Islam Watch - Alamgir Hussain
Sylhety-Boy | 04.01.2006 15:40 | Analysis
Naturally, I have chosen not to debate religious issues with him
instantly as I've suspected, "he is not the author of those
articles". In fact, he has stolen these deliberately faulty anti-
Islamic materials from those very corrupt Nazi Zionist sources.
instantly as I've suspected, "he is not the author of those
articles". In fact, he has stolen these deliberately faulty anti-
Islamic materials from those very corrupt Nazi Zionist sources.
I suspect Alamgir Hussain is Zionised and or heavily sedated by
Zionism and Zionist publications.
It would be interesting to find out Alamgir's point of views
regarding issues below and other issues canvassed earlier as they
could be argued and settled by using conventional methods and means.
Naturally, I have chosen not to debate religious issues with him
instantly as I've suspected, "he is not the author of those
articles". In fact, he has stolen these deliberately faulty anti-
Islamic materials from those very corrupt Nazi Zionist sources. Most
of the sources he referred to are well known Zionist, closet Zionist
and Zionised ones with their trade mark characteristics! The Zio-Nazi
style of suffocating others or slaughtering free speech could be
traced in the corporate media as well as "Mukto Mona", "khilafism"
and other groups of similar beliefs. Surely, they ought to be exposed
for the sake of free speech.
Extracts of the links below are only a few amongst many of my
articles published in the Sydney Morning Herald and they speak for
themselves. Nazi Zionists were unable to answer me or refute them.
Yet, the Nazi Zionists made many many attempts to eliminate Margo
Kingston. After years, they have succeeded. The Sydney Morning Herald
Web Diary no longer exists and Margo does not work for SMH too. They
are trying to eliminate Philip Adams, Mike Carlton and many good
peoples too.
Because, Zio-Nazis do not like to the truth and if anyone dares to
tell the truth faces the Nazi Zionist wrath. Today, they have
zionised America and many fools became Zionists or Zionised all
together without even knowing it. Many Americans are fighting and
dying for Nazi Zionist Israel, which by the way is totally
inconsistent with American constitution and way of life.
Links and extracts
I always wondered, why a Jew has to worry about an Arab or Muslim?
Why do they have to produce totally false and misleading slurs and
slanders against others? Why do they have to claim their racial
purity and superiority?
I also wonder, why the hell 99.9999% people of this universe reject
Judaism? Why the Jews were kicked out of 2800 places in more than
2800 times? Why did they wonder around the sand for five thousand
Penultimately, if Martin Luther, Shakespeare, Philip Adams, Margo
Kingston etc are anti-Semites then Jesus Christ must be anti-Semite
Source: Come On Racist And Fascist Jews
Lily Rosen,
Israelite of America aka neo-con Daniel Pipe told us today at the
ABC's religion report, "the Christian countries used be 'anti-
Semitic' up to 1945 and Muslim countries used to provide protection
to the 'Jews'. However, since 1945 Muslim countries adopted anti-
Semitism, ... ". He also told us, "an Iranian politician believes
that Israel should be destroyed … ". Therefore (he inferred),
Americans and rest of the world have to fight to protect Israel by
attacking Iran!
Is it a wish full thinking or the total zionisation of the universe,
may I ask? I ask this question not that I care about religion. I am
asking this question because you have introduced Islamic religion in
this debate in a derogatory manner.
From: "taxi_faruque"
Date: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:43 pm
Subject: Iran Should Have Nuclear Weapons
The neo-con inspired illegal and immoral Anglo-American terrorism in
Iraq was based on false and engineered reasons and grounds. Such a
blatant act of AmeriKKKa forced North Korea to become nuclear for
it's legitimate security. So is Iran.
A nuclear Iran may be the answer for a regional stability and
security. Remember (despite my opposition to nuclear weapons) the
Pakistani nuclear weapons have been acting as a peace maker in the
region for the first time in the history of man kind.
Sources: Iran Should Have Nuclear Weapons
From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Tue Jan 3, 2006 6:50 pm
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
Mr. Alamgir,
You are welcome to examine the link below called
"The Religion of Peace by Mukto Mona Fraudsters"
Like all other Nazi Zionists and Zionised Gutless Wonders they hide
behind and pollute the airwaves. Ershad Manji is another example
Hypocrites of Mukto Mona love to promote Nazi Zionist crook like
jsaid and his unsubstantiated propaganda. However, they love to
protect his criminal empire too. In order to substantiate my case, I
ask you to examine "Nazi Zionist Haven Mukto Mona" Ironically,
hypocrites of Mukto Mona won't publish any valid materials that may
expose him.
However, some desperate sections of the media time to time publish
many nitrogenous wastes of Ershad Manji
and people like you. Surely, none of you are qualified or elected to
talk on behalf of Muslims. While I note your right to speak as an
individual or any other capacity you may have other than on behalf
of Islam or Muslims.
As I said earlier, "Israel-Palestine conflict got nothing to do
with religion and I was not talking about religion in the first
place. Incidentally, Ershad Manji and people like you got a
few things in common! You guys love Israel, hate Muslims and condemn
Islamic literatures. I wonder why? This new trend appears to be
