Brick Lane London E1 area says Massive NO to Crossrail hole Bill
© The Author / CBRUK / KHOODEELAAR /LCAN /LAWMEDIA 2006 | 25.01.2006 15:27 | Social Struggles | London
UK Transport Minister Alistair Darling can still avoid very dangerous and unnecessary destruction of vital East End community. Today, KHOODEELAAR has updated Darling on the community’s massive opposition to the Crossrail plan for a hole in the Brick Lane London E1 Area. Over 1000 people turned up to heart campaigners at a meeting on Sunday 22 January 2006. KHOODEELAAR legal notices to Tower Hamlets Council to carry out community demand against Crossrail hole Bill
Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign Against the Crossrail hole Bill/scheme/plan
Khoodeelaar Legal email:
Khoodeelaar campaign updates email
Wednesday 25 January 2005
UK Transport Secretary Alistair Darling, MP. Has today been made aware of the notices served on the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council
Christine Gilbert
Chief Executive
Owen Whalley
Head of Major Project Development
London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council
Mulberry Place
5 Clove Crescent
London E14 2BG
Dear Ms Gilbert and Mr Whalley
Subject Khoodeelaar campaign meeting –
Demand 22 January 2006 –
The texts [2] sent by fax 25 Jan 2006
1. You both have been sent this morning the main texts of the KHOODEELAAR campaign resolution as delivered and agreed at the meeting on 22 January 2006 held [at the Brady centre, 192 Hanbury street london e1] in the evening of Sunday 22 January 2006 demanding that the london borough of tower hamlets council pass a single motion as their resolution against the Crossrail hole plan/bill as it is in the uk house of commons now and that they do so in the next 11 days and that the resolution be put to the uk parliament and to the uk secretary of state transport department and that the resolution be phrased and drafted in an unambiguous unequivocal way accurately truthfully reflecting and representing the demand of the community.
2. Mr Owen Whalley has been sent the copy – and is being sent this further amplifier and clarifier – because of the central role he has been playing (as the published documents of the lbth council suggest) in the promotion of the Crossrail hole scheme/project/bill as far as the ‘development’ of the Crossrail ‘project’ for the lbth council goes. He has been sent the material also in order for him to be in receipt of what the community has demanded and what he as the designated employee on ‘Crossrail’ in the lbth council has to do so that the community’s lawful and urgent demand is seen to be recognised and implemented by the relevant employees in the council on every relevant occasion.
3. As the same campaign meeting [22 January 2006] also agreed the taking of legal action in the event that tower hamlets council fail to implement the demand, you both are most certainly going to be included as parties in any such action and so you are being sent this in our voluntary compliance with the requirements of natural justice, due process [and other related concepts] and the civil procedure rules.
4. The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in defence of the BRICK LANE LONDON E1 AREA and against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project/bill is able to confirm to you both today Wednesday 25 January 2006 that we shall include additional demands for the very detailed legal and democratic and economic accountability from the council over any additional costs that tower hamlets council is caused to be embroiled in or involved in or engaged in - whether in any further attempt/s on the parts of those who have access to the finances and the ‘powers’ and the contacts of the london borough of tower hamlets council to justify their roles and their promotions of the Crossrail hole project or in any further unreasonable, irresponsible, improper, undemocratic, anti-social and or ill-conceived egotistic bid/s in defiance of the very clearly expressed demands of the local community and or in defiance of the campaigning organisations representing the fears, needs and demands of the local community against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project/bill and you both shall be included in any list of witnesses who will be asked to give evidence on their own roles and the origins of any orders or decisions that caused them to play the parts that you found yourselves playing in defiance of the local community’s clear demand against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project Bill.
5. Ms Christine Gilbert has been put on notice since the first quarter of 2004 when the chair of the cbruk organisation (which politically organised the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign during that same period in 2004) initiated the first series of extensive questions which were drafted and put to her concerning the role she had played in advising and or working with or in carrying out the actual intentions of any controlling group member of the lbth council on the Crossrail hole scheme/project/scheme. She has failed to date to deal with those questions and despite two recent [final] reminders has continued to fail or refuse to answer the outstanding questions. She has also failed to provide any lawful or reasonable explanation or lawful justification for her conduct and role concerned in the context of the KHOODEELAAR campaign demands, questions and representations.
