Think You Know What Happened On 9/11?
Greg Nixon | 23.01.2006 02:11 | Analysis
Do you honestly think a guy on dialysis in cave on the other side of the world and 19 Arabs could
fly loopty loops in jumbo jets while our trillion dollar defense and intelligence network was asleep?
Doesn't it make more sense that we needed a manufactured crisis to change our foreign policy and
have a pretext for endless war?
fly loopty loops in jumbo jets while our trillion dollar defense and intelligence network was asleep?
Doesn't it make more sense that we needed a manufactured crisis to change our foreign policy and
have a pretext for endless war?
Think You Know What Happened on 9/11?
Do you still believe 9/11 was a terrorist attack where 19 Arab fundamentalists on orders from laptops in caves on the other side of the world outsmarted our trillion dollar defense and intelligence network? Doesn’t that sound like an outrageous conspiracy theory? Have you heard the alternate conspiracy theory: the one where radical elements in the U.S. Government wanted a transformation of foreign policy and increased military spending, and in order to do so, they would need a “New Pearl Harbor“ to galvanize the masses to a war agenda(1). To ensure such an event, these individuals actually plotted and carried out such an attack, 9/11, and killed 2,986 Americans. The question is which story better explains the facts surrounding the day of the attacks?
It is now clear the official explanation of the attacks on September 11th 2001, the 9/11 Commission Report, is a carefully constructed lie to cover up the truth of what occurred on that horrible day. This is seen through the painstaking analytical refutation of the official story by Professor David Ray Griffin in his book: The 9/11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortions (2). To use the words of Kevin Ryan, whistleblower from Underwriter Laboratories, the company which certified the steel in the WTC, “Anyone who honestly looks at the evidence has difficulty finding anything in the official story of 9/11 that is believable. It’s not one or two strange twists or holes in the story, the whole thing is bogus from start to end (3).”
If 9/11 was not a surprise terrorist attack, then who did it and why? The evidence is strongly pointing to rogue elements in the Bush/Cheney administration, primarily individuals associated with the NeoCon think tank, the P.N.A.C (Project For A New American Century: the authors wanting another Pearl Harbor), private military contractors and corporations. Author Webster Tarpley, in 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the U.S.A (4) goes into great detail about the intricacies of these operations best described as “False Flag Terrorism.” In other words, make it look like the people you want to attack or invade (Arabs) attacked us first.
Quite simply, the alleged Al Qaeda “terrorists” did not have the operational capability for such a spectacular attack, and further these “terrorists” were actually coddled intelligence assets with no real ties to the actual operation of 9/11, this horrifying domestic attack was carried out by “black operatives” in the U.S. military (5).The U.S. Military? That’s right! Ever heard of Operation Northwood’s (6)? Did you know that 9/11 was actually drilled a dozen times? That on the day of 9/11 itself, there were a combination of war games (7) and Terror drills (8), only this time it went “live”. Did you know that explosives brought down the Twin Trade towers (9)? Or how about the fact that two of the flights 11 and 77 did not exist on that day in the Government’s data base the BTS (10) - that there is evidence that flights 175 and 93 were not destroyed on that day (11)?
I cannot think of a more dire crisis in our Republic and for the future of humanity as a whole than a false flag terror attack on Americans plotted and carried out by elements in our own government for political expedience and corporate enrichment - not to mention the groundwork laid for the next world war. These killers and enablers in our government and military apparatus must be brought to justice at once. 9/11 was immensely successful in rallying the masses to a war agenda which has redistributed billions of dollars towards projects not in the interests of a humane Democracy - Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, two wars of aggression, the Patriot Act and a clearly fraudulent election - These crimes deserve a 21st century “Nuremberg Trial” There are no other political concerns. 9/11 truth must be made known. If we don’t win this battle it is all over, for all of us.
Now is the time for activism. Now is the time for the people to get together and say this frame-up on humanity ends now. If you think this is too overwhelming, too large to take on, remember the Civil Rights Movement. A few ordinary folks simply decided they had had enough. Talk to your neighbors, form discussion groups, start planning a way to get every honest and decent American together to stop this madness. We are many and the criminals few. This is no longer about the Left or the Right; this is about good vs. evil. You the reader have the power to stop this. Start the dialogue now.
