Galloway in Penzance.
DisRESPECTful | 05.01.2006 14:39
£15 is a bit steep just to shout abuse at the arsehole. St Johns hall in penzance 4th February whatever year it is now. Anyone fancy standing outside with eggs flour and various other goodies?
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05.01.2006 16:20
05.01.2006 16:27
Why not dress up as a Pirate of Penzance just to emphasise that that phoney is no better than the corporate raiders and pirates that have bled Iraq dry of every single little coin they could get out of a defenceless Iraq.
He made money during the sanctions, and has made a fortune in Britain and America promoting himself as some kind of principled anti-war activist, when he is nothing more than a bloodsucking leech.
How moderate I'm I?
For the right wing fool
05.01.2006 17:00
I will be there with my eggs and flour a well chum – but not for Galloway - for you dickhead
05.01.2006 17:00
There are genuinely horrible people running the world - how come the pro-war mob are so obsessed with one maverick, flashy, blowhard, Jack-the-lad MP?
Pointless vendettas are, you know, pointless
agent provocateur
05.01.2006 17:17
Galloway wasn't worried about the US senate or the Labour Party heavies and he won't be worried about a little agent provocateur like you.Grow up young fella!!
Reply to squirrel
05.01.2006 17:19
you are a moderate shit with much to be modest about..
George in Penzance ..He's in Big Brother!
05.01.2006 22:21
Which makes a change from fighting big brother.
little brother
Fascinating insight into Respect coalition.
05.01.2006 23:02
Uncle Joe
Bloody Fly By Nights Posing as 'Anarchists'
06.01.2006 17:15
Too Much Time
"I'm a leader of the peace movement"
09.01.2006 22:44
Galloway's "Hi, I'm one of the leaders of the peace movement" introduction was so casual that he must go around saying that all the time and he probably believes it. There are no leaders of the peace movement. Let me shout that. THERE ARE NO LEADERS OF THE PEACE MOVEMENT. 92% of the UK was against the war and they came together in a non-heirarchial grass-roots movement of new activists and old activist. Such self aggrandisement and shameless is the death knell of any respect that Galloway deserves regardless of his current self-promotion. It's typical of the way all the desperate socialist parties try to take over demo's and rule every agenda, and typical of their incompetence and ego too.
Chris Eubanks doubtless considers himself 'one of the leaders of the peace movement' and he has as much cause to as Galloway does, George has certainly lowered himself and his supporters to that level of ridicule. Supporters of 'Respect' claim this is a canny move to gain wider publicity. They probably believe the maxim 'all publicity is good publicity' but I'm sure Michael Barrymore could enlighten Georgeous about that. It's finally given Barrymore a way to revive his career - once Galloway is found buggered and drowned in the jacuzee.
It does me good though - my socialist mum chucked away her copy of Galloways book unread when she heard, I'll maybe finally be able to stick her onto AK Press.
17.02.2006 12:59
Agreed, Galloway has consistently proven himself to be a lying little twat and doesnt nesicarily warrant the effort needed to drench him in flour. But why do so many of you argue over who has the most relevant target in your sights. Galloway may not drop bombs but he has probably taken money he shouldn't have and sided with some pretty vile creatures, so, if someone does fancy telling him he's a cunt then why should others say they should be aiming at someone else. Surely taking action against even a minor target should be supported and if you personally fancy tackling the big giant head only (and probably getting nowhere for all his security) please do so and shut up about how great you are for doing it!