consistent with the "mighty" Israeli propaganda arms regarding these
issues exposed recently. … "
Please allow me to say, in depth religious discussions require
proper knowledge, training, open and tolerant mind free of earthly
oppression and subjugations. Therefore, prior to such a big-ticket
item I opted for an easy one for mutual convenience. Surprisingly,
you do not wish to debate the easiest one!
Your demonstrated knowledge and prophecy regarding Israel-Arab
conflict is very corrupt in my humble opinion. Your inability to
find the truth in the 21st century is like one's inability to find
a tree in a forest! In this circumstance, it would be very difficult
to debate with some one about sensitive religious issues.
By the way, do you have to tender your unsubstantiated expressions
regarding Islam and Islamic identities in a violent way?
Waiting for your considered response.
Faruque Ahmed
From: "mmalamgir"
Date: Mon Jan 2, 2006 10:45 pm
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
I do not know who Mr. Ahmed is, how respected or whatsoever - it's
no of my ineterest. I did not bring any accusation against him. It
is he who lambasted me for my writings without making any attempt to
point out where I commentary was wrong. It is he who need to refute
me. I do not have any interest to refute his issues. There are
thousands of articles that Mr. Ahmed can forward which he does. I do
not have time to read those articles.
If he has any problem with my writings - he should point out my
flaws in a civilized way. Which I doubt Mr. Ahmed will do. This not
the way Muslims deal with issues. It started with prophet Muhammad
assassinating his opponent writers without bothering to refute his
criticism - Muslims continue do that barbaric activity even today
with the same zeal..
From: "austro_bangla"
Date: Mon Jan 2, 2006 8:06 pm
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
Mr. Faruque Ahmed is a respected person. He debates and discusses
issues by their merits and religion got nothing to do with them.
Nazi Zionists or Israelites made a few attempts to assassinate his
character without any luck so far. Previously he was attacked in
this group by gutless Nazi Zionist Israelites. This week we
witnessed another attack on Free America Now!
I'll ask Mr. Alamgir Hussain to answer Mr. Ahmed properly regarding
From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Mon Jan 2, 2006 1:39 am
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
Mr. Alamgir,
Israel-Palestine conflict got nothing to do with religion and I was
not talking about religion in the first place. Incidentally, Ershad
Manji and people like you
got a few things in common! You guys love Israel, hate Muslims and
condemn Islamic literatures. I wonder why? This new trend appears to
be consistent with the "mighty" Israeli propaganda arms regarding
these issues exposed recently. However, for now, let's talk about
non-religious political matters. Should you wish please examine the
following links and identify any error(s). Later, if you want, we
will talk about religion without any prejudice!
Kind regards
1. Free America Now
2. Israeli Holocaust
3. Israel = Nazi
4. Lebanon
5. Iranian Terrorists
6. Silent
7. A Strange Kind of Freedom
8. Security Council's Genocide
From: "mmalamgir"
Date: Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:50 am
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
Dear Mr/Ms Taxi,
I have just exoressed my honest views about this conflict as I see
it. Islam-watch, Vinnomot etc. websites were very kind to circulate our voices. There could be other dimension or my premises could be
incorrect. You are free to refute my view.
100% papers around the Muslim world are hell-bent on castigating
Israel and West/USA. If there cannot be any probplem with that a few
voices, raising an alternative dimension to Muslim thought should no
way be a problem. Be a honest man and refute the thesis presented in
my commentary. Scaring, castigating or choking someone to silence is
no use. It's a civilized world of 21st century - not the 7th century
From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:35 am
Subject: islam-watch-watch
People like Alamgir Hussain, Ershad Manji and links below
have a few common characteristics! All of them say they are Muslims
or ex-muslims. They also say they love Israel!! They also find faults
in Islam and the holy Qur-an!!!
Why is it so?
People with bigger guns and cheque books like United Zionist
Terrorist State of America found "democratic, humanitarian, and
proletariat" leaders like Parvez Mosharraf in Pakistan, Husni Mubarak
in Egypt, King Abdullah in Jordan, etc. Etc. These days they are
discovering people like Ershad Manji and Alamgir Hussains of the
world and parachuting them in the Muslim society! They would like to
re-write holly Qur-an like Constantine and others!
I therefore would like to ask people like Alamgir Hussain and Ershad
Manji the following questions;
1. Why don't you change your name to Alamgir Advani or
Ershad Sharon,
2. Why do you have to say you are an ex-muslim or Muslim,
3. Do you receive any financial or otherwise support from the
Zionist Israel, Israelites of our time, "Jews" or Zionists at all?
4. Why do you like to talk on behalf of Muslims?
5. Why don't you like talk on behalf of Israelites of our time?
6. Why don't you like talk on behalf of Nazi Zionists of Israel?
7. Why don't you like talk on behalf of Jews inside and outside
8. Why do you have to talk about Islam?
The abovementioned people and groups got something else common
too! Should you wish to debate or discuss with them and if you are in
the upper hand then their "lords" will attack you electronically and
