Boycott Global Capitalism For Promoting neo-Nazi Filth
No Label | 03.02.2006 11:21 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Technology | World
Anti-racists and anarchists are coming together to boycott Google, Amazon, and E-bay, for stocking neo-nazi material from their UK-based servers.
Uk-based Anti-racists and anarchists are coming together to boycott Google, Amazon, and E-bay, for stocking neo-Nazi material from their British servers.
E-bay UK and Amazon UK, are stocking Holocaust denial, and white supremacy books by Simon Sheppard, plus numerous other evil racist filth inciting hatred and racial attacks amongst UK and beyond.
While worldwide, listed brand Google list neo-nazi thugs, the BNP on Google News, as a trusted news source ahead of the BBC or Reuters, even, despite numerous complaints to their UK office.
Neo-conservatives, ultra-free market capitalists, and neo-Nazis seem to be batting for the same team.
Why is this???????
The wealthy, olf-rich, Bush family have nazi skeletons in their closet, which more than explains his stance on starting wars that needlessly kill non-white foreigners, and his continued failure to help the African-American people of New Orleans.
The time has come for the UK and the world to stand up against global corporations that peddle hatred online.
Racism must end......
Make your complaints known to Amazon, E-Bay, and Google, that they cannot peddle hatred and Holocaust denial in the name of "freedom of speech" (as they call it).
If everybody joins in, perhaps we could make their share prices drop.
The Anti-Apartheid campaigns were successful in stopping banks from investing in Apartheid South Africa, let us not forget.
E-bay UK and Amazon UK, are stocking Holocaust denial, and white supremacy books by Simon Sheppard, plus numerous other evil racist filth inciting hatred and racial attacks amongst UK and beyond.
While worldwide, listed brand Google list neo-nazi thugs, the BNP on Google News, as a trusted news source ahead of the BBC or Reuters, even, despite numerous complaints to their UK office.
Neo-conservatives, ultra-free market capitalists, and neo-Nazis seem to be batting for the same team.
Why is this???????
The wealthy, olf-rich, Bush family have nazi skeletons in their closet, which more than explains his stance on starting wars that needlessly kill non-white foreigners, and his continued failure to help the African-American people of New Orleans.
The time has come for the UK and the world to stand up against global corporations that peddle hatred online.
Racism must end......
Make your complaints known to Amazon, E-Bay, and Google, that they cannot peddle hatred and Holocaust denial in the name of "freedom of speech" (as they call it).
If everybody joins in, perhaps we could make their share prices drop.
The Anti-Apartheid campaigns were successful in stopping banks from investing in Apartheid South Africa, let us not forget.
No Label
Hide the following 7 comments
oh shut up
03.02.2006 14:25
Stop the presses!
03.02.2006 15:47
I find Google very informative - he turns out to be gay (oh really?), a member of the BNP, has discovered Anna Frank (! - this is not a typo) is a fraud and several other things which must cost him quite a lot of money.
Yeah, come on, beat global capitalism, starting with boycotting Sheppard's books. I would not have given the blithering idiot any thought again but you reminded me of him. So - who are the idiots? Yawn indeed...
Cornelius Coot
Maybe There's an evil at the heart of all politics
03.02.2006 17:45
Except Lord Birt Does have a legal obligation in the UK to ensure certain standards of Behaviour from his pet company. Wonder if Tony Knows?
Cynical bugger
Indexing what Google ignores
03.02.2006 20:57
Boycotting global capitalism means not just 'buy nothing day' but buy nothing, from anyone, ever. I met some person who managed this, but it involves a lot of time in skips and cells. Most people buy something sometime. You are calling for revolution in effect. Good on you but get real.
There are nasty things about Ebay and Amazon and Google that would merit us boycotting them, but their competitors are either just as bad morally or much worse in terms of access to information.
Someone commented here last week that 'We need our own Google'. When I read it I sneered - Google has more PCs than every IM and every IM poster combined. However, it since occurred to me that we don't need to index everything, we only have to index the things google doesn't, and make the search available worldwide. This could probably be done with 10 or 20 PCs, but there are undoubted technical difficulties. How do you find what all of the other search engines hide ? By manual submission or is there a bot method ?
Any coders reading this with too much spare time ? Have you heard of egoboo ? Do you know Eric S. Roberts, one of the many contributors to the free software movement and a coding legend, describes himself as an anarchist. A pro-war, gun-tottin' Chuck Norris Demokrat of an anarchist. I wouldn't fancy stopping by his anarchist social centre, at least without body-armour.
I smell a stink
03.02.2006 21:34
ban all mention of arab and jewish and white american slavery of 'negros'.
Completely suppress all freedom of expression and speach unless it supports your totalitarian 'trot' agenda...
Anja Piejowski
Talmud reference?
04.02.2006 07:32
I tried to find that online, but can only find vague allegations about the phrase on a few far-right sites.
Please cite your source for this: where does it say that in the Talmud?
Looking it up
Sheep shagging gentiles
05.02.2006 12:49
MISHNA I.: Cattle must not be placed in the inns of the heathens because they are suspicious of having sexual intercourse with them. 1 And for the same reason a female must not stay alone with them, because they are suspected of insult; nor should a male stay with them alone, because they are suspected of bloodshed.
GEMARA: There is a contradiction from the following: One may buy from them cattle for sacrificing without fear that it was instrumental in the committing of a crime or that it was separated as a sacrifice to an idol, or that it was itself worshipped. Now it is correct that there is no fear of its being separated or worshipped, for if such were the case, he would not sell it. But why should not be feared its said relation to a crime, and they not suspected? Said R. Ta'hlipha in the name of R. Shila b. Abina, quoting Rabh: With his own cattle, the heathen is not suspected, because of his economy that the cattle should not become uprooted. This, however, can apply only to female cattle; what can be said concerning male cattle? Said R. Kahana: Here, also, the same reason may apply, as the cattle become meagre from such employment. But why must one not place female cattle in the inns which are under the control of females? Said Mar Uqua b. Hama: Because the heathens are wont to visit the wives of their neighbors, and if such visitor happened not to find the hostess, he may substitute the cattle.
I read the Bible when I was 12 and the Koran when I was 17 but that's the first I've ever thought to look at the Talamud. So that's what lawyers argued about before there were any possessions except cattle. I can't find any reference to treating Non-Israelites like cattle, although there is the suspicion that they are all sheep-shaggers. The Scots tribe always needed similar laws too, to stop the English worrying our animals.
What an argumentative religion, they just dreamed the whole monotheism thing up by and fleshed it out with arguments, just like every religion since. We should proclaim anarchy as a religion and IM as a holy text, true liberation theology. Arresting protestors would then be religious prosecution.
Gordon Brown is being compared to the 'swords-into-ploughshares' prophet Micah in the Observer today, we should crucify the hypocrite.