Brick Lane London E1 Area questions local councillor's role over Crossrail hole
© The Author /CBRUK / KHOODEELAAR 2006 | 28.01.2006 22:21 | London
In July 2004, UK Transport Secretary Alistair Darling, MP, made a detailed speech in the House of Commons as a de facto promoter of the Crossrail project, now the Crossrail Bill. The Guardian newspaper did its loyal service to Tony Blair by assigning their 'ethnic' relations writer Hugh Muir to do a pro-Crossrail Bill. As a tokenistic concession to the local community that faces the most destruction from the crassly conceived Crossrail Bill, the Guardian included typically incoherent and contradictory bits in that piece. One bit was attributed to then Tower Hamlets Council leader - and over-hyped 'ethnic' achiver. Now that the Crossrail Question is the most politically topical one in the Constituency and around it, KHOODEELAAR publishes the long overdue questions that councillor Helal Abbas did not answer but must answer.
© The Author /CBRUK / KHOODEELAAR 2006
This version was edited at 2212 Hrs GMT on Saturday, January 28, 2006
Questions for ex-leader of Tower Hamlets Council Abbas - after his performance at the KHOODEELAAR campaign meeting of 22 January 2006
1. Did Tower Hamlets Council leader [at the time] Abbas say this to the London paper the Guardian in July 2004?
The GUARDAIN newspaper reported as follows “Helal Abbas, the leader of Tower Hamlets council, said it backed Crossrail in principle but would ensure disruption was kept to a minimum. ”People need to look at the bigger picture. The regeneration effect this will have on the area is something for which we will have to pay a price."
2. If he did then did he say this on the basis of any relevant, acceptable and compelling evidence that he could produce to the community in July 2004?
3. If he could produce that evidence, did he actually produce it to the local community?
4. If he did produce that evidence to the community then where was that evidence produced, if at all and with the assistance of whom? That is, what employee or agent of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council make that production a reality to the community on behalf of the then leader of Tower Hamlets |council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas?
5. knowledge of the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area had that alleged evidence been produced by or on the lawful authority of then Tower Hamlets council leader ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas?
6. What did the then leader of Tower Hamlets |council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas actually understand by “The regeneration effect this will have on the area is something for which we will have to pay a price”?
7. Did he mean that the community had been already selected by the Crossrail hole promoters as a suitable one which could be asked to pay a price for being a community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area?
8. Or did he mean something else, something that neither logic nor reason nor fairness nor common sense recognised?
9. Had the then leader of Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas been told by some source or forces that remain to this day unidentified by him, that there was a concept, a picture that was bigger than the sum total of the knowledge and perception available in the Brick Lane London E1 Area and that that ‘picture’ was based on a fantasy that had been constructed on the ‘ambitions’ of someone extraordinarily perceptive as the ‘first Bengali leader of a British local council’ [the whole of that quoted boast is a pro-racist, pro-imperialist and corrupt fabrication of the truth and it is based on the lies that have been told against the Seelotee speaking Bangladeshi community in the UK by fellow-Blairist councillors on Tower Hamlets Council that ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas] and that without the overly stupid projection of such a bigger picture the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area could not be hoodwinked into tolerating the treachery and the betrayal of the community that was being undertaken via the ‘bigger picture regeneration Crossrail hole inevitability’ packaged of abject lies and utter fabrication?
10. Will the former leader of the Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas now tell all about his own mental and political and career leaders?
11. Will he also tell – in the event that he should question the overriding assumption running throughout the KHOODEELAAR analysis of his role and the role played by his fellow holders of positions as various lead councillors in the period 2001-2004 over Crossrail hole plan and the Crossrail lies and bribery over the land and the space in the London borough of Tower Hamlets - the community the truth of what actually went on at all those meetings that councillors on Tower Hamlets attended about 'Crossrail' and claimed the proportions of their 'councillors allowances' for doing so?
12. Who had been his political leaders upto the day in 2005 when he suffered a displacement – as reported in the Tower Hamlets Recorder which reported the event as a coup whose political profits were embraced by ‘cllr’ ‘Michael Keith’?
13. Given that the former leader of Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas was actually present at the community gathering of Sunday 22 January 2006 at the Brady Centre in the Hanbury Street London E1 against Crossrail hole attack plan/scheme/project Bill and GIVEN also that leader of Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas started his ‘speech’ by wanting to know something that was not about Crossrail hole, how does leader of Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas think the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area will pay any attention to any of the lines that some of his ‘tried and tested’ apologists are allegedly making to save him from being politically sunk down the Crossrail hole come the May 2006 local council election as is now scheduled?
14. What is the local community in the Brick Lane London E1 area in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to make of what if any political stand is ever or was ever taken by ‘the local councillor cllr Helal Abbas’ in defence of the overall and the strategic social, economic, cultural and democratic interests of the area when the same ‘lead councillor’ [‘holding lead positions during at least four years] never makes known to the community the key facts of what he himself says to the Council – and when he says them if at all - and in his relevant position in the Council to others that are constitutionally and politically linked with the Council?
15. Given that ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas stood before the meeting on Sunday 22 January 2006 and wanted to know some obscure response to some even obscurer queries and given that the meeting had already passed a very clear ultimatum against the Crossrail hole giving the controlling [‘ruling’] Group on Tower Hamlets Council 14 days within which to carry out the community’s emphatic demand against the Crossrail hole plan/Bill from the date of that event and given that that ultimatum had been agreed thunderously by the meeting in which ‘cllr’ Abbas himself sat, what does his choice of topic and priority that he uttered in his ‘speech’ prove about his role as a ‘local councillor’ for the very area that is under such colossal attack from the Crossrail hole plan/Bill?
