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People marched against Jack Straw, arriving in Athens

groovy | 28.01.2006 13:50 | World

The Greek Social Forum protested against Jack Straw, after his arrival in Athens

150 people took part in a protest organised by the Greek Social Forum, in front of the British Embassy in Athens. They shouted "No to the occupation - Let all the armies OUT of Iraq", "The Bombs in Iraq and Yugoslavia are international terrorism", "Straw, butcher, get out of Baghdad" etc.

Afterwards, the people gathered, started a march toward the Prime Minister's Building, since it was being visited by Jack Straw. They were blocked by almost 300 riot police, 50m further. People pushed against the green ones, in the beginning, and then the blue ones. Finally the police went back and the march went on towards Irodou Attikou str & Vas. Sofias str, where there were a lot of riot police cars blocking the street.

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150 people

28.01.2006 16:42

Ligoi re gamoto. Pio polous perimena. Telos padon

Congratullations to all those who went + next time lets try to make it 150,000.
