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Shop a Cop courteous of The Sun..

The Sun Editor | 16.01.2006 18:25

Feel hard done by the Right Wing Press? Got caught on a trump up charge? or just simply want to get your own back at the Police State? Then send them a line naming ya Cop.

The Sun
The Sun

Yup that’s right, the right wing press has finally gone mad. It is time to pay the The Sun the respect, it Sooo long deserve. The Sun Newspaper group want anyone to grass a Lazy Cop. Yup that’s right, the sleeping Policeman/women, and please no joke about speed-humps after all The Sun is a very serious newspaper.

Time to Shop a Cop,

It is easy as this, a simple click below.

Feel hard done by the Right Wing Press? Got caught on a trump up charge? or just simply want to get your own back at the Police State? Then send them a line naming ya Cop, better still sent them a snappy pic with a Lazy Copper looking bored at one of the many hundred Demos held around the country or a copper throwing its weight around.

Show your happiness with The Sun. :D

The Sun Editor