otherwise!! Please don't forget to as who is behind tragedy? "Free
America Now!" is a very successful, free five years old vibrant and
open debate forum. It have been facing attacks before but this time a
bit professional. Possibly assisted by Mossad or CIA!
With thanks
Sincerely Yours
Friday, 30 December 2005
Source: Mukto Mona Watch
Is it possible or fair to assume:
1. People involved in "Mukto Mona" , or
2. Supporters of "Mukto Mona" , or
3. Sympathisers of "Mukto Mona",
May have been behind the "Free America Now!" tragedy?
Sincerely Yours
Friday, 30 December 2005
I want to visit my group Free America Now!
Instead of an access I am getting these messages below! I wonder why?
Who is behind this?
We're Sorry...
Your group is temporarily unavailable. We are aware of this problem
and are working on a resolution. (code -9997)
We apologize for this inconvenience.
To find out more about Taxi please visit the link below
Re: matter no - 3 of 2005
I the undersigned have been advocating for bailee taxi drivers'
rights and interests in the state and federal instrumentalities,
Parliaments, media and before the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission and formerly the Trade Practices Commission as:
1. Secretary/Treasurer and President of Taxi Drivers' Section of the
NSW Transport Workers Union respectively,
2. Vice-President and President of Taxi Industry Services Association
respectively and
3. President, NSW Cabbie Welfare Association."
From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:50 am
Subject: Re: Hypocrites of Mukto Mona
Welcome to Free America Now! This is a free forum unlike the
hypocritical Mukto Mona. You can't be a "Mukto Mona" unless you
respect free speech. Selective moral and free speech demonstrated in
Mukto Mona reveals the fearful and sheltered mindset of the
"Calling Mukto-Mona members "gay, lesbians, child molesters or even
Paedophilias" for no reason shows his another typical religious and
illogical mindset. The less we talk about it the better for the
hatemonger taxi-wala. I would like to request the moderators to read
his posts carefully before approving his holy trash."
Yes, it is fair and proper do disclose ones vested interest or
conflict of interest prior to a debate and that got nothing to do
with religion. It is called accountability and transparency. By the
way what's wrong with "taxi-wala"? Should you wish to find anything
about "taxi-wala" please look around the Zionised media as they have
been reporting about "taxi-wala" for a long time. Why are you so keen
to "moderate" others? What made you so perfect, may I ask? Is it
because you are an elitist or chosen one? Waiting for your considered
From: "charbak_bd"
Date: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:09 am
Subject: Re: Hypocrites of Mukto Mona
Dear Members:
After reading the taxi-revolution's unsophisticated harangue I am
pretty convinced that the hypocrite is none but that
pseudonymous "taxi-revolution" himself. What Zionism, Nazism,
American Terrorism, Genocide in Iraq, Daniel Pipes etc. has to do
with MM policy and its mission, and why taxi's silly challenge is
targeted against MM is beyond my understanding. MM has mentioned
very clearly its mission statement,
"We are against all kinds of social injustices, religious and
oppressive dogmas, doctrines, and discriminations. We critique
everything that hinders people's access to civil liberty, freedom,
democracy and secularism. We take a strong stand against all kinds
of human rights violations such as oppression of ethnic/religious
minority community and gender-based discriminations against women,
homosexuals and others. We have, and still do condemn oppressions
and persecutions against minority Hindu, Quadiyani and other ethnic
communities in Bangladesh; targeted killings of minority Muslims in
Gujarat, India, oppressions of Palestinians and others. We strongly
opposed Iraq War since we don't support illegal and coercive
occupation of a weaker country by its stronger counterpart."
(check :
aboutus.htm )
Many of our authors (members) of Mukto-Mona including Dr. Yogi
Sikand, Dr. Ram Puniyani, Dr. Jaffor Ullah, Bonna Ahmed, Prof. Ajoy
Roy, Sukla Sen, Dr. Farida Majid, Ariana Huffington, Syed Aslam,
Mehul Kamdar, Jahed Ahmed, Prof I. K. Shukla, Dr. Nalinaksha
Bhattyacharia, Robin Khundkar, Ananta Das are proved to be ardent
critique of American foreign policy and west imperialism. I wonder
how the following posts and articles escaped from Taxi's vulture
eye :
The Crimes of U.S. `Democracy' posted by Yogi Sikand:
Bush Is A Liar: Majority Americans Opine posted by Sukla Sen
Roots of violence posted by Ram Puniyani
Markin ShamrajjoBaad niye (Part1, Part2) {Bangla} by Ananta Dash
Nalinaksha Bhattacharia :
Export Democracy in the world by US - An Oxymoron!'
Daniel Pipes is well known for his advocacy of ethnically cleansing
Palestinians :
Some comments on Ali Sina's article titled "The Day Principles
Bonna Ahmed :
Some Afterthoughts on US Election
Rebuttal to Ali Sina:
"Kerry For President? An Election Like No Other "
Jaffor Ullah :
The value of selling values grew on Election Day
Senator Kerry's defeat and take home message for American liberals
Jahed Ahmed:
George Bush for Second Term? No way?br>
Bush's war on terror: A missing factor (with Avijit)
Ajoy Roy:
An Immoral War thrust upon Iraqi People :
Also check the "Current affairs" section, especially "World around
us", "Iraq War", "US election 2004" section
I can produce tons of similar articles from MM archive that
extensively express our stand, but I am sure these will no way be
sufficient to convince a taxi-revolutionary fanatic Islamic mind who
