Infousurpa Independent weekly poster of social centres activities
Infousurpa | 17.01.2006 18:24 | Free Spaces | London
Infousurpa | 17.01.2006 18:24 | Free Spaces | London
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thanks for doing this and sorry we lunched out this week
17.01.2006 20:00
>> Wed january 18th from 7.30pm, laydeez only WANC cafe and cabaret
No samba practise at the rampART this week as it's the Womens Anarchist Cafe again...
The theme is spaghetti western (very topical with that brokeback cowboy film out at the mo)
We will have our own movie... a short cult puppet one that Shanti has found...! And maybe some other happenings.
>> Thursday 19th, 8pm sharp, free cinema,
Last weeks screening was attended by about 60 people so arrive on time if you want to be sure of a good seat.
This week we are showing:
+ Walmart - the high cost of low cost (2005, 95 min, Directed by Robert Greenwald) -
"investigative outcry driven by stringent reporting rather than attitude." -Entertainment Weekly
"An engrossing, muckraking documentary ... but if you're expecting an angry diatribe, you're going to be disappointed." -LA Times
"By the final credits you may want to picket Sam Walton's grave." -Boston Globe
+ Why I Love Shoplifting From Big Corporations
+ Rev Bill and the church of stop shopping
+ a bunch of other shorts
>> Friday evening, 20th Jan, Buddist meditation
Two times a month, Tibetan Lama Jechi gives a meditation class in the rampART library.
Peace and Tea available. Please come on time. Thank you. I think it started 7pm last time.
>> Friday - Sunday video activist gathering
The rampART is the venue for a weekend long gathering of radical film makers, screeners and distributors to get together for skill sharing, workshops, screenings and film exchange. It's not an open event, if you are interested in attending you should email to confirm there is still space. However, the event ends with a public screening on sunday night to which everyone is welcome.
>> Sunday 22nd, 7pm, special radical film night
This event will be a showcase of a whole bunch of independent grassroots films from all over the place. We have yet to decide which films to show but it is likely to include the thought provoking 'Latitude 36' from Cine Rebelde []) plus music and live VJ'ing. It starts 7pm. Entry by donation to help cover the costs of the weekend video gathering.
We'll probably put together a programme and mail it out before sunday.
here are details of rampART events this week