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Paedophile police officer

Anonymous | 25.01.2006 20:31 | Indymedia | Social Struggles | Sheffield | World

Gary Rowlands, ex-police sergeant in the Sheffield area has been placed under 8 charges of child abuse, including rape.

Gary Rowlands was arrested on suspicion of serious child sexual abuse charges by the chesterfield child abuse unit on or around the 8-9th of october 2005. Mr. Rowlands is a former South Yorkshire police sergeant who worked with children.
Mr Rowlands will be answering his first bail on Thursday the 1st
December. He was then rebailed until late January.
Gary Rowlands, has been placed under 8 different charges of child sex offenses today in the Sheffield Area. The victim was alleged to have been aged 8-12 at the time of the abuse and is now aged 15.



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Innocent until proven guilty...?

25.01.2006 21:16

He may have been charged with serious sexual offences, but he has not yet been convicted and is entitled to the presumption of innocence. This posting is a liable and both the original poster and Indymedia UK may be held responsible for it. It should be noted that the Police Federation are quite keen (rightly in my view) on protecting the rights of their members through liable actions when defamed by the press.

And if he is convicted I doubt he will be a police officer for long, though the police discipinary process is almost always delayed until court proceedings are complete.