chooses to hide himself under a weird pseudonym and associated with
a hate-group "freeamericanow". This pseudonymous guy has taken an
onus in his shoulder to send and publish tons of article criticizing
Zionised media and RACIST USA administration in that group (which is
OK for me though), but he had not spent a single line on Islamic
fundamentalism, Islamic violence or minority oppression in muslim-
dominated countries so far in his group or in other forums. This
typical mindset of defending his own dogma and spreading hateful
comment towards others especially to the freethinkers and human
rights activists eventually has revealed his own hypocritical mind,
and nothing else.
I normally do not react to these silly non-senses, however our
moderator Mehul Kamdar has personally requested me look at the
issue, as he also did not find any meaning in taxi's "revolutionary"
post. Hence I had to do little research to write the above rebuttal.
Calling Mukto-Mona members "gay, lesbians, child molesters or even
Paedophilias" for no reason shows his another typical religious and
illogical mindset. The less we talk about it the better for the
hatemonger taxi-wala. I would like to request the moderators to read
his posts carefully before approving his holy trash.
From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:00 pm
Subject: Re: Hypocrites of Mukto Mona
"Mukto-Mona: Forum for freethinkers"
is a lie because this forum is not free for all.
The head honchos of that forum edit, block and censor postings. They
compartmentalise and block people with different point of views.
They are afraid of peoples' power and do not trust people. That's
why they hide behind "moderation".
Many of them do not disclose their vested interests. Some of them
hide behind "free speech and thinking" while silence others free
speech and prevents free thinking. It appears their main targets are
Islam and Muslims. They do so in a well known Zionist way, i.e.
false and unsubstantiated attacks without any right of reply! They
also have some connection with Israel and specifically that Israeli
special department to mistranslate Islamic literatures including the
holly Qur-an and Hadiths. They do not dare to criticise Israeli war
crimes and genocides!
Some of them may be gay, lesbians, child molesters or even
paedophilias. They want all religious books to be rewritten. Surely,
they have the right to exist and I do not have anything against
them. However, prior to any debates their own standings, practices
and beliefs ought to be declared for the sake of accountability and
To-day I challenge all of those so called Mukto-Mona freethinkers to
answer the followings properly:
Stop The Blame Game
Zionism vs Nazism
Zionised American Terrorism
Zionised US Assisted Genocide In Iraq
Daniel Pipes
Israeli Holocaust
2GB - Hate Machine Of Sydney
The Complaint or
Original Complaint
The Letter:
Child Molester Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Part 1
Child Molester Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Part 2
Child Molester Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Part 3
Murdoch's Ackerman
False And Misleading Advertisement
Who Is Daniel Pipes
Race And Religion Based Violence Against Taxi Workers
Text Book and Teachings at Moriah College
Source: Sydney "Secret" Politics Society
Anti-Muslim 2GB
Source: Hypocrites of Mukto Mona
Zionism and Zionist publications.
It would be interesting to find out Alamgir's point of views
regarding issues below and other issues canvassed earlier as they
could be argued and settled by using conventional methods and means.
Naturally, I have chosen not to debate religious issues with him
instantly as I've suspected, "he is not the author of those
articles". In fact, he has stolen these deliberately faulty anti-
Islamic materials from those very corrupt Nazi Zionist sources. Most
of the sources he referred to are well known Zionist, closet Zionist
and Zionised ones with their trade mark characteristics! The Zio-Nazi
style of suffocating others or slaughtering free speech could be
traced in the corporate media as well as "Mukto Mona", "khilafism"
and other groups of similar beliefs. Surely, they ought to be exposed
for the sake of free speech.
Extracts of the links below are only a few amongst many of my
articles published in the Sydney Morning Herald and they speak for
themselves. Nazi Zionists were unable to answer me or refute them.
Yet, the Nazi Zionists made many many attempts to eliminate Margo
Kingston. After years, they have succeeded. The Sydney Morning Herald
Web Diary no longer exists and Margo does not work for SMH too. They
are trying to eliminate Philip Adams, Mike Carlton and many good
peoples too.
Because, Zio-Nazis do not like to the truth and if anyone dares to
tell the truth faces the Nazi Zionist wrath. Today, they have
zionised America and many fools became Zionists or Zionised all
together without even knowing it. Many Americans are fighting and
dying for Nazi Zionist Israel, which by the way is totally
inconsistent with American constitution and way of life.
Links and extracts
I always wondered, why a Jew has to worry about an Arab or Muslim?
Why do they have to produce totally false and misleading slurs and
slanders against others? Why do they have to claim their racial
purity and superiority?
I also wonder, why the hell 99.9999% people of this universe reject
Judaism? Why the Jews were kicked out of 2800 places in more than
2800 times? Why did they wonder around the sand for five thousand
Penultimately, if Martin Luther, Shakespeare, Philip Adams, Margo
Kingston etc are anti-Semites then Jesus Christ must be anti-Semite
Source: Come On Racist And Fascist Jews

