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Griffin escapes........

Bob -ooh me censors are killin me | 03.02.2006 10:09

Far right leader Nick Griffin released

In case it may have escaped you attention pRick Griffin was released from court yesterday and immediately hopped on the media bandwagon.

The failure of this court case has now added to the supposed legitimacy of this evil person and his twisted views.

Will this mean the fasr right will now feature more in UK politics, the recent furore over freedom of speech and muslims taking offence, together with the threats made by more radical islaic groups in the like of Palestine will only aid the rise of the right.

May this get through?

Bob -ooh me censors are killin me


Hide the following 7 comments


03.02.2006 11:03

Don't expect any help from the state in defeating fascism.

Black Bob


03.02.2006 13:43

Yeah. It's all THE STATE'S fault. Stick it to the man! Let's defeat facism by locking up anyone who says something we disagree with!

Anyway, he's going to be retried on two counts so you can all have your moment in the sun again.


According to Joey Owen

03.02.2006 17:57

The charges were dropped because of the ongoing investigations into apparent Mony Laundry and "Gaming Offences".

Since moving from having a bank to using paypal, it seems the BNP-Griffin Retirement ISA have had a very difficult time keeping the pornographers, gun-nut-terrorists, paedophiles and others from touching there cash. So much so that it would be better to let the charges fall for incitement when the leadership - and several rank and vile - can be slammed up for complex financial offenses.

Any paypal user who has contributed to an illegal undertaking risks siezure of all their assets - primarily because the America Fedral Justice System mandates the siezure of all proceeds of crime. American Friends of the BNP are apparently not all Friends.

reputable source

Explain yourself

03.02.2006 18:32

Care to explain why my comment was deleted?

Lars Nova

dont expect the state....

03.02.2006 19:17

Black bob is right mate. Not in the sense that the state is wrong for not convicting griffin and collett but for other reasons. Personally i dont think griffin or collett or any other fascist cunt should be criminalised by the state for what they say, i believe people should be able to say what they like, this means arguments being countered coherently and intelligently. If we outlaw certain views or comments then we curtail the basic tenets of free speach and basically admit that we cant counter certain arguments with our own whilst making such stupid comments look edgy, provocative and dangerous when in reality they tend to be simply false or incredbly shallow.

With regards not expecting any help from the state, this is entirely true in that fascism (not individual facsists like collett and co) are essentially part of and a product of power in the form of the state and capitalism. If you look through history fascism is an ideology that has found its expression in periods of intense class struggle, Italy in the 1930's, Spain 1936, Chile 1973. Fascism is an ideology of capitalism under attack, it is the counter punch of bosses/executives/land owners whose position of priviledge and power is under attack from an increasingly militant working class. The state may make a stand against fascists but i can assure you that when the time comes and the working class are struggling for freedom in a very effective way that very same state will turn to fascist methods to consolidate its power. Hence dont expect any help from the state in fighting fascism and nor should we, we are perfectly capable of organising in our communties and on our streets against those who seek to sow the seeds of class division and hatred.



04.02.2006 09:53

"Care to explain why my comment was deleted?"
yes your comment was offensive to minorities, post on stormfront in future


Please don't make him a folk hero!

05.02.2006 23:35

I'm worried that the continuing harrasment of the far-right and Griffin into folk heroes.

All people hear about is how this man is standing up against Political Correctness, Extreme Islam and representing Britain and the "downtrodden white man". (I once read a post on a politics forum calling him "A white Mandela")

And in itself that's a very noble thing, but by continuing to shut him up that's as much as people know about him, and as it's human nature to distrust the government of the day he's going to get many supporters if we take that route.

Let him open his big fat foul racist mouth so he can spew his vile hate, give the British people some credit, if we hear that crap we don't vote for them, we run a mile! Engage him in a civilised debate, so people may have an opportunity to correct his lies.

That would put people off more than turning him into what appears to be a victimised rebel.