This version was edited at 2212 Hrs GMT on Saturday, January 28, 2006
Questions for ex-leader of Tower Hamlets Council Abbas - after his performance at the KHOODEELAAR campaign meeting of 22 January 2006
1. Did Tower Hamlets Council leader [at the time] Abbas say this to the London paper the Guardian in July 2004?
The GUARDAIN newspaper reported as follows “Helal Abbas, the leader of Tower Hamlets council, said it backed Crossrail in principle but would ensure disruption was kept to a minimum. ”People need to look at the bigger picture. The regeneration effect this will have on the area is something for which we will have to pay a price."
2. If he did then did he say this on the basis of any relevant, acceptable and compelling evidence that he could produce to the community in July 2004?
3. If he could produce that evidence, did he actually produce it to the local community?
4. If he did produce that evidence to the community then where was that evidence produced, if at all and with the assistance of whom? That is, what employee or agent of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council make that production a reality to the community on behalf of the then leader of Tower Hamlets |council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas?
5. knowledge of the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area had that alleged evidence been produced by or on the lawful authority of then Tower Hamlets council leader ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas?
6. What did the then leader of Tower Hamlets |council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas actually understand by “The regeneration effect this will have on the area is something for which we will have to pay a price”?
7. Did he mean that the community had been already selected by the Crossrail hole promoters as a suitable one which could be asked to pay a price for being a community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area?
8. Or did he mean something else, something that neither logic nor reason nor fairness nor common sense recognised?
9. Had the then leader of Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas been told by some source or forces that remain to this day unidentified by him, that there was a concept, a picture that was bigger than the sum total of the knowledge and perception available in the Brick Lane London E1 Area and that that ‘picture’ was based on a fantasy that had been constructed on the ‘ambitions’ of someone extraordinarily perceptive as the ‘first Bengali leader of a British local council’ [the whole of that quoted boast is a pro-racist, pro-imperialist and corrupt fabrication of the truth and it is based on the lies that have been told against the Seelotee speaking Bangladeshi community in the UK by fellow-Blairist councillors on Tower Hamlets Council that ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas] and that without the overly stupid projection of such a bigger picture the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area could not be hoodwinked into tolerating the treachery and the betrayal of the community that was being undertaken via the ‘bigger picture regeneration Crossrail hole inevitability’ packaged of abject lies and utter fabrication?
10. Will the former leader of the Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas now tell all about his own mental and political and career leaders?
11. Will he also tell – in the event that he should question the overriding assumption running throughout the KHOODEELAAR analysis of his role and the role played by his fellow holders of positions as various lead councillors in the period 2001-2004 over Crossrail hole plan and the Crossrail lies and bribery over the land and the space in the London borough of Tower Hamlets - the community the truth of what actually went on at all those meetings that councillors on Tower Hamlets attended about 'Crossrail' and claimed the proportions of their 'councillors allowances' for doing so?
12. Who had been his political leaders upto the day in 2005 when he suffered a displacement – as reported in the Tower Hamlets Recorder which reported the event as a coup whose political profits were embraced by ‘cllr’ ‘Michael Keith’?
13. Given that the former leader of Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas was actually present at the community gathering of Sunday 22 January 2006 at the Brady Centre in the Hanbury Street London E1 against Crossrail hole attack plan/scheme/project Bill and GIVEN also that leader of Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas started his ‘speech’ by wanting to know something that was not about Crossrail hole, how does leader of Tower Hamlets council ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas think the community in the Brick Lane London E1 Area will pay any attention to any of the lines that some of his ‘tried and tested’ apologists are allegedly making to save him from being politically sunk down the Crossrail hole come the May 2006 local council election as is now scheduled?
14. What is the local community in the Brick Lane London E1 area in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to make of what if any political stand is ever or was ever taken by ‘the local councillor cllr Helal Abbas’ in defence of the overall and the strategic social, economic, cultural and democratic interests of the area when the same ‘lead councillor’ [‘holding lead positions during at least four years] never makes known to the community the key facts of what he himself says to the Council – and when he says them if at all - and in his relevant position in the Council to others that are constitutionally and politically linked with the Council?
15. Given that ‘cllr’ Helal Abbas stood before the meeting on Sunday 22 January 2006 and wanted to know some obscure response to some even obscurer queries and given that the meeting had already passed a very clear ultimatum against the Crossrail hole giving the controlling [‘ruling’] Group on Tower Hamlets Council 14 days within which to carry out the community’s emphatic demand against the Crossrail hole plan/Bill from the date of that event and given that that ultimatum had been agreed thunderously by the meeting in which ‘cllr’ Abbas himself sat, what does his choice of topic and priority that he uttered in his ‘speech’ prove about his role as a ‘local councillor’ for the very area that is under such colossal attack from the Crossrail hole plan/Bill?
© The Author /CBRUK / KHOODEELAAR 2006
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Dozens of Tower Hamlets Council web pages report show Abbas failed community
28.01.2006 22:40
what about Council bribing certain businesses in Brick Lane to toe the line?
29.01.2006 09:49
What about Council bribing certain businesses in Brick Lane to toe the line and sink the area?
Who will look out for the poor families, the underachieving kids, the unemployed, the old and the sick as they scramble for the regeneration dosh and leave the most ion need behind?
Is it true that ethnic councillors are just as bad as their white predecessors?
Neither bother about the voters after the election
E1 resident
what about Council bribing certain businesses in Brick Lane to toe the line?
29.01.2006 09:49
What about Council bribing certain businesses in Brick Lane to toe the line and sink the area?
Who will look out for the poor families, the underachieving kids, the unemployed, the old and the sick as they scramble for the regeneration dosh and leave the most ion need behind?
Is it true that ethnic councillors are just as bad as their white predecessors?
Neither bother about the voters after the election
E1 resident
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