Lily Rosen,
Israelite of America aka neo-con Daniel Pipe told us today at the
ABC's religion report, "the Christian countries used be 'anti-
Semitic' up to 1945 and Muslim countries used to provide protection
to the 'Jews'. However, since 1945 Muslim countries adopted anti-
Semitism, ... ". He also told us, "an Iranian politician believes
that Israel should be destroyed … ". Therefore (he inferred),
Americans and rest of the world have to fight to protect Israel by
attacking Iran!
Is it a wish full thinking or the total zionisation of the universe,
may I ask? I ask this question not that I care about religion. I am
asking this question because you have introduced Islamic religion in
this debate in a derogatory manner.
From: "taxi_faruque"
Date: Mon Feb 14, 2005 4:43 pm
Subject: Iran Should Have Nuclear Weapons
The neo-con inspired illegal and immoral Anglo-American terrorism in
Iraq was based on false and engineered reasons and grounds. Such a
blatant act of AmeriKKKa forced North Korea to become nuclear for
it's legitimate security. So is Iran.
A nuclear Iran may be the answer for a regional stability and
security. Remember (despite my opposition to nuclear weapons) the
Pakistani nuclear weapons have been acting as a peace maker in the
region for the first time in the history of man kind.
Sources: Iran Should Have Nuclear Weapons

