Big Brother shows misogynism is rife
anon | 28.01.2006 10:29 | Gender
Big Brother showed up the values of modern Britain as being tabloid led without any reference that women can be emancipated. George showed himself to be a misogynist along with Pete Burns, a transvestite claiming not to look like a woman by targeting all the woman in the house for comments that revealed their own inadequacies.
In the house, George and Pete targeted women for a variety of reasons - first of all they made Jodie a hate figure for being open about her sexuality, Chantelle for being young and susceptible (to whom), Rula for being motherly and annoying, Traci for being well adorned and stupid. Today, women face the same challenges of the 'mother whore' complex despite allegations that they have been emancipated. Like the corporate world, which uses PR companies for the purposes of damage limitation, the men below centred their attacks on the looks of women or their aspirations as being little more than being a centre spread. In the case of Rula Lenska, she was irritating for being a mother figure.
George Galloway, Pete Burns and Michael Barrymore felt threatened by being challenged so thought it better to attack women. All of them wanted to preach to the young as if they were standard bearers or self-appointed icons of the young. However, the comments were made without any reference to the fact that old people have been allowed to be young once and hopefully they were allowed to make their own mistakes in life.
George Galloway has clearly shown that he has no capability of self-analysis and his treatment of women just shows what is wrong with politics and having one elected leader who is not challenged.
George Galloway, Pete Burns and Michael Barrymore felt threatened by being challenged so thought it better to attack women. All of them wanted to preach to the young as if they were standard bearers or self-appointed icons of the young. However, the comments were made without any reference to the fact that old people have been allowed to be young once and hopefully they were allowed to make their own mistakes in life.
George Galloway has clearly shown that he has no capability of self-analysis and his treatment of women just shows what is wrong with politics and having one elected leader who is not challenged.
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Change the record.
28.01.2006 14:30
Galloway? Big Brother? Two subjects that most users of this site care very little about. Can't you wankers bore someone else with this shite?
More Tea Vicar
Please stop the feminist screeching, it's hurting my ears!
28.01.2006 16:00
You seem to have ignored the fact that the housemates all bitched about each other regardless of whether they were black/white, gay/straight, man/woman, young/old, Scottish/Welsh/American, etc.
Why do feminists have to attach themselves to the left - It makes me fucking sick.
not a dirty word....
28.01.2006 18:52
a bloke
Brain rot
28.01.2006 19:33
Driveling moron
Grow Up
28.01.2006 22:14
To Steff.
29.01.2006 01:42
if your name is steffan, please post as such.
Because it makes me think you are a sexy young chick when you post as Steff.
Sun reader
Sort of agree
29.01.2006 03:18
Post-ironic doublethink means that the viewers simultaneously think it's banal and a cultural and social forum, because it appeals to the subconscious repressed powerlessness they feel, spending their entire lives being surveilled when ever they're not watching television.
It has given a nod to the radical left in the past (with that lesbian anarchist person), because in Britain, silly controversies and sociopolitical repression are exactly the same thing - post modern entertainment.
That's why Galloway went in - because he's a spook and wants to discredit everyone who was ever stupid enough not to realise what a demagogic prick he is. The respective claims of Endemol and Galloway that they assured him he'd have a soapbox while in fact the OFCOM guidelines prohibit it were both ridiculous, and were not even scrutinized by the media. This goes to show that there is no "serious" or responsible media left in this country which gives a shit about what an MP does, if he's discrediting himself to the benefit of capitalism.
old anon
Jodie the sexual crusader my fucking arse
29.01.2006 12:53
There's a world of difference between being open and unashamed about the fact that one likes sex as much as men (like all my female friends) and being pathetically, neurotically fixated on it (banging tediously on about it ad nauseum) in a horrible joyless way that only demonstrates deep insecurity and the foul way sex has been commodified under consumer capitalism. It has diddly fuck all to do with liberation. Sorry.
