation on Nordic Socialist Nations.

Socialist Sweden Does Not nor Did Not Start Investigations on Russia General participating into war exercise kept in Sweden on January. Russia General Wan Being Suspected In Participating At Least Into Seven Executions in Chechnya. Non-prosecution decision was made by Leading Prosecutor Thomas Häggstöm.

Sweden has been supporting Nordic Socialist Lining on Human Rights together with Finland by supporting non-prosecutions in their nation on Human Rights violations.

Prosecuting a soldier is very difficult as we remember from the II World War trials, and prosecuting government official on such crimes is almost impossible. In fact, someone bothered to stop the killing of II WW after it started to threat other nation’s national interests, so how could killing few people cause any such a threat? It simply can not. This may be the main reason, why Finland does not have Human Rights either.

Ake Tyvi

Source: STT-TT (26.1.2006)

Ake Tyvi