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Will Israel Pull America Into Another Quagmire in Iran

Sam Hamod | 26.01.2006 23:27

With Zionist Extremists & Fascists firmly entrenched in the White House, it doesn't appear they'll have to "pull" very hard. The hard part is duping the American People into accepting another illegal war of aggression, but the Bush/PNAC Regime, and its more-than-willing media, certainly are trying.

Will Israel Pull America Into Another Quagmire in Iran

By Sam Hamod

Al-Jazeerah, January 26, 2006

It appears that GW Bush is once again going to allow Israel to pull America into another quagmire in two areas, in Iran and possibly in the Syria/Lebanon region.

Let me state as I did months ago, if America or Israel attacks Iran, they will not succeed in doing anything but stirring up another mess in the Middle East. There is no way Israel can conquer Iran, nor can America. This week a military investigation team in the U.S. stated that the American military is stretched too thin and is unable to function properly because of that.

What can America possibly gain from an attack on Iran? Iran has made clear, as its allies, Russia and China, that it is going to make nuclear use for civilian consumption—even the head of the IAEA, Dr. Mohammed Al Baradei has made clear that there is no conclusive evidence that Iran is preparing to make nuclear weapons with its facilities. Yet, Bush and his team of liars keeps telling the media, and the media keeps printing the lies and broadcasting them on our national networks, that Bush is right though it is clear he is lying—just as he and his team lied about Iraq.

Israel has a lot to lose also, because Iran now has missiles that can hit Tel Aviv and any major city or facility in Israel. Thus, if Israel goes in and attacks, by missile or by plane, Iran, Iran will retaliate. This will put big mouth Bush into trouble because he’s vowed to “defend Israel, our ally.” What can he do, bomb Iran some more. Then Iran will become involved in the Iraq war, and can send thousands of troops in to attack our already exhausted and beleaguered U.S. troops, and this will lead to more American deaths.

There is also another problem in this whole nonsensical situation—Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons and refuses to cooperate with the IAEA and with the non-nuclear proliferation pacts in the world at the UN. So why is Bush making such a big deal out of Iran possibly possessing nuclear power? None other than the interest of Israel to dominate the whole of the Middle East. First, Israel dragged America, with false in! formation from Mossad, its Mossad moles, and the neo-cons like Wolfowitz, Feith, Rove and others, into a losing war in Iraq, now Israel is trying, with the help of the neo-cons and the U.S. media, into pulling us into a no –win situation in Iran.

Remember this when thinking about warfare—Iran was called Persia—they have 5000 years of military history behind them—with a lot more wisdom than these upstarts and uneducated men who are running our military. If this is the best that West Point and our other military academies have to offer for leadership—then we’d be ready to revamp those institutions and get some wiser an! d cooler heads to run our armed forces and maybe some men with courage enough to tell the president that he doesn’t know a damn thing about war or strategy.

As I said months ago, if Israel or the U.S. attacks Iran, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Bush has already lost a war in Iraq, he has no victory in Afghanistan, and it seems his only solution is to start another war that he can’t win—thus destroying our image as a democratic peace-loving nation, getting thousands more Americans killed in needless wars, totally busting the economy so that his friends at Halliburton and Blackwell and other firms can make money, and in the meantime, with his legal team in place, he’s preaching democracy while destroying democracy and dissent at home in America.

Does all of this sound like it’s a madhouse? A friend of mine, Marvin X wrote a book recently, The Crazy House Called America. I’m afraid he’s right, we’ve become a crazy house, led by an idiot, a man who should be treated for mental disorders and possibly dry alcoholism or worse, according to some prominent psychologists and psychiatrists in America and in the world. If he’s not run out of office soon, the craziness will get further out ! of hand, and what is left of America as we knew it will be lost.

Dr. Sam Hamod writes for a variety of websites; formerly edited 3rd World News in Wash, DC; he also edits, c: sam hamod, jan. 24, 2006

Sam Hamod
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There is NO quagmire in Iraq, just a clever plan under careful execution

27.01.2006 02:31

There is ***NO*** quagmire in Iraq. Those that arranged the invasion were fully aware of the consequences, and indeed will consider that the situation today is FAR FAR better than they could ever have hoped.

1) Everything the public was, and is, told about the invasion and subsequent occupation was nothing more than the usual and fully expected BLACK PROPAGANDA exercise.

2) The invasion of Iraq involved ONE partner that is never discussed, Iran. Iran, operating internationally from London, was and is more essential to the project than the sum total of American manpower, firepower, and finance.

3) The not so secret involvement of Iran, its SS-like death squad divisions (including the Badr Brigades and Wolf Brigades), and its religious enforcers (like Sistani) explain why Iran appears fearless in the light of increasing anti-Iran propaganda. The Iranian leadership, operating closely with Blair on a daily basis (London is Sistani's SECOND home, for instance), are convinced that Blair is merely manipulating the public with respect to attacking them, and doesn't mean it really. In this case, Iran taking Blair's secret word is like the USSR taking Hitler's word, except that when it comes to war, Iran, unlike Russia, stands ZERO chance of survival.