Furthermore in a recent interview with the fucking Guardian, Jodie Marsh complained that "feminist bitches" were the reason she wasn't on telly more. Jesus wept. Whatever the feminist equivalent of an Uncle Tom is, she's a prime example.
Jodie Marsh perpetuates the objectification of women - which is obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense.
Your article is a load of wank. I bet you attend non-engineering based "workshops" as well.
Pete Burns was right
Some comments
29.01.2006 15:13
""It has given a nod to the radical left in the past (with that lesbian anarchist person)""
That lesbian anarchist was a whiny, obnoxious, self-obsessed freak - which is why they put her in there. They put Galloway in, as you rightly point out, because they knew that his abrasive, authoritarian, Stalinist peronality would show through eventually and discredit not just him, but the anti-war movement and the left in general.
To Pete Burns was right,
""Jodie Marsh perpetuates the objectification of women""
I agree with your comments apart form the above. I find this kind of feminist shit quite irritating, as men are also objectified as well - models, strippers, pop stars, actors, etc. And to try and put it all on the shoulders of one slapper from Essex is a bit OTT.
Well done the topless model
30.01.2006 23:48
The 'Left' discredits itself constantly by acting like sheep to the slaughter to schmucks like Galloway. For a slimy shit like that to introduce himself casually as one of the leaders of the anti-war movement means he deserves worse than the ridicule and hate he has induced.
I'd also like a list of anyone else who claims to be a leader of the anti-war movement.
We should rub the nose of every Respect member into the mess their pussycat leader has left on our floor. Every member of every left wing political party should be ridiculed by association. They all follow ridiculous leaders and so voluntarily surrender their freedom to represent themselves. They are as bad as the Conservative, Unionist and Labour party. I have to ask, if Galloway was secretly Blairs best friend, could he have tried harder to embarrass the peace movement ?
I only watched the first 24 hours and had no idea who Jodie Marsh was - and would have had no time for her if I had - but she displayed great emotional maturity. She even said she hoped that the ALF were waiting for Pete Burns when he left the house, though that was cut, and I fully agree. Thats another cunt that deserves some violent karma.
Right-wing troll.
31.01.2006 01:11
Are you twilight in drag.
Your bullshit is idiotic, to say the least.
You would have a well paid job as a tout!
(Or do you already?)
Aye, right
31.01.2006 02:04
Hey, my first fan letter.
>Are you twilight in drag.
That was very catty - are you Georgeous George ? I'm the first poster to refer to Twilight as T'wit, though I see others have started do likewise. I'll refer to you as 'Nae-balls' since you can't stand behind a single name.
>Your bullshit is idiotic, to say the least.
Well, I can't argue with Minimalism.
>You would have a well paid job as a tout!
>(Or do you already?)
No, but if the DSS are reading this then I would like to point out I did recently apply for a job with a bicycle co-op, and also as a SysAdmin at a nuclear facility. And that none of my tax financed this genocidal war.
And the rest of you, since when did supposed anarchists start trying to disassociate themselves from feminists ? I must have missed that meeting. Oppose ALL power structures - that's not from anarchist day school, that is kindergarden stuff.
Do you remember the first time?
31.01.2006 03:06
Surely not the first.
>That was very catty - are you Georgeous George ? I'm the first poster to refer to Twilight as >T'wit, though I see others have started do likewise. I'll refer to you as 'Nae-balls' since you >can't stand behind a single name.
No, I'm not Gorgeous George - but I do like pink leotards.
I am D.A.N.N.Y. - of the Borg.
>Well, I can't argue with Minimalism.
You are wrong, I am a maximalist.
>And the rest of you, since when did supposed anarchists start trying to disassociate >themselves from feminists ? I must have missed that meeting. Oppose ALL power >structures - that's not from anarchist day school, that is kindergarden stuff.