Greg Nixon
150 “smoking Guns” for 9/11 Government Complicity
For extensive analysis of private military contractors preparing for 9/11:
Do you still believe 9/11 was a terrorist attack where 19 Arab fundamentalists on orders from laptops in caves on the other side of the world outsmarted our trillion dollar defense and intelligence network? Doesn’t that sound like an outrageous conspiracy theory? Have you heard the alternate conspiracy theory: the one where radical elements in the U.S. Government wanted a transformation of foreign policy and increased military spending, and in order to do so, they would need a “New Pearl Harbor“ to galvanize the masses to a war agenda(1). To ensure such an event, these individuals actually plotted and carried out such an attack, 9/11, and killed 2,986 Americans. The question is which story better explains the facts surrounding the day of the attacks?
It is now clear the official explanation of the attacks on September 11th 2001, the 9/11 Commission Report, is a carefully constructed lie to cover up the truth of what occurred on that horrible day. This is seen through the painstaking analytical refutation of the official story by Professor David Ray Griffin in his book: The 9/11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortions (2). To use the words of Kevin Ryan, whistleblower from Underwriter Laboratories, the company which certified the steel in the WTC, “Anyone who honestly looks at the evidence has difficulty finding anything in the official story of 9/11 that is believable. It’s not one or two strange twists or holes in the story, the whole thing is bogus from start to end (3).”
If 9/11 was not a surprise terrorist attack, then who did it and why? The evidence is strongly pointing to rogue elements in the Bush/Cheney administration, primarily individuals associated with the NeoCon think tank, the P.N.A.C (Project For A New American Century: the authors wanting another Pearl Harbor), private military contractors and corporations. Author Webster Tarpley, in 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the U.S.A (4) goes into great detail about the intricacies of these operations best described as “False Flag Terrorism.” In other words, make it look like the people you want to attack or invade (Arabs) attacked us first.
Quite simply, the alleged Al Qaeda “terrorists” did not have the operational capability for such a spectacular attack, and further these “terrorists” were actually coddled intelligence assets with no real ties to the actual operation of 9/11, this horrifying domestic attack was carried out by “black operatives” in the U.S. military (5).The U.S. Military? That’s right! Ever heard of Operation Northwood’s (6)? Did you know that 9/11 was actually drilled a dozen times? That on the day of 9/11 itself, there were a combination of war games (7) and Terror drills (8), only this time it went “live”. Did you know that explosives brought down the Twin Trade towers (9)? Or how about the fact that two of the flights 11 and 77 did not exist on that day in the Government’s data base the BTS (10) - that there is evidence that flights 175 and 93 were not destroyed on that day (11)?
I cannot think of a more dire crisis in our Republic and for the future of humanity as a whole than a false flag terror attack on Americans plotted and carried out by elements in our own government for political expedience and corporate enrichment - not to mention the groundwork laid for the next world war. These killers and enablers in our government and military apparatus must be brought to justice at once. 9/11 was immensely successful in rallying the masses to a war agenda which has redistributed billions of dollars towards projects not in the interests of a humane Democracy - Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, two wars of aggression, the Patriot Act and a clearly fraudulent election - These crimes deserve a 21st century “Nuremberg Trial” There are no other political concerns. 9/11 truth must be made known. If we don’t win this battle it is all over, for all of us.
Now is the time for activism. Now is the time for the people to get together and say this frame-up on humanity ends now. If you think this is too overwhelming, too large to take on, remember the Civil Rights Movement. A few ordinary folks simply decided they had had enough. Talk to your neighbors, form discussion groups, start planning a way to get every honest and decent American together to stop this madness. We are many and the criminals few. This is no longer about the Left or the Right; this is about good vs. evil. You the reader have the power to stop this. Start the dialogue now.
Greg Nixon











150 “smoking Guns” for 9/11 Government Complicity

For extensive analysis of private military contractors preparing for 9/11:

Greg Nixon