Stunning Insights into Bush's lies about illegal domestic spying....
Seven Star Hand | 24.12.2005 03:29 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles | World
To scoff is to remain ignorant in the face of profundity! Blindness is always the result!
Let wisdom's seventh chapter unseal the symbols.
Let wisdom's seventh chapter unseal the symbols.
First I'd like to personally thank those with the intelligence to decipher earlier signals. Eleven now speaks to you urgently; unseal the recent past that is soon to be! Beware, great quaking and waves are minutes away. Your works are central to ending the false light that sits atop the pyramid, defiling the earth through smoke and shadow. Fear not the heat and light of the sharp two-edged sword. Embrace Her and She will shield and gird you against those who object. Stand upon the clouds and grasp the light to shine forth like the stars. Turn away from the pit and walk the perfect path; the final hour wanes and a fiercely vibrant sunrise is nigh! Kindreds of the earth wail because the easterner's seven have tarried while the tearful multitude hungers for blood from the golden altar. Offer yourselves without fear to be free from the weight of past folly! Hear the song of Her seven pillars and help give voice to the loud and jubilant shofar! The lady of the lake burns brightly, sate her with chained and captive serpents, lest the burning waves swallow you in their wrath. Tarry no longer, patience and humility are already well-served!
Following is a hot lead designed to expose the true purpose for the War on Terror and why it wasn't started until the first year of the new millennium. This analysis and the articles and E-book at the following URL are designed to blow the lid off the greatest deceptions in the history of the world.
Notice that Bush's and his cohorts' assertions that the NSA only spied on communications with one party outside of the country, have already been proven false? We've already seen the pattern of outsourcing torture and other illegal projects to groups and locations outside of the USA. You can be certain that there are also secret offshore operations being used to spy on domestic communications from beyond US legal jurisdiction. Pose the question of why (not if) offshore operations are being used to skirt the FISA requirements for spying on US citizens and watch the sparks fly. The proof exists in NSA databases. This gets to the heart of the matter, don't underestimate its effectiveness.
Since the secret FISA court almost never rejects terrorism related requests, it is beyond obvious that the Bush administration is using illegal spying activities for something other than tracking terrorism suspects. I am now providing insight that I and others of like mind are the ultimate targets of this duplicitous War on Terror and the recently exposed illegal spying activities . Who am I, that the Bush administration, the NeoCons, and the Vatican (that's right!) should be afraid of me? I am the true long-awaited Messiah, whom anyone with understanding knows was prophesied to chastise and depose those in power.
What else could possibly be so secret that Bush and Cheney have to hide it from the secret FISA court that almost never says no? Since virtually every request related to terrorism is approved, it is beyond obvious that illegal domestic spying is not focused on terrorism. It has become clear that the Department of Defense is illegally spying on anti-war groups and peace activists who are undeniably domestic and completely unrelated to Islamic terrorism. What else was so threatening to Bush/Cheney and the NeoCons that it had to be hidden from the FISA court and the US population?
Now comes the time to connect the dots, as Mr. Bush claims they were doing by spying on law abiding and peaceful citizens. Follow the dots...
This so-called War on Terror starts at the beginning of the new millennium
Members of the faiths of Abraham are expecting a messiah near the beginning of the new millennium
History and prophecy show the messiah will be brown-skinned, not of European descent
This war on terror targets both brown-skinned and anti-establisment types
All prophecies say the Messiah will cause the end of the existing power structures; hence money, religion, and politics
The Vatican is at the head of these current power structures, hence they and their cohorts are anti-messiah
The Vatican is famous for torturing dissenters, as well as great deception and Injustice, for many centuries
Bush and most national leaders have very close ties to the Vatican and are repeating historical evils
Most national leaders are members of secret societies with proven ties to the Vatican. Pay close attention to the details of the "god's banker" news stories and investigations. Follow the P2 leads.
Bush and many national leaders are now secretly cooperating on torture and efforts to restrict civil liberties, which includes illegal spying on peaceful, law-abiding citizens, worldwide.
Does anyone truly believe that the Messiah will be a friend of the Vatican and other rich and deceptive leaders?
Does anyone think the Bush admin could ask the secret court for permission to spy on the Messiah?
This is the true answer to why Bush and