Otilia Alexandru and Olivia Popa | 24.01.2006 19:24 | Repression | World
As citizens of Romania, a country that is about to adhere to the European Democratic Union, we wish to express our concern for the corruption that permeates the highest official authorities and the judicial system in our country.
Dear Madams and Sirs,
Please, allow us to let You know about our Open Letter, and also we politly ask you to help us to make this letter to be read in the European Union Parliament.
As citizens of Romania, a country that is about to adhere to the European Democratic Union, we wish to express our concern for the corruption that permeates the highest official authorities and the judicial system in our country.
We are really worried for our future and our children’s future due to the worsening of the judicial system in Romania.
The law officials openly “defend” the wrongdoing committed by the Mafia groups, politicians, businessmen, by means of the resolutions that they sign and that oppose the very idea of justice, detrimental to the common citizen.
These resolutions give carte blanche to money laundering, fiscal evasions of tens and hundred million euros every day.
No one will ever bother to add up these amounts of money that our country is deprived of, through judgement ; there is nowhere a record of it, or of the taxes that should be paid for!!
We truly believe that the trifling number of politicians under trial does not count at all, as long as the people behind the scene, the real corrupters judges ,- attorneys-at-law, public notaries, lawyers, policemen- are still at large, exempt from the long arm of the law and free to destroy lives, to impair the democratic beginnings in Romania.
Corruption among the judges attorneys-at-law, public notaries, lawyers, policemen, has reached such level that endangers even the existence of the state of Romania.
We are appealing and demanding from the European Union to stop the adhering process of Romania, while corruption is at peak in our country
By simply accepting Romania into the EU on January 1 st , 2007, the European Union will undermine and harm the Romanian citizens irreversibly. The EU is in the position where it can help Romania and its citizens in their fight against this plague, corruption.
Keep Romania out! This is the only way that we, its citizens, will have a place to go and file our petitions and complaints about malfeasance .
Otherwise, we will go with our claims on corruption to the corrupters themselves!
We are really convinced that, once Romania will put its name on the list of the member states, the Romanian people will not benefit anything from it, but all the funds destined to us will end up in the corrupters’ pockets!!!
The Romanian justice has nothing in common with this so noble job, of defending the common man against evil. Democracy puts in danger everything that they believe in and, thus, they would do anything to stop this process of democracy.
Romanian people deserve much more than humiliation and frustrations that they encounter on a daily basis, in their country.
In Romania, laws are ignored by judges, and because of them, laws are not capable of having effects , nothing is predictable in the Romanian justice system as long as the law officials openly defend the corruption. The Romanian justice activity raises threats of harm to human rights. We are not protected against official corruption in Romania, as long as no judge, public notaries, attorneys at law, policemen, lawyers was convicted until now for corruption and abuses.
Romanian Justice attacks directly the right to dignity and physical, mental and integrity.
These are the people we are talking about! And they are free and nobody can do anything. And we are wasting our time, life, losing our dignity and pride!
The fact of adhering to the EU of a state where justice does not hold in esteem the human rights and tramples on them would not do any good to its regular citizens. They will be always laughed at by the corrupters who will know that they are the winners. And they take it all!!
We bear the obligation to admit and tell the truth about Romania of our days.
You have the obligation to listen to us about our truth. Do not let yourselves fooled by deceitful statistics and reports. Corrupters will claim victory on their side should Romania adheres to the European Union.
You have the obligation to hinder Romania from adhering, to acknowledge the corruption within the legal system in Romania!
Which Romanian will ever dare to complain about corruption, ask for political or economical asylum in the EU member or any democratic states, if Romania will walk into the coalition?
Afterwards, it will be even harder to realise how big of a mistake have been made by including Romania on the list!
Do not praise and crown with laurels the Romanian justice’s forehead!
The leaders of the western countries have to apprehend, in this twelfth hour, that the adhering will translate as the worst thing ever happened to Romania.
Gentlemen, we do not find any justice in our own country: the retired people can barely afford their medication and food, our children get sick and die from minor diseases, the most of our income is appropriated by the people whom we have elected. We become more and more powerless and defenceless before the overnight - millionaires that pretend to serve us and , instead, they break the law nonchalantly.
We need Your help in our fight against corruption. Do not praise us for the small steps we are making towards the real democracy , at the moment Romania fails to meet virtually every objective test for EU admission; so, laws can only work if they are enforced and enforcement can only work if the structures are in place to do it ; change old ways of doing things, it will require a CHANGE IN MENTALITY!!!
We admit that changing mentality can not happen overnight, but we are waiting for this in Romania since 1989 ( 16 years), and nothing changed.
Enforcing laws and changing mentality in not because for EU, far from it, THIS MUST BE THE FACTORS THAT HAS TO DETERMINE EU TO ACCEPT ROMANIA!
The Romania adhering to the European Union on January 1 st , 2007 will mean a brutal repudiation of the dramatic reality we are witnessing nowadays. It would be the last straw for all the honest people living on the Romanian land.
Do not give a helping hand to the Romanian justice by accepted the adhering of Romania to the EU. This would be one of the unforgivable history mistakes. Our people will be bound to a life full of disgrace and shame.
We do wish a real adhering that will be beneficial to us, the people, not to the corrupted layers of our society. A real adhering that will slap in its face the genocide that our people have been surviving for a long time.
Otilia Alexandru and Olivia Popa