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Interview with Peter Ryan of Cosmetic Vacations

small WORLD Podcast | 19.01.2006 07:48 | Culture | Gender | London

small WORLD interview with Peter Ryan of Cosmetic Vacations.

Cosmetic Vacations
Cosmetic Vacations

Interview with Peter Ryan of Cosmetic Vacations. We discuss Cosmetic Vacations mission; how Cosmetic Vacations began; why they are located in Brazil; why plastic surgery is so popular in Brazil; what is the most requested procedure; how they select their partner surgeons; sights to take in while in Rio de Janeiro; Christ the Redeemer; the Burle Marx botanical gardens; the Jardim Botanico; is plastic surgery making us homogeneous in appearance?; MP3 breast implants; the Pamela Anderson physique; the sign of an excellent surgeon; non-invasive procedures in plastic surgery.

Featured song is "Invertebrate Blues" by B Street Blues.

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Fuck off, yuppie scum.

19.01.2006 10:13

Go peddle your fucking adverts somewhere else.