6. The statements that have been published in the past two weeks in the name of or by the uses and abuses of the lbth council as the corporate entity and about the Crossrail hole bill have contained more than one contradictory assertion and allusion to alleged facts thus creating new grounds for the community to be able to claim that ‘the TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL’ in general and the identifiable ‘controlling group’ councillors are carrying on conducting themselves in defiance of or in conflict with the wishes and the interests of the local community concerned.
7. The KHOODEELAAR campaign is able to confirm to both Ms Christine Gilbert and Mr Owen Whalley that this communication dated and transmitted on Wednesday 25 January 2006 is being made to both of them as a very last attempt at helping the controlling persons involved in the lbth council over the Crossrail hole scheme/project/ bill avoid placing or pushing the corporate entity of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council and its resources in a very costly confrontation with the community in the East End
8. Mr Owen Whalley’s circular ‘to all members’ of the TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL dated 19 September 2005 contains a misleading statement that is of crucial relevance to us and which statement as put to the meeting of 22 January 2006 and was loudly and clearly rejected by the meeting. That statement is in the last sentence in paragraph two of the circular (‘the petition also makes explicit the council’s opposition to an intervention shaft in Hanbury Street and preference for its relocation to Woodseer Street’.)
9. The meaning of the phrase ‘misleading statement’ in this context is any statement that contradicts the community’s opposition to the [or ‘a’] Crossrail hole, to the [or ‘a’] Crossrail shaft tunnel, to the [or ‘a’] Crossrail hole in THE BRICK LANE LONDON E1 AREA and in any other part of THE LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS. This is the position as expressed by the public meeting in support of the khoodeelaar campaign held at the Brady centre on Sunday 22 January 2006. This takes into account the KHOODEELAAR CAMAPAOGN’S remit which recognises the rights of the people in the Mile End area that is also affected by the known Crossrail plans.
10. The KHOODEELAAR campaign is able to confirm that it will treat this document and communication [25 January 2006] as being a reasonable final comprehensive advice, notice and representation to the two most relevant employees in the lbth council of the community’s simple and straightforward demand and position on the role of the LBTH Council in the matter of the Crossrail hole project/scheme/ Bill and of the task that the community has asked the LBTH Council to carry out within the specified time by passing the resolution and then making the same resolution available to the MPs select committee currently sitting to formally consider the relevant aspects of the Crossrail hole Bill [‘the Crossrail Bill’ or the ‘Crossrail hybrid Bill’] in time so that there is no frustration of the community’s wish in the remainder of the process of legislation involved.
KHOODEELAAR campaign demand 22 January 2006 and follow-up legal notice to Christine Gilbert and Owen Whalley concluded at 1436 HRS GMT on Wednesday 25 January 2006
Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign Against the Crossrail hole Bill/scheme/plan
Khoodeelaar Legal email:

Khoodeelaar campaign updates email

Wednesday 25 January 2005
UK Transport Secretary Alistair Darling, MP. Has today been made aware of the notices served on the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council
Christine Gilbert
Chief Executive
Owen Whalley
Head of Major Project Development
London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council
Mulberry Place
5 Clove Crescent
London E14 2BG
Dear Ms Gilbert and Mr Whalley
Subject Khoodeelaar campaign meeting –
Demand 22 January 2006 –
The texts [2] sent by fax 25 Jan 2006
1. You both have been sent this morning the main texts of the KHOODEELAAR campaign resolution as delivered and agreed at the meeting on 22 January 2006 held [at the Brady centre, 192 Hanbury street london e1] in the evening of Sunday 22 January 2006 demanding that the london borough of tower hamlets council pass a single motion as their resolution against the Crossrail hole plan/bill as it is in the uk house of commons now and that they do so in the next 11 days and that the resolution be put to the uk parliament and to the uk secretary of state transport department and that the resolution be phrased and drafted in an unambiguous unequivocal way accurately truthfully reflecting and representing the demand of the community.
2. Mr Owen Whalley has been sent the copy – and is being sent this further amplifier and clarifier – because of the central role he has been playing (as the published documents of the lbth council suggest) in the promotion of the Crossrail hole scheme/project/bill as far as the ‘development’ of the Crossrail ‘project’ for the lbth council goes. He has been sent the material also in order for him to be in receipt of what the community has demanded and what he as the designated employee on ‘Crossrail’ in the lbth council has to do so that the community’s lawful and urgent demand is seen to be recognised and implemented by the relevant employees in the council on every relevant occasion.
3. As the same campaign meeting [22 January 2006] also agreed the taking of legal action in the event that tower hamlets council fail to implement the demand, you both are most certainly going to be included as parties in any such action and so you are being sent this in our voluntary compliance with the requirements of natural justice, due process [and other related concepts] and the civil procedure rules.
