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BNP scum in Leeds next week

No Borders please | 15.01.2006 20:33 | Anti-racism

Stop this! Press release form BNP aparantly having protests next week in Leeds as Nick Griffin goes on trial

Official press release form the BNP reads as follows
( I love the bit that says no unauthorised persons are allowed to speak to the media. How's that for free speech, the idiots don't even know what it means)Read the dross-

Free Speech on Trial January 16th 0930 hrs

Free Speech goes on trial on Monday 16th January when Mark Collett and Nick Griffin attend Leeds Crown Court to defend themselves against the Crown’s charges that both men used words and conduct likely to incite racial hatred when they gave speeches to private meetings in West Yorkshire two years ago.

The action was brought about after an “undercover” investigator working for the BBC filmed the speeches which were then screened on a BBC documentary; the sole purpose of which was to discredit the British National Party as a party of opposition to the Labour government. This is the kind of behaviour one could expect from military juntas and fledgling democracies in the Third World, not Great Britain which led the world in the implementation of a parliamentary democracy. But three important operations of the State; the BBC, West Yorkshire Police and the Crown Prosecution Service, all run by Labour party appointees colluded to bring about this political show trial.

Can of worms

The charges will be vigorously defended and the trial will be used to demonstrate both the vicious attacks on free speech by the New Labour regime and to prove that Islamic fundamentalism is an evil faith which has no place in Britain. This is a can of worms which New Labour will live to regret opening. The trial and its consequences will have a tsunami effect across British society and overseas. Will a British government jail the leader of an opposition political party simply because that opposition leader warned his countrymen of the dangers of Islamic influence in Britain and Europe? This is not a trial about causing race hatred, it is free speech itself which is on trial and it seems that people of all backgrounds outside of Britain can see this much more clearly than many of our own compatriots.

Support for the Free Speech Two is reaching global dimensions. Several overseas media operations have expressed interest in the trial and will be covering proceedings from Leeds. A group of American free speech supporters is planning to hold a demonstration outside the British Consulate in Houston, Texas on Monday (16th) to coincide with the start of the trial. Donations and pledges of donations have come in from all parts of the globe; messages of support have been pouring into our inboxes from people in America, Australia, India, Brazil, eastern Europe, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Mexico and a dozen more nations.

Mountain of mail

Our treasury team had a fantastic surprise this morning (14th). Royal Mail managers had to lay on an extra van to deliver sacks full of mail to our Treasury team in Hull. They now have the weekend to plough through a mountain of mail which has arrived mainly in response to the personal letter of appeal which was sent out to all BNP members and known donors earlier this week.

Supporters from Civil Liberty and the newly formed Christian Council of Britain will be co-ordinating their own protests in Leeds throughout the trial alongside members of the British National Party.


Given the size of the demonstration and the high media profile the opening day of the trial is expected to generate the protests in support of Mark and Nick will be well stewarded with everyone attending expected to be acting in the most dignified manner.

Stewards will be in charge of the demonstration that take place in Leeds city centre over the next two weeks and advise the following:

• Please bring flags on flagpoles. Flags are not to be worn around the neck, like people attending a football match or five-year-olds playing “Superman”.

• Please prioritise bringing St. George and flags of the British Isles featuring crosses, such as the Flag of Saint Andrew. These flags should take priority over Union Flags at this demo.

• No unauthorised persons are to speak to the press. On previous occasions Labour supporters have posed as journalists and have attempted to interview as many of free speech supporters as possible, trying to glean information from naive nationalists. Only a small handful of BNP spokespeople will be speaking to the press. We will announce who these people are on the day. If the 'press' attempt to speak to you at the demo please direct them to these named press spokespeople.

• On this occasion refreshments will also be provided free of charge to Free Speech supporters.

The Free Speech Two have set up their own Internet Blog which will be updated daily once the trial gets underway. It will be an all time first for the English legal system; a detailed account of a criminal and a political show trial on the Internet. BNPtv will carry interviews and reports on most nights after the daily proceedings in the court room.

Funds still needed

The need for extra security and the publicity activities has placed a considerable burden on the already stretched finances of the Party and while money is coming in we still need to reach our target of £12,000 over and above routine income to pay for these additional expenses. Please make your donation online or by post, details can be found here.

Show your support for the Free Speech Two, one of the defendants is a husband and a father of four, the other is a recent graduate just starting out on life’s roller coaster ride. Both men could face up to seven years imprisonment simply for warning of the dangers of Islamic influence in our country. They both deserve your moral and physical support. Show your solidarity with them by wearing a Defend Free Speech wristband.

Nick and Mark are not the only ones who have spoken about the threat of militant Islam to the west in general and Britain in particular and two excellent books by recognised academics are available from Excalibur.

Really, What Twats!

No Borders please


Display the following 4 comments

  1. The Master(bating) Race — Combat Combat 18
  2. Inciting racial hatred. — Den
  3. to combat comabt 18 — johnny english
  4. All was not well, apparently — JW