4) The involvement of Iran in the taking of Iraq guaranteed that there would be no short-term or medium-term peace in Iraq. Indeed, the military and political planners were aware that this situation would deliver an every increasing resistance movement, just as desired.

5) In the short term therefore, Iraq becomes a LIVE FIRE TRAINING GROUND. Funny, no matter how many times I point this out, it doesn't seem to sink into people's thick heads. People, learn something about the military. Try reading some books, for god's sake. Heaven only knows, the Human Race has been warring for long enough for the mechanisms of good military practice to NOT be a secret. When preparing for D-Day, US soldiers were blown apart by their own people. Why? Because only when a soldier has experienced REAL combat, and properly learnt that NOT following sensible instructions brings CERTAIN DEATH, does that soldier become a valuable and experienced member of his unit. In any war, EXPERIENCED UNITS have a vast advantage over INEXPERIENCED UNITS. The USA has gone from having a vast army with zero experience of combat, to having a vast army (including large numbers of reserves) with very significant experience of combat situations.

6) US deaths in Iraq are far greater than reported. however, this is of very little comfort, since the figures are still way lower than those projected (by the planners) before the invasion, making IRAQ a much better LIVE FIRE TRAINING GROUND than was hoped for. Like all aggressive war armies, the US army contains vast numbers of mercenaries (in this case fighting for US citizenship). The political situation re. Iraq allows all US politicians to enthusiastically stand behind this policy.

7) Stories of the US army "stretched too thin" are extremely transparent forms of BLACK PROPAGANDA. At this stage, the US (just as with Hitler's early campaigns) has to present a 'human' face. Post invasion, US tactics in Iraq pay 'lip-service' to 'human-rights'. Now, I know what I have just said seems like some kind of sick joke, and rightly so. However, what I mean is the comparison between today, when US forces uselessly drive around in light vehicles so that the resistance can blow them up, and tomorrow, when the US will wage war in the territory of Iraq and surrounding nations by the simple use of EXTERMINATION WEAPON SYSTEMS, hitting trouble spots with firepower that will turn each of them into the mirror of the aftermath in Fallujah.

8) When Iran is struck (and that is due very, very soon), the action will most resemble the greatest act of industrialised mass murder the Human Race has ever seen, the extermination of the people flooding out of Kuwait after the surrender of Iraq during the so-called First Gulf War. When it came down to relentless rapid butchery of helpless and non-threatening people of all ages in the most wicked and perverted circumstances, the 'highway of death' outdid any of Hitler's crimes (or indeed the city-destroying crimes of the Allies), and set us on our current path of endless RACIST AGGRESSIVE WARS.

9) The destruction of Iran by the most powerful and immoral military force our planet has yet seen is a certainty, but for one fact. Blair, and his Neocon proxies (in France, Germany and Britain, as well as the US) have to ensure that the attack does not end their power. The ONLY thing Blair fears is a backlash stong enough to make we, the people, realise where the monster is taking us, and thus destroy him by withdrawing our support. Iran is a stepping stone, and while the NeoCons will cheer to the skies every drop of muslim blood they spill there, this stepping stone MUST lead to the next one. For Blair, the final stepping stone MUST lead to war with China. This is the ONLY war that the American Military is modifying and arming itself for (with documents as open and clear about this as the PNAC described the 'need' to create 911, and Mein Kampf described the intent to war with Russia). Never accuse the bad guys of failing to reveal their plans to you in time.

10) The means by which we, the people, are conditioned and controlled, in order to make Blair's World War possible, follows the methods that many saw in Darren Brown's "the heist" (yes, I'll keep banging on about this perfect illumination for ever- a good example is of almost infinite value). First control THE MESSAGE, and THE ENVIRONMENT. Second, monitor your subjects as closely as possible. No monster in Human History has been able to hit these requirements with such completeness. Whereas the first two have always been possible (though usually with vastly smaller populations), it is the monitoring that is unique to these times. Blair, having near instant access to all the transmitted emails, 'texts' and instant messages sent by the people of the UK, has a quality of 'feedback' that is simply mindblowing. Searching and analysing the entire daily electronic conversation of Britain (once the data is collected, and obvious trash discarded) can be done cheaply and easily with the kind of computing power that can sit on a desk. The same is true, of course, with the regimes in the US, and many other states allied to Blair.

11) Russia and China HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THE DESTRUCTION OF IRAN, so long as they get to suitably 'wet their beaks'. Never heard of the 'spoils of war'? Russia wants what Russia wants, and China wants what China wants. Neither wants to be constrained by the 'moral' rules of the West, so both will cheer the formal death of morality within the West. Of course, the oil must flow. However, the oil biz works just as well with imported humans, and the 'Big Powers' can happily divvy up what once belonged to the charred remains of millions of muslims. An army dedicated solely to the protection of middle-east oil facilities, would have no more problem with whatever muslims remained alive there than you or I would have with the ants in our garden.