4. The KHOODEELAAR! Campaign in defence of the BRICK LANE LONDON E1 AREA and against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project/bill is able to confirm to you both today Wednesday 25 January 2006 that we shall include additional demands for the very detailed legal and democratic and economic accountability from the council over any additional costs that tower hamlets council is caused to be embroiled in or involved in or engaged in - whether in any further attempt/s on the parts of those who have access to the finances and the ‘powers’ and the contacts of the london borough of tower hamlets council to justify their roles and their promotions of the Crossrail hole project or in any further unreasonable, irresponsible, improper, undemocratic, anti-social and or ill-conceived egotistic bid/s in defiance of the very clearly expressed demands of the local community and or in defiance of the campaigning organisations representing the fears, needs and demands of the local community against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project/bill and you both shall be included in any list of witnesses who will be asked to give evidence on their own roles and the origins of any orders or decisions that caused them to play the parts that you found yourselves playing in defiance of the local community’s clear demand against the Crossrail hole plan/scheme/project Bill.
5. Ms Christine Gilbert has been put on notice since the first quarter of 2004 when the chair of the cbruk organisation (which politically organised the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign during that same period in 2004) initiated the first series of extensive questions which were drafted and put to her concerning the role she had played in advising and or working with or in carrying out the actual intentions of any controlling group member of the lbth council on the Crossrail hole scheme/project/scheme. She has failed to date to deal with those questions and despite two recent [final] reminders has continued to fail or refuse to answer the outstanding questions. She has also failed to provide any lawful or reasonable explanation or lawful justification for her conduct and role concerned in the context of the KHOODEELAAR campaign demands, questions and representations.
6. The statements that have been published in the past two weeks in the name of or by the uses and abuses of the lbth council as the corporate entity and about the Crossrail hole bill have contained more than one contradictory assertion and allusion to alleged facts thus creating new grounds for the community to be able to claim that ‘the TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL’ in general and the identifiable ‘controlling group’ councillors are carrying on conducting themselves in defiance of or in conflict with the wishes and the interests of the local community concerned.
7. The KHOODEELAAR campaign is able to confirm to both Ms Christine Gilbert and Mr Owen Whalley that this communication dated and transmitted on Wednesday 25 January 2006 is being made to both of them as a very last attempt at helping the controlling persons involved in the lbth council over the Crossrail hole scheme/project/ bill avoid placing or pushing the corporate entity of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council and its resources in a very costly confrontation with the community in the East End
8. Mr Owen Whalley’s circular ‘to all members’ of the TOWER HAMLETS COUNCIL dated 19 September 2005 contains a misleading statement that is of crucial relevance to us and which statement as put to the meeting of 22 January 2006 and was loudly and clearly rejected by the meeting. That statement is in the last sentence in paragraph two of the circular (‘the petition also makes explicit the council’s opposition to an intervention shaft in Hanbury Street and preference for its relocation to Woodseer Street’.)
9. The meaning of the phrase ‘misleading statement’ in this context is any statement that contradicts the community’s opposition to the [or ‘a’] Crossrail hole, to the [or ‘a’] Crossrail shaft tunnel, to the [or ‘a’] Crossrail hole in THE BRICK LANE LONDON E1 AREA and in any other part of THE LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS. This is the position as expressed by the public meeting in support of the khoodeelaar campaign held at the Brady centre on Sunday 22 January 2006. This takes into account the KHOODEELAAR CAMAPAOGN’S remit which recognises the rights of the people in the Mile End area that is also affected by the known Crossrail plans.
10. The KHOODEELAAR campaign is able to confirm that it will treat this document and communication [25 January 2006] as being a reasonable final comprehensive advice, notice and representation to the two most relevant employees in the lbth council of the community’s simple and straightforward demand and position on the role of the LBTH Council in the matter of the Crossrail hole project/scheme/ Bill and of the task that the community has asked the LBTH Council to carry out within the specified time by passing the resolution and then making the same resolution available to the MPs select committee currently sitting to formally consider the relevant aspects of the Crossrail hole Bill [‘the Crossrail Bill’ or the ‘Crossrail hybrid Bill’] in time so that there is no frustration of the community’s wish in the remainder of the process of legislation involved.
KHOODEELAAR campaign demand 22 January 2006 and follow-up legal notice to Christine Gilbert and Owen Whalley concluded at 1436 HRS GMT on Wednesday 25 January 2006
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