Hands Off Iran protest, Glasgow
mcc | 29.01.2006 17:06
Hands Off Iran!
Protest, Weds, 1 Feb, 5-6pm, Donald Dewar's statue, top of Buchanan St, Glasgow.
Is Iran about to subject to a US/UK military onslaught aimed at toppling the regime?
Iran is seeking to start up a nuclear energy programme. The west however, without providing any hard evidence are making the claim that Iran are wanting to build a nuclear bomb.
Britain, America and Europe are now applying pressure on the United Nations Security Council to impose stringent economic sanctions. And if these sanctions fail to make Iran do the west's bidding then there is the strongest possibility that the US/UK will once more follow the unilateral path and launch full scale airstrikes that will go beyond neutralising Iran's nuclear program and will devastate Iran's economic, social, industrial, and political infrastructure.
The vice-president of America, Dick Cheney, has already authorised the Pentagon to formulate a plan for airstrikes against Iran that include 450 targets. Such a attack will cause a large number of civilian casualities, and will create immense environmental damage.
If you are concerneed about the possibility of a attack against Iran, come along to the protest and hand out leaflets, hold placards or use the megaphone to voice your opposition.
For more info contact;
Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII, )
Hand Off Iran Committee,
We will also be promoting the International Day of Protest in Central London, Saturday 18 March 2006.
For those wishing to travel to London and want transport details call 07737 595 093 or 07952 452 906
For more info visit www.stopwar.org.uk, or the Glasgow Stop the War Forum,
Protest, Weds, 1 Feb, 5-6pm, Donald Dewar's statue, top of Buchanan St, Glasgow.
Is Iran about to subject to a US/UK military onslaught aimed at toppling the regime?
Iran is seeking to start up a nuclear energy programme. The west however, without providing any hard evidence are making the claim that Iran are wanting to build a nuclear bomb.
Britain, America and Europe are now applying pressure on the United Nations Security Council to impose stringent economic sanctions. And if these sanctions fail to make Iran do the west's bidding then there is the strongest possibility that the US/UK will once more follow the unilateral path and launch full scale airstrikes that will go beyond neutralising Iran's nuclear program and will devastate Iran's economic, social, industrial, and political infrastructure.
The vice-president of America, Dick Cheney, has already authorised the Pentagon to formulate a plan for airstrikes against Iran that include 450 targets. Such a attack will cause a large number of civilian casualities, and will create immense environmental damage.

If you are concerneed about the possibility of a attack against Iran, come along to the protest and hand out leaflets, hold placards or use the megaphone to voice your opposition.
For more info contact;
Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII, )

Hand Off Iran Committee,

We will also be promoting the International Day of Protest in Central London, Saturday 18 March 2006.
For those wishing to travel to London and want transport details call 07737 595 093 or 07952 452 906
For more info visit www.stopwar.org.uk, or the Glasgow Stop the War Forum,