12) Before dying, Iran might get of a missile or two. They may even be able to give them nuclear payloads. Sadly, it's all to Blair's good. Remember, in the foul racist press that Blair controls, there are NO palestinian soldiers, only gunmen. And every murderous American cop carries a gun to plant on victims inconsiderate enough to be found unarmed. There is no 'principle' of self-defense, only the successful use of self-defense, and there is ZERO CHANCE of Iran successfully defending itself. A failed attempt of self-defense is used to 'prove' that the victim 'deserved' what they got, by the aggressor.

13) Yes, the racist NeoCons that raped, tortured, and murdered muslims in their millions in order excrete Israel into existence, and the racist NeoCons that support and finance and arm Israel, all are working hard to genocide the nation of Iran, and any other muslims they can get their hands on. They aren't exactly trying to hide the fact.

Crazy? Well, most certainly from the point of view of those of us that think there is ONLY ONE HUMAN RACE. Sadly, the 'master-race' supremacists that Blair uses divide us into humans (them) and sub-humans (the rest of us), and are awaiting a time when their 'god' permits them to impose this 'order' on the Earth.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE REMEMBER THIS- when those that seek conquest are both more powerful than their opposition, and are prepared to use any means to win victory, their victory is assured. I am stating the obvious, and history has shown the obvious thousands of times over. Why then do so many people that oppose Blair and his plans live in denial of the facts? If we fully empower Blair, there is no other force on this planet that can resist his ambitions. Did the people of Nazi Germany REALLY bet their future on the secret desire that Hitler would suffer terrible failure before things got too bad, and there would be a nice safe political re-adjustment that allowed the Germans to keep most of the 'reasonable' goodies they grabbed in the early days? Are we prepared to make the same mistake that they did?


Twilight you daft racist

27.01.2006 09:30

Have you got a word of substantive evidence for the shit you spout? where does it come from?

You actually think you are a great thinker who sees more than others - you are sadly wrong.

Oh dear

Truth is closer than you think

27.01.2006 10:37

Twilight, where the hell is your evidence?

The article you make a brave, but failing, effort to pull apart is far more reasoned and intelligent than these wild assertions of yours. No quagmire in Iraq? Then why all the deaths? which as you rightly say are vastly under-estimated (though more on the civilian side than the military, when a soldier dies the army loves giving them a big send off to stir the patriotic rage).

I wont really bother to pull apart all your assetions, some are fairly accurate, others have so little evidence that even a child could see that your basing it all on opinion.

Iran isnt some kind of "not-so secret" ally in this war, they saw a chance to expand their influence (and spread their fundamentalist ideology, as all religious governments do). Its cynical manipulation, just like the Bush administration. Thats whats pissing off the Bushites - they started this war to expand THEIR influence, now Iran's messing up their imperialist plans and they want pay back.
They're not some innocent, idiotic outsiders being dragged in by Israel, theyre skipping hand-in-hand down the path to war, a fully willing partner - they realise that creating a thousand year reich of their own is pointless, in a few years, after their terms are up, they can take cushy jobs at Halliburton et. al. to profit from what they started.

You assert that because Sistani has a second home in London he's workling with Blair, where the basis for this? Because Liz Taylor has a home in France, does that mean shes in league with Chirac? Despite supporting UKIP?

And as for "Funny, no matter how many times I point this out, it doesn't seem to sink into people's thick heads." Perhaps this is because here, people demand evidence, reason and hard facts, not just spurious assertations and statements of vague co-incidences. Thats is precicely WHY we dont swallow the media propaganda, WHY we look for more information from other sources and why we're are so sceptical of anything coming from the PR men of government. That doesnt mean that we will look for anything to construct a web of lies which doesnt exist, indeed, doesnt need to exist, as this article points out, incompetant man-manegement and blatant greed are the true causes.

Look at Watergate. Duplicity is common-place in American politcs, as it is here. The press and opposition parties dont report certain aspects which display the whole picture (such as the true extent of the Camboida bombings and the corporate ties during watergate for example) because its in their interests - theyve ignored and actively participated in it, and will do so again. (The article points out these hypocrysies over nuclear arms.) All they have to do is keep silent. We can break this silence one day, but not with scatter-gun remarks and flimy accusations.
Please, Twilight, come back to earth and help us fight against the monsters creating the shadows you're currently fighting.

The Last Bondsman

dweller of the gutter ..

27.01.2006 10:50

... begone.

Unsubstatiated bile.

Good read though, Twilight. Ta.

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Israel has a right to concerned about threats to it posed by Iran

28.01.2006 10:36

Given that Iran has made various threats to Israel and could soon posses nuclear weapons then Israel has every right to be very concerned about the threat to its security posed by Iran.



31.01.2006 14:35

You seem to be trying to employ logic and reason to argue with someone who is simultaneously arguing Iran is a secret US ally and that the US is obviously about to attack Iran. After a while of trying to teach the pig to sing, rest your voice and just ridicule Tw'it like the rest of us do.


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