Tash Testing a phone video page
Tash | 23.01.2006 18:18
From the Notts Wiki page at: http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/NottsVideoTest his is very early days in a test here, but though I'd give it a whirl ........ From my P800 mobile phone, I can shoot from between 10 - 15 sec of video with audio. It is all a bit of a toy, but we might be able to make it interesting, to deliver a 'newsworthy event' in short snatches. Many will not be able to upload, or watch, 'full-spec' video, so this might be quite enabling for some. I think this is as useful, and possible exciting as the audio-blog, since not many go out with a sound recorder and camcorder, BUT most do go out with a mobile phone. Am now finding out if there are any significant differences between upload in the 'Video-blog' at http://www.youtube.com as opposed to just uploading as a media to Indymedia direct. Hence all this testing. The file format, the phone bangs out is [ .3gp ]. Thus it might not be recognised as a vlid indymedia format for direct upload there. This was a sample set I experimented on, from the Stop the War Demo, at the Victoria Centre, Nottingham on saturday ....... the embedded objects are supposed to appear between these markers. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clearly, it no work. Bugger !!!