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Hand Off Iran!

mcc | 31.01.2006 16:43

End the war in Iraq! Prevent a new war against Iran!

Hands Off Iran!

Protest, Weds, 1 Feb, 5-6pm, Donald Dewar's statue, top of Buchanan St, Glasgow.

Is Iran about to subject to a US/UK military onslaught aimed at toppling the regime?

Iran is seeking to start up a nuclear energy programme. The west however, without providing any hard evidence are making the claim that Iran are wanting to build a nuclear bomb.

Britain, America and Europe are now applying pressure on the United Nations Security Council to impose stringent economic sanctions. And if these sanctions fail to make Iran do the west's bidding then there is the strongest possibility that the US/UK will once more follow the unilateral path and launch full scale airstrikes that will go beyond neutralising Iran's nuclear program and will devastate Iran's economic, social, industrial, and political infrastructure.

The vice-president of America, Dick Cheney, has already authorised the Pentagon to formulate a plan for airstrikes against Iran that include 450 targets. Such a attack will cause a large number of civilian casualities, and will create immense environmental damage.

If you are concerneed about the possibility of a attack against Iran, come along to the protest and hand out leaflets, hold placards or use the megaphone to voice your opposition.
For more info contact;
Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII, )
Hand Off Iran Committee,

We will also be promoting the International Day of Protest in Central London, Saturday 18 March 2006.
For those wishing to travel to London and want transport details call 07737 595 093 or 07952 452 906
For more info visit, or the Glasgow Stop the War Forum,



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Hands off in Iran

31.01.2006 20:06

Bring down the islamonazi Iranian regime

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You are protecting and appeasing brutal tyrants like the Iranian regime!

02.02.2006 10:46

By calling for no attack on Iran, you are protecting and appeasing the evil, brutal, Islamic fundamentalist regime which misrules Iran and terrories and oppresses its people. The anti-war movement has no answer to what to do in the face of the threat of global terrorism and brutal dictators. Iran could definitly do with regime change and so say the long suffering Iranian people.


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