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america's heart turnd black

Murdock Todd Cote | 11.01.2006 03:14 | Analysis

cry freedom for America and rid her of the Ultra Right RNC

The day America’s heart turned Cold

An editorial


Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

The Republican controlled congress has shown America a great example, how cold they can be when it concerns the poor, low income, the elderly and the mentally challenged and disturbed and the disabled. They cut food stamps, they cut education, and they cut medical care and also heating support like Li Heap and medicine for all who needs it. I think the GOP has forgotten what it means to be human to care. Yeah Mr. Bush has touted religious charity that dog just won’t hunt. I wrote an article called government, some agreed with me and some did not. That is what makes America special and free to live in, that is why we have the declaration of Independence, the constitution and the bill of rights. I remember Mrs. Roosevelt fought and got a declaration of Human rights. Lately however America’s heart has turned black with ignorance and hypocrisy of action.

This is a short article but I think most people would get what I am saying and understand my disgust for the Republican right wing ultra conservatives, who have an agenda that belongs in another time and another world. The wounds caused by this right wing conservative government and its President are deep and painful and will take many years for it to heal. We are a divided country, by hate, mistrust, ignorance and religious bigotry by the RNC right wing ultra and their religious backers, who are nuts as Osama Bin Laden and his gang of Zealots and Murderer and cowards. Come November I hope as a writer that she will get her heart and soul back from those who have stolen it. I called Rep Allen and Michaud to ask that they introduce Emergency funding for Li Heap, it won’t happen with the right wing ultra conservatives in control of the House and Senate I can only pray for a miracle to happen to save our country. Mr. Bush here in the real world we judge deeds not words. You will find out come November.

Murdock Todd Cote
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