From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Tue Jan 3, 2006 6:50 pm
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
Mr. Alamgir,
You are welcome to examine the link below called
"The Religion of Peace by Mukto Mona Fraudsters"

Like all other Nazi Zionists and Zionised Gutless Wonders they hide
behind and pollute the airwaves. Ershad Manji is another example

Hypocrites of Mukto Mona love to promote Nazi Zionist crook like
jsaid and his unsubstantiated propaganda. However, they love to
protect his criminal empire too. In order to substantiate my case, I
ask you to examine "Nazi Zionist Haven Mukto Mona"

hypocrites of Mukto Mona won't publish any valid materials that may
expose him.
However, some desperate sections of the media time to time publish
many nitrogenous wastes of Ershad Manji

and people like you. Surely, none of you are qualified or elected to
talk on behalf of Muslims. While I note your right to speak as an
individual or any other capacity you may have other than on behalf
of Islam or Muslims.
As I said earlier, "Israel-Palestine conflict got nothing to do
with religion and I was not talking about religion in the first
place. Incidentally, Ershad Manji

few things in common! You guys love Israel, hate Muslims and condemn
Islamic literatures. I wonder why? This new trend appears to be
consistent with the "mighty" Israeli propaganda arms regarding these
issues exposed recently. … "
Please allow me to say, in depth religious discussions require
proper knowledge, training, open and tolerant mind free of earthly
oppression and subjugations. Therefore, prior to such a big-ticket
item I opted for an easy one for mutual convenience. Surprisingly,
you do not wish to debate the easiest one!
Your demonstrated knowledge and prophecy regarding Israel-Arab
conflict is very corrupt in my humble opinion. Your inability to
find the truth in the 21st century is like one's inability to find
a tree in a forest! In this circumstance, it would be very difficult
to debate with some one about sensitive religious issues.
By the way, do you have to tender your unsubstantiated expressions
regarding Islam and Islamic identities in a violent way?
Waiting for your considered response.
Faruque Ahmed
From: "mmalamgir"
Date: Mon Jan 2, 2006 10:45 pm
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
I do not know who Mr. Ahmed is, how respected or whatsoever - it's
no of my ineterest. I did not bring any accusation against him. It
is he who lambasted me for my writings without making any attempt to
point out where I commentary was wrong. It is he who need to refute
me. I do not have any interest to refute his issues. There are
thousands of articles that Mr. Ahmed can forward which he does. I do
not have time to read those articles.
If he has any problem with my writings - he should point out my
flaws in a civilized way. Which I doubt Mr. Ahmed will do. This not
the way Muslims deal with issues. It started with prophet Muhammad
assassinating his opponent writers without bothering to refute his
criticism - Muslims continue do that barbaric activity even today
with the same zeal..
From: "austro_bangla"
Date: Mon Jan 2, 2006 8:06 pm
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
Mr. Faruque Ahmed is a respected person. He debates and discusses
issues by their merits and religion got nothing to do with them.
Nazi Zionists or Israelites made a few attempts to assassinate his
character without any luck so far. Previously he was attacked in
this group by gutless Nazi Zionist Israelites. This week we
witnessed another attack on Free America Now!
I'll ask Mr. Alamgir Hussain to answer Mr. Ahmed properly regarding
From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Mon Jan 2, 2006 1:39 am
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
Mr. Alamgir,
Israel-Palestine conflict got nothing to do with religion and I was
not talking about religion in the first place. Incidentally, Ershad

got a few things in common! You guys love Israel, hate Muslims and
condemn Islamic literatures. I wonder why? This new trend appears to
be consistent with the "mighty" Israeli propaganda arms regarding
these issues exposed recently. However, for now, let's talk about
non-religious political matters. Should you wish please examine the
following links and identify any error(s). Later, if you want, we
will talk about religion without any prejudice!
Kind regards
1. Free America Now

2. Israeli Holocaust

3. Israel = Nazi

4. Lebanon

5. Iranian Terrorists

6. Silent

7. A Strange Kind of Freedom

8. Security Council's Genocide

From: "mmalamgir"
Date: Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:50 am
Subject: Re: islam-watch-watch
Dear Mr/Ms Taxi,
I have just exoressed my honest views about this conflict as I see
it. Islam-watch, Vinnomot etc. websites were very kind to circulate our voices. There could be other dimension or my premises could be
incorrect. You are free to refute my view.
100% papers around the Muslim world are hell-bent on castigating
Israel and West/USA. If there cannot be any probplem with that a few
voices, raising an alternative dimension to Muslim thought should no
way be a problem. Be a honest man and refute the thesis presented in
my commentary. Scaring, castigating or choking someone to silence is
no use. It's a civilized world of 21st century - not the 7th century
From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:35 am
Subject: islam-watch-watch

