rob marriott | 31.01.2006 15:37 | Analysis | South Coast
meetings are being held on the 1st & 3rd wed of every month at the cowley club in brighton to bring together people who want to get involved in local action against animal abuse.Weekly demos are being held against shops selling fur & the proposed seal enclosure at the sealife centre.Brighton animal action were recently active in legally liberating 3000 chickens,many who still need homes.We are looking to expand our actions so please contact lisa on 07787953347 for more info. meetings are being held on the 1st & 3rd wed of every month at the cowley club in brighton to bring together people who want to get involved in local action against animal abuse.Weekly demos are being held against shops selling fur & the proposed seal enclosure at the sealife centre.Brighton animal action were recently active in legally liberating 3000 chickens,many who still need homes.We are looking to expand our actions so please contact lisa on 07787953347 for more info
rob marriott