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St. Ann's update- Saturday (Jan. 28th, 2006): culmination of events

DAJ | 28.01.2006 17:51 | Globalisation | World

assertion of truth

St. Ann's update- Saturday (Jan. 28th, 2006): culmination of events



Had a really good interview with CBC Radio ONE. It will air Monday morning ('On the Island' (BC) Weekdays, 6:00 a.m. - 8:37 a.m.- at this website: under the heading of 'Schedule' is a link to streaming live via internet- it is also at- 90.5 FM on the radio).

The documentary (Love and Fearlessness) is being screened at the University of Victoria on MONDAY, the 30TH of JANUARY in the HICKMAN BUILDING #105 at 7:30 PM.

The trial is scheduled, still, for FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd at 9:30 AM in COURTROOM #203.

In the meantime, many friends have been arrested for things like loitering and dumpster diving. There are companies out there that hire security guards to protect their garbage.

Something is going to happen next Friday.

love you all

in fate and patience,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

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