People like Alamgir Hussain, Ershad Manji and links below

have a few common characteristics! All of them say they are Muslims
or ex-muslims. They also say they love Israel!! They also find faults
in Islam and the holy Qur-an!!!
Why is it so?
People with bigger guns and cheque books like United Zionist
Terrorist State of America found "democratic, humanitarian, and
proletariat" leaders like Parvez Mosharraf in Pakistan, Husni Mubarak
in Egypt, King Abdullah in Jordan, etc. Etc. These days they are
discovering people like Ershad Manji and Alamgir Hussains of the
world and parachuting them in the Muslim society! They would like to
re-write holly Qur-an like Constantine and others!
I therefore would like to ask people like Alamgir Hussain and Ershad
Manji the following questions;
1. Why don't you change your name to Alamgir Advani or
Ershad Sharon,
2. Why do you have to say you are an ex-muslim or Muslim,
3. Do you receive any financial or otherwise support from the
Zionist Israel, Israelites of our time, "Jews" or Zionists at all?
4. Why do you like to talk on behalf of Muslims?
5. Why don't you like talk on behalf of Israelites of our time?
6. Why don't you like talk on behalf of Nazi Zionists of Israel?
7. Why don't you like talk on behalf of Jews inside and outside
8. Why do you have to talk about Islam?
The abovementioned people and groups got something else common
too! Should you wish to debate or discuss with them and if you are in
the upper hand then their "lords" will attack you electronically and
otherwise!! Please don't forget to as who is behind

America Now!" is a very successful, free five years old vibrant and
open debate forum. It have been facing attacks before but this time a
bit professional. Possibly assisted by Mossad or CIA!
With thanks
Sincerely Yours
Friday, 30 December 2005
Source: Mukto Mona Watch

Is it possible or fair to assume:
1. People involved in "Mukto Mona"

2. Supporters of "Mukto Mona"

3. Sympathisers of "Mukto Mona"

May have been behind the "Free America Now!"

Sincerely Yours
Friday, 30 December 2005

I want to visit my group Free America Now!

Instead of an access I am getting these messages below! I wonder why?
Who is behind this?

We're Sorry...
Your group is temporarily unavailable. We are aware of this problem
and are working on a resolution. (code -9997)
We apologize for this inconvenience.
To find out more about Taxi please visit the link below

Re: matter no - 3 of 2005
I the undersigned have been advocating for bailee taxi drivers'
rights and interests in the state and federal instrumentalities,
Parliaments, media and before the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission and formerly the Trade Practices Commission as:
1. Secretary/Treasurer and President of Taxi Drivers' Section of the
NSW Transport Workers Union respectively,
2. Vice-President and President of Taxi Industry Services Association
respectively and
3. President, NSW Cabbie Welfare Association."
From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:50 am
Subject: Re: Hypocrites of Mukto Mona
Welcome to Free America Now! This is a free forum unlike the
hypocritical Mukto Mona. You can't be a "Mukto Mona" unless you
respect free speech. Selective moral and free speech demonstrated in
Mukto Mona reveals the fearful and sheltered mindset of the
"Calling Mukto-Mona members "gay, lesbians, child molesters or even
Paedophilias" for no reason shows his another typical religious and
illogical mindset. The less we talk about it the better for the
hatemonger taxi-wala. I would like to request the moderators to read
his posts carefully before approving his holy trash."
Yes, it is fair and proper do disclose ones vested interest or
conflict of interest prior to a debate and that got nothing to do
with religion. It is called accountability and transparency. By the
way what's wrong with "taxi-wala"? Should you wish to find anything
about "taxi-wala" please look around the Zionised media as they have
been reporting about "taxi-wala" for a long time. Why are you so keen
to "moderate" others? What made you so perfect, may I ask? Is it
because you are an elitist or chosen one? Waiting for your considered
From: "charbak_bd"
Date: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:09 am
Subject: Re: Hypocrites of Mukto Mona

Dear Members:
After reading the taxi-revolution's unsophisticated harangue I am
pretty convinced that the hypocrite is none but that
pseudonymous "taxi-revolution" himself. What Zionism, Nazism,
American Terrorism, Genocide in Iraq, Daniel Pipes etc. has to do
with MM policy and its mission, and why taxi's silly challenge is
targeted against MM is beyond my understanding. MM has mentioned
very clearly its mission statement,
"We are against all kinds of social injustices, religious and
oppressive dogmas, doctrines, and discriminations. We critique
everything that hinders people's access to civil liberty, freedom,
democracy and secularism. We take a strong stand against all kinds
of human rights violations such as oppression of ethnic/religious
minority community and gender-based discriminations against women,
homosexuals and others. We have, and still do condemn oppressions
and persecutions against minority Hindu, Quadiyani and other ethnic
communities in Bangladesh; targeted killings of minority Muslims in
Gujarat, India, oppressions of Palestinians and others. We strongly
opposed Iraq War since we don't support illegal and coercive
occupation of a weaker country by its stronger counterpart."
(check :

aboutus.htm )
Many of our authors (members) of Mukto-Mona including Dr. Yogi
Sikand, Dr. Ram Puniyani, Dr. Jaffor Ullah, Bonna Ahmed, Prof. Ajoy
Roy, Sukla Sen, Dr. Farida Majid, Ariana Huffington, Syed Aslam,
Mehul Kamdar, Jahed Ahmed, Prof I. K. Shukla, Dr. Nalinaksha
Bhattyacharia, Robin Khundkar, Ananta Das are proved to be ardent
critique of American foreign policy and west imperialism. I wonder
how the following posts and articles escaped from Taxi's vulture
eye :
The Crimes of U.S. `Democracy' posted by Yogi Sikand:

