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Brick Lane London E1 Area Manifesto 2006 Against Crossrail hole Bill

© CBRUK / KHOODEELAAR 2006 | 10.01.2006 11:34 | Analysis | Social Struggles | London | World

Tony Blair’s hogging of the ‘headlines’ over the ridiculous ‘respect agenda’ today Tuesday 9 January 2006 is an indulgence that must be put into perspective. The Blairite behaviour of the controlling group on Tower Hamlets Council has been abysmally anti-democratic.


Tony Blair’s hogging of the ‘headlines’ over the ridiculous ‘respect agenda’ today Tuesday 9 January 2006 is an indulgence that must be put into perspective. The Blairite behaviour of the controlling group on Tower Hamlets Council has been abysmally anti-democratic. Unless Tower Hamlets council is democratized by the community in the borough, there may not be much left of the community AS WE KNOW IT. That community is coming under increasing sell outs and sell off attacks. And that is even before we examine the massive violations of the community that are planned under the Crossrail hole Bill. The role played so far by controlling factions on the local Tower Hamlets Council in the East End in bringing the Crossrail hole attack schema upon the Han bury Street, Princelet Street and upon the neighbouring streets has been the key determinant in giving the Crossrail-backing interest the ‘confidence’ that they can destroy the Brick Lane Area and yet face no tangible demand for accountability from the East End community.

Here is Part C of the KHOODEELAAR MANIFESTO 2006

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

khoodeelaar manifesto Part c Tuesday 10 jan 2006

1. The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill will use the existing laws to establish the facts of the local Tower Hamlets council’s use of the legal powers to make grants and other funds available to ‘voluntary’ organisations in the community.
2. The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill will make sure that the holders of senior positions in the employment of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council (LBTH ). The LBTH Council do not follow the political orders or personal preferences of individual councilors or of controlling groups of co7ncillors if those orders or preferences are at variance with the interest of the local community and if those orders and preferences are also in conflict with the social, cultural educational, economic and environmental interest of the local community

3. The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill will publish the fullest legally available information on which groups in the local community in a given financial year was given what sum of money by the LBTH Council to achieve what objective and under what democratic and transparent criteria

4. The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill will publish the active links of all holders of elected positions in the Council with all known groups and gropy0ongs in the Borough so that the behaviour of the councilors can be democratically monitored by the community.

5. The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill will also publish the information on the councillors’ links with any senior employee of the council and with any other councilor so that the behaviour of the councilors can be democratically monitored by the community

PART D will appear later on this week



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Where's your MP when you need him?

10.01.2006 13:54

If only George Galloway was here, he could stand up for his constituents and keep this issue on the front pages, rather than ignorning the needs of the people he is paid to represent by spending the winter months locked in a TV house...


KHOODEELAAR ! updater on 'local MP' G Galloway

10.01.2006 16:07

Khoodeelaar! THE BRICK LANE LONDON E1 AREA CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE CROSSRAIL HOLE BILL has been seeking confirmation from George Galloway’s office.

On Monday 9 January 2006 we sent an email to him. We received no reply unto 1430 hrs today.

We have received MANY QUERIES based on the news items in the evening standard and today's daily mail about the alleged 'debate' on Crossrail.

We are scheduled to issue our own campaign statement about that in the next 24 hours.


mail e-mail:

FTB the racist Troll strikes again

10.01.2006 16:37

FTB this morning you were excusing the murder of a young American girl by the Israeli army and slagging off her parents on Oxford Indymedia. Now you are posing as a resident of Bethnal Green and slagging off George Galloway, as well as posting links for a New Labour front organisation.

This organisation pretends to represent the residents of Bethnal Green but no one around here has ever heard of them. It is 100% spin with no basis in reality outside New Labour's PR department. In addition, the company behind this is based in Hertfordshire and Covent Garden neither of which is in Bethnal Green, so what is their interest in slagging off George Galloway?

I didn't vote for George Galloway and I don't like him, but its none of your's or anyone else's business who we vote for in Bethnal Green. I am sick and tired of the media, New Labour and extreme right-wing tossers like you still cannot accept the people of Bethnal Green did not vote for that loser Oona King, but preferred a clown like George.

The only reason Oona lost is because she is a New Labour hack from west London, parachuted into a safe seat via the notoriously corrupt Hackney Labour Party, who arrogantly refused to listen to her own constituency party or local residents opposition to Tony and George's War to further her own career. The former MP Peter Shore would not have been so arrogant and would have kept the seat for Labour, by listening to the concerns of the majority of his constituents and opposing the war. George Galloway did not 'win' Bethnal Green, Oona King lost it, get over it!

Like all politicians Galloway is a greedy wanker, but he is still the person the majority of people voted for in Bethnal Green. If the world must accept democratically elected but blood stained War Criminals like Sharon, Blair and Bush, then at least we can all enjoy laughing at a twit like George Galloway.

Finally, FTB? Does that stand for Fellating Tony Blair?

Bethnal Green Resident

Tower Hamlets Council is still backing Crossrail scheme

10.01.2006 21:02

In their statement as shown on the Tower Hamlets Council web site and dated 4 January 2006, the Council state:

'The Council supports the Crossrail scheme in principle, but not at any price.'
Then they go on to explain what the 'but not at any price' really is about. They go on to state
'We want to minimise the social impacts, especially the environmental effects on the borough. Tower Hamlets is continuing to consult with Crossrail with the aim of maintaining ongoing negotiations and resolving as many of the issues as we can prior to our appearance before the Select Committee'.

There is not a word about the Council OPPOSING the Crossrail hole in the Brick Lane area.

Have you asked the Council about that?

We have many members who live in the Brick Lane area. Most of them are aged fewer than 20 and they face grim future if Crossrail are allowed by the Council to dig the hole and cause the destruction of the area.

East London Youth Advice

Did I Really?

11.01.2006 06:10

"FTB this morning you were excusing the murder of a young American girl by the Israeli army and slagging off her parents on Oxford Indymedia."

Er... No, I didn't. I've never even logged on to Oxford Indymedia. Or, in fact, been to Oxford.

Oh, and the people who run the Get Back To Work website live in Bethnal Green — it's registered in Cov Garden because that's where they work.

Tell me, why is it racist to point out that an MP is not representing his constituents? And if it's so terrible an wrong to be concerned about the actions of an MP from a constituency you don't live in, will you pour similar bile onto anyone who ever criticises, say, George Bush without being an American?


PS - note the irony

11.01.2006 06:44

"The only reason Oona lost is because she is a New Labour hack from west London, parachuted into a safe seat"

Unlike salt-of-the-earth lifelong East Ender George, who in no way dropped himself into the only seat in Britain he had a hope of winning in and then spent three months campainging on the most vile anti-semitic platform witnessed in East London since the Brick Lane riots.


What did Oona do to represent the community against the Croosrail attack?

20.01.2006 16:19

What did Oona do to represent the community against the Crossrail attack?

Please give only facts, not fiction.

We attended a meeting at Toynbee Hall during 2004 and heard Oona King say that she believed the local community would come round to accepting Crossrail if the Crossrail promoters had explained the 'benefits' more !!!

That does not show much sensitivity.

It certainly does not show any respect for the community.