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the pro-war people within the anti-war movement
30.01.2006 09:58
Iran is seeking to start up a nuclear energy programme. The west however, without providing any hard evidence are making the claim that Iran are wanting to build a nuclear bomb.
The vice-president of America, Dick Cheney, has already authorised the Pentagon to formulate a plan for airstrikes against Iran that include 450 targets. Such a attack will cause a large number of civilian casualities, and will create immense environmental damage.
Both these paragraphs prove that this post is nothing more than BLACK PROPAGANDA originating straight from one of Blair's 'command and control' teams.
The first quote sets up a false dilemma. Iran with no nuclear weapon program = GOOD. Iran with nuclear weapon program 40 years behind Israel = DESTROY IRAN. This, of course, is a key message of Blair and his goons.
The second quote is a classic 'control word' method. Contrast "large number of civilian casualities" with "immense environmental damage". Which phrase is designed to carry power?. The Green movement originates out of Germany (and was based on observations of certain aspects of Hitler's methods and ideas), and is a psy-op designed to embed the message that everything is more important than people. Basically, there is only a certain amount of political energy found within 'ordinary' people at any time, and the 'green movement' was designed with the purpose of SAFELY soaking up all this energy, and directing it in completely harmless directions.
IT IS VERY SIMPLE TO SPOT WHEN AN ORGANISATION IS UNDER THE CONTROL OF BLAIR'S PEOPLE. Its words will be weak and misdirected. Its leaflets and posters and leaflets will be pathetic and harmless. It's activities will be insignificant and irrelevant. No matter how many people that organisation ropes in, magically it will have a hundred less times effect than individuals like Brian Haw, or Cindy Sheehan.
BLAIR'S CONTROL ORGANISATIONS (those you know under names such as MI5, MI6 and Special Branch) HAVE A BUDGET OF BILLIONS. I have NEVER seen a post here that fully understands the consequences of such financial power. With these resources, Blair's people idenfify problems LONG before they happen, make appropriate plans, and execute these plans even as the first suggestions that we should organise are appearing on sites like this.
People here often take a great pleasure in photographing the VISIBLE agents of the state that photograph them. How many of you understand the MISDIRECTION that visible police photographers represent. Yes, they are designed to intimidate, and make you (and them) KNOW that this country is a Blair POLICE-STATE. However, more importantly, they are there to reassure you about those members of YOUR group that always cleverly argue against words and actions that would really threaten Blair's aims.
This post that I am responding to is an early example of Blair's actions against the infancy of the anti-Iran-war movement. Blair, and his agents, will exploit the 'confusion' over Iran's right to build weapon systems to defend themselves to the max.
1) suggestion that Iran is criminal for building weapon systems that WE have (and WE have used- see Japan)
2) failure to point out that Iran has NEVER (in recent) been involved in wars of aggression (unlike Israel and us). (Actually, this is false, since Iran was the main partner in the Invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, but this info is obscure at the present time).
3) downplaying the extent to which life will be lost in Iran. Failure to refer to the millions murdered in sanctions, and the hundreds of thousands butchered in the invasion of Iraq. Use of words like 'large' rather than 'genocide'.
4) failure to make comparisons with Israel (this is a very big giveaway). Failure to point out Israel's nuclear, biological, and chemical programs. Failure to point out that the US, UK, Germany and France were and are active partners in these programs.
5) failure to detail the involvement of the UK/Israel in the lies used to maintain sanctions against Iraq, and to enable the invasion.
6) failure to specifically and continuously point out that the plan to genocide Iran is Blair's, and that Blair, and his NeoCon monsters (like Mandelson, Goldsmith, and especially his warlord Straw) are at the forefront of the efforts and propaganda to ensure that it happens.
7) failure to produce words and actions that have 'bite'. An active fuzzying of the agenda. Elimination of ANY of the horrifying images of death and destruction that Blair has caused in Iraq.
For Blair, the genocide of Iran is as significant to him as the invasion of Poland was to Hitler. He is leaving NOTHING to chance. In reality, he considers the anti-war movements of the West a total joke. Why? Because they have proven to be the easiest of all his myriad of problems to deal with. The honest members of these movements ALWAYS give way to the suggestions and control of his agents. Blair no more has to worry about us than Hitler had to care that his citizens were TOTALLY opposed to the idea of war with Poland. You see, Hitler, like Blair today, completely controlled the Mass Media Message, and his goons had power in most significant areas of people's lives.
No, for Blair, just as was the case for Hitler, his problems lies in convincing members of the 'elite' that the WW3 creating act of genociding Iran is good for their interests. Literally, convincing people that 'black is white'. Ironically, the strongest way for him to do this is us! You see, his argument is basically "if the rats aren't leaving, the ship can't be sinking". In other words, if the normal people are prepared to shrug their shoulders as a monster like Blair, holding absolute power on just 2 in 10 voters, prepares to exterminate Iran, shouldn't the 'elite' see this as a sign, and back Blair in his plan. Sounds crazy, but do you REALLY think there is anything sane in aggressive warfare??? You had better learn the rules of the madhouse very quickly, if you want any chance of stopping Blair!
I could possibly defend a dictatorship
30.01.2006 10:48
No thank you
30.01.2006 11:46
No Nukes!
Why dont you go and live in Iran?
30.01.2006 13:33
Reap what we sow
30.01.2006 23:17
British troops are now being accused of bombing Ahwaz. It would be naive to assume there is no British involvement in the domestic disturbances in south west Iran. What surprised me most about getting to know Iranians is how much the ordinary people like and respect British and French culture. You can make friends with any Iranian with gifts of HP sauce - which is one of the high points of British culture imo.
Practically, we can't arrest Blair. We need to kill him before he slaughters another few hundred thousand.
everyone should be appalled and protest NOW
31.01.2006 00:26
They are steadily ratcheting up public support for an attack on Iran simply because they only want the awesome power of nuclear capability - specifically nuclear weapons capability - in the hands of governments they control in some way, whether it be economically or through a puppet leader (increasingly the most preferred option in recent years).
It is not possible to advance human rights standards in Iran by one iota by bombing the be-Jesus out of the country and killing innumerable people, human beings like you with two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth. And families, and children and loved ones. And hopes for the future. That does not do the human rights of those killed one shred of good whatsoever.
In terms of law, Iran is clearly certainly a more restrictive, authoritarian and proscriptive a state than the UK is. Not so very long ago, the UK itself and the British Empire was just as brutal, just as uncompromising. And just as foreboding.
The fact that Iran's spiritual, political and democratic freedoms are a soupcon behind our own, does not mean they have any less a right to self-determine their own energy and military needs as a nation.
However wrong human rights are in Iran, however much they are open to improvement and whatever we think of them, everyone should be appalled and protest NOW with an impassioned and renewed sense of purpose and outrage at the calamatous prospects totalled unjust and unjustifiable military action could bring to Iran and the wider world stage.
RIP The Walking Dead
31.01.2006 02:09
RIP the walking dead ... ?
Reclaiming the “Orange Revolution”
by Jordan Thornton
End Fascism Now