Bush Is A Liar: Majority Americans Opine posted by Sukla Sen

Roots of violence posted by Ram Puniyani

Markin ShamrajjoBaad niye (Part1, Part2) {Bangla} by Ananta Dash

Nalinaksha Bhattacharia :
Export Democracy in the world by US - An Oxymoron!'
Daniel Pipes is well known for his advocacy of ethnically cleansing
Palestinians :

Some comments on Ali Sina's article titled "The Day Principles
Bonna Ahmed :
Some Afterthoughts on US Election

Rebuttal to Ali Sina:
"Kerry For President? An Election Like No Other "

Jaffor Ullah :
The value of selling values grew on Election Day

Senator Kerry's defeat and take home message for American liberals

Jahed Ahmed:
George Bush for Second Term? No way?br>
Bush's war on terror: A missing factor (with Avijit)

Ajoy Roy:
An Immoral War thrust upon Iraqi People :

Also check the "Current affairs" section, especially "World around
us", "Iraq War", "US election 2004" section

I can produce tons of similar articles from MM archive that
extensively express our stand, but I am sure these will no way be
sufficient to convince a taxi-revolutionary fanatic Islamic mind who
chooses to hide himself under a weird pseudonym and associated with
a hate-group "freeamericanow". This pseudonymous guy has taken an
onus in his shoulder to send and publish tons of article criticizing
Zionised media and RACIST USA administration in that group (which is
OK for me though), but he had not spent a single line on Islamic
fundamentalism, Islamic violence or minority oppression in muslim-
dominated countries so far in his group or in other forums. This
typical mindset of defending his own dogma and spreading hateful
comment towards others especially to the freethinkers and human
rights activists eventually has revealed his own hypocritical mind,
and nothing else.
I normally do not react to these silly non-senses, however our
moderator Mehul Kamdar has personally requested me look at the
issue, as he also did not find any meaning in taxi's "revolutionary"
post. Hence I had to do little research to write the above rebuttal.
Calling Mukto-Mona members "gay, lesbians, child molesters or even
Paedophilias" for no reason shows his another typical religious and
illogical mindset. The less we talk about it the better for the
hatemonger taxi-wala. I would like to request the moderators to read
his posts carefully before approving his holy trash.
From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:00 pm
Subject: Re: Hypocrites of Mukto Mona
"Mukto-Mona: Forum for freethinkers"

is a lie because this forum is not free for all.
The head honchos of that forum edit, block and censor postings. They
compartmentalise and block people with different point of views.
They are afraid of peoples' power and do not trust people. That's
why they hide behind "moderation".
Many of them do not disclose their vested interests. Some of them
hide behind "free speech and thinking" while silence others free
speech and prevents free thinking. It appears their main targets are
Islam and Muslims. They do so in a well known Zionist way, i.e.
false and unsubstantiated attacks without any right of reply! They
also have some connection with Israel and specifically that Israeli
special department to mistranslate Islamic literatures including the
holly Qur-an and Hadiths. They do not dare to criticise Israeli war
crimes and genocides!
Some of them may be gay, lesbians, child molesters or even
paedophilias. They want all religious books to be rewritten. Surely,
they have the right to exist and I do not have anything against
them. However, prior to any debates their own standings, practices
and beliefs ought to be declared for the sake of accountability and
To-day I challenge all of those so called Mukto-Mona freethinkers to
answer the followings properly:
Stop The Blame Game

Zionism vs Nazism

Zionised American Terrorism

Zionised US Assisted Genocide In Iraq

Daniel Pipes



Israeli Holocaust




2GB - Hate Machine Of Sydney

The Complaint

Original Complaint
The Letter:


Child Molester Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Part 1


Child Molester Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Part 2


Child Molester Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Part 3


Murdoch's Ackerman

False And Misleading Advertisement

Who Is Daniel Pipes

Race And Religion Based Violence Against Taxi Workers

Text Book and Teachings at Moriah College

Source: Sydney "Secret" Politics Society

Anti-Muslim 2GB

Source: Hypocrites of Mukto Mona