Jodie Marsh's father is a millionaire business-man - she didn't become famous for money she did it for the power that fame brings - she is an obnoxious bitch. Oh, and by the way Danny - if you read anything by feminists like Valerie Soalanas - The SCUM manifesto (the Society for Cutting Up Men) or Andrea Dworkin (All men are rapists) then please feel free to post back about how wonderful feminism is!
Do you think that middle class feminist wankers give a shit about you? I doubt they do, because they have lots of money and you don't!
I could laugh in your face if I want
31.01.2006 03:44
Ah, so you have followed my posts and can refer to previous ones. I am so flattered I am blushing.
>You are wrong, I am a maximalist.
I'll look that up and get back to you. It sounds so preposterous that I guess you are blushing.
>Jodie Marsh's father is a millionaire business-man - she didn't become famous for money she did it for the power that fame brings - she is an obnoxious bitch.
Well, to be fair she seems to be more motivated by fame than money, power wasn't an option for a daft lassie like her. But she her unsupported stance against a fellow fuck-up wearing gorilla fur did distinguish her from the scum-sucking bottom dwellers.
>Oh, and by the way Danny - if you read anything by feminists like Valerie Soalanas - The SCUM manifesto (the Society for Cutting Up Men) or Andrea Dworkin (All men are rapists) then please feel free to post back about how wonderful feminism is!
I have and I do! S. C. U M. S. C. U M. S. C. U M. I bet you are one of these dangerous men who deny every man is a potential rapist. I wouldn't lie next to you. Mind you, I can think of better men to kill than Andy Warhol.
>Do you think that middle class feminist wankers give a shit about you? I doubt they do, because they have lots of money and you don't!
Yes they do, they not only give a shit, occasionally one of them give a fuck. And they admire my poverty ! Who'd have thought it ? Even sexist non-entities like you who are mysogonist bastards should seriously consider pretending to be progressive simply for the boost it gives your sex-life.
Odd that you choose to title your little anti-female rant with a male-feminists lyrics - right back at you mate. Oh, IM censor, while I am breaking copyright here I can guarantee personally that Jarvis won't sue me or you tho' I can't guarantee Mr Bolloxs comments.
1986 and I fell in love with JC through this:
you can look, you can look just like anyone else
if that's what you want to do.
I, I could laugh,
I could laugh in your face if I want
oh, but I'm not going to.
When we met last week on Saturday,
I couldn't make a sentence,
I couldn't even say
what I meant to say:
that I want you
(it doesn't hurt to say I want you),
I need you
(I never thought I'd say I need you),
I'll keep you,
oh yes I'll keep you and I'll throw myself away, away, away,
and I'll break you
because I lose myself inside you, I'll make you
fit in the space that I provide you, I'll take you,
oh yes, I'll take you just to push you far away, away, away.
yes, you're all, yes you're all that I ever desire,
still I'll kill you in the end.
when it seems, when it seems that it's getting too soft,
when you lapse into a friend,
There's someone just behind the door
so don't betray your feelings,
no don't talk anymore,
(it doesn't hurt to say I want you),
I need you
(I never thought I'd say I need you),
I'll keep you,
oh yes I'll keep you and I'll throw myself away, away, away,
and I'll break you
because I lose myself inside you, I'll make you
fit in the space that I provide you, I'll take you,
oh yes, I'll take you just to push you far away, away, away.
now we come, now we come to the end of it all,
see it squirming, almost dead.
you can't leave, you can't leave it to die here in pain.
You've got to stamp upon it's head.
I'll go out and you'll stay home
facing up to living,
living on your own,
and I'll curse my pride,
curse my pride,
curse my stupid pride
because I want you
(it doesn't hurt to say I want you), I need you
(I never thought I'd say I need you), I'll keep you,
oh yes I'll keep you and I'll throw myself away, away, away, and I'll break you
because I lose myself inside you, I'll make you
fit in the space that I provide you, I'll take you,
oh yes, I'll take you just to push you far away, away, away.
PT propaganda again!
06.03.2006 00:17