Landon Class War:We Did Not Vote for This!
Worker Freedom | 25.01.2006 14:32
Class War readers with relatively long memories will
recall a predictable pattern at each general election.
recall a predictable pattern at each general election.
Firstly the far-left would call on people to vote
Labour. Then 6-12 months later, and the Labour party
having failed to introduce socialism and abolish
capitalism, the exact same bunch of jokers would run
around complaining "We did not vote for this".
The reality though was that they did vote for "this"
and worse, encouraged others to do so.
By the time of the 2005 general election, even the
UK's last century left had caught on to the fact that
socialism and new Labour were incompatable. Given
this, much of the fast decaying left in Britain
gathered around the Respect Unity Coalition (RUC) or
as it appeared on ballot papers, the Respect Unity
Coalition (George Galloway)
Respect's pitch was aimed at what was left of the old
white middle class left, and to the Muslim community
in certain areas of east London and Birmingham. George
Galloway subsequently got elected to parliament, after
a particularly divisive campaign in Bethnal Green and
History however, has a habit of repeating itself.
Given his behaviour on the gameshow Big Brother (see
picture above) we wonder how many of Galloway's
constituents are now sitting at home muttering to
themselves "We didn't vote for this!"......
Worker Freedom
Hide the following 14 comments
The RESPECT coalition is in crisis!!!
25.01.2006 15:18
We must generate as wide a dicussion and debate as possible in order to analyse and critique the direction of these groups!
Uncle Joe
Pussy galore
25.01.2006 16:23
my vote
25.01.2006 19:41
25.01.2006 19:45
26.01.2006 11:19
what do you want ...
26.01.2006 11:42
If he tows the line and does what every other politician does, acts like them, talks like them - [you] reject him.
If he shows a human line (you know, dress up funny, act like a child ... like we all do at parties demos ... , seeks wider acknowledgment for his campaigning etc) and talks tough (very tough ... it wasn't hyperbole, the reaction to his grilling[sic] from the pathetic amerikan senators, it was shock ... no one had ever challanged amerikan democracy by actually disgreeing publically and with the facts to hand so openly and with such a temper ...) - [you] reject him.
What do you want - the perfect vision of divine human, unimpeachable, without reproach?
What a neive childish, self defeating impossible demand. Get religion aready.
Look at the quality and quantity of his enemies, their desperation to smear, over and over again with the same unsubstantiated ruse ...
... accept the fact that George is a human fool - like me like you like everyone.
Pity that you cannot hear the political thoughts of the man because of the cowardly treachery, the open and revealing censorship, the dispicable and blatent declaration of war against the viewer ... you will have to fill your empty evenings by being treated to P. Burns or M. Barrimore revealing their insights into anal sex, or J. Marshe's discourse on why she is not a slapper because she sells her sexuality to [any] bidder ...
Dumbed down ... & doomed.
... repeat whist rocking against the tv screen ... help is on the way (the 7th space cavalry), but quick catch an update on the squabble over the last bottle of champs, the jokes about penises over on our sister channel ...
Or play your loudest angriest music until rage fills you and then kill your TV.
Big brother executives are big brother executioners.
Uncle Joe is in Crisis!
26.01.2006 14:09
So be told, naughty people!
Mr Spoon
Anarchists, my arse
26.01.2006 14:33
Campaign for Real Anarchism (CAMR@)
Campaign for Real Anarchism (CAMR@) you tool..
26.01.2006 16:07
You fucking idiot.
Then what the fuck is CW on about?
27.01.2006 16:51
Why not read what they say?
28.01.2006 04:00
Given his behaviour on the gameshow Big Brother (see
picture above) we wonder how many of Galloway's
constituents are now sitting at home muttering to
themselves "We didn't vote for this!""
That's what Class War "are on about" - they're making fun of those who get outraged when parliamentary politicians turn out to be preposterous fools, not joining in the outrage.
Voluntary Slave
Free George Galloway
29.01.2006 14:16
Cat suits
29.01.2006 14:56
I think GG is the one in the least I hope so!
Class War are nobodies
30.01.2006 20:53