Bush wants Nukes - Navajo Say NO WAY
World War three has been Declared by G.W. BUSH | 08.01.2006 23:33 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Zapatista | World
Git R' Done
It's time to Kick ass and Chew bubble gum... And I'm all out of gum
RIGHT NOW there is an amendment on the (US) congressional floor that sets a new timetable for the forced relocation of a number of Navajo families on Black Mesa and they need your support! Visit Big Mountain.
It's time to Kick ass and Chew bubble gum... And I'm all out of gum
RIGHT NOW there is an amendment on the (US) congressional floor that sets a new timetable for the forced relocation of a number of Navajo families on Black Mesa and they need your support! Visit Big Mountain.
Bush Wants Nukes - Navajo say NO WAY
World War three has started In Indigenous North America Come in Solidarity
Big Mountain, Black Mesa Spring Caravan & work parties
by BMIS Thursday January 05, 2006 at 12:48 AM
blackmesais@riseup.net 928-773-8086 P.O. Box 23501, Flagstaff, Az 86325
RIGHT NOW there is an amendment on the congressional floor that sets a new timetable for the forced relocation of a number of Navajo families on Black Mesa and they need your support! Visit Big Mountain.
# This spring a caravan will be traveling to Black Mesa. One of the starting points will be from Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Area. Carpenters, gardeners, permaculture practioners, mechanics, body-workers, sheepherders, anyone willing to put in a hand, join the caravan! Contact BMIS for details.
# Stay with a family on Black Mesa. Come as an organized work crew over a few days or weekend, or stay for a few weeks to longer. Honor these traditional elders by volunteering to give them comfort and peace by herding sheep, by organizing work crews to go to home sites, and/or by providing other essential but appropriate skills such as holistic therapy and renewable energy technologies. There's a Cultural Sensitivity Packet at
http://www.blackmesais.org for new to Dineh culture and for tips on what to bring.
World War three has started In Indigenous North America Come in Solidarity
Big Mountain, Black Mesa Spring Caravan & work parties
by BMIS Thursday January 05, 2006 at 12:48 AM

RIGHT NOW there is an amendment on the congressional floor that sets a new timetable for the forced relocation of a number of Navajo families on Black Mesa and they need your support! Visit Big Mountain.
# This spring a caravan will be traveling to Black Mesa. One of the starting points will be from Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Area. Carpenters, gardeners, permaculture practioners, mechanics, body-workers, sheepherders, anyone willing to put in a hand, join the caravan! Contact BMIS for details.

# Stay with a family on Black Mesa. Come as an organized work crew over a few days or weekend, or stay for a few weeks to longer. Honor these traditional elders by volunteering to give them comfort and peace by herding sheep, by organizing work crews to go to home sites, and/or by providing other essential but appropriate skills such as holistic therapy and renewable energy technologies. There's a Cultural Sensitivity Packet at

World War three has been Declared by G.W. BUSH