Manipulation of postings - details by the IMC monitoring team
IMC Monitoring Team | 30.01.2006 13:07
As the extent of censorship, manipulation, editing of posts and removal of "unwanted" information has now reached an all time high the IMC Monitoring team has decided to post specific examples to illustrate what has been happening. Previously we only gave copies on our website of removed posts and comments now we will post the removed details straight to Indymedia UK. In the short term this will mean the IM website may slow because of the amount of data being reposted and for those we apologise however it is important for those who support and contribute to Indymedia UK to know what is happening out of their site. Although we are unable to stop our posts being moved to the "Hidden" section (as this one will be) we are able to prevent them being removed by locking of the ident code. Others wishing to do the same should insert the following code line in their posts:-
The link above shows a post currently on the newswire, the comments below details the seven comments that have been removed.
The link above shows a post currently on the newswire, the comments below details the seven comments that have been removed.
IMC Monitoring Team