"Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon" hidden. WHY?
Deputy Dog | 08.01.2006 19:44
Why was the post Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon"
hidden in this forum.Is indiemedia a government tool?
hidden in this forum.Is indiemedia a government tool?
Why was the post Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon"
hidden in this forum.Is indiemedia a government tool?
You know the fact that it was not a 757 that hit the Pentagon,can not be cobered up ,and magiced away as easily as the magic bullet theory.Folks like the Above top secret forum, et al can try and debunk it all,but their arguements are not even logical.
Therefore one has to ask..who are they really working for?
I ask again indiemedia why the hidden post?
hidden in this forum.Is indiemedia a government tool?
You know the fact that it was not a 757 that hit the Pentagon,can not be cobered up ,and magiced away as easily as the magic bullet theory.Folks like the Above top secret forum, et al can try and debunk it all,but their arguements are not even logical.
Therefore one has to ask..who are they really working for?
I ask again indiemedia why the hidden post?
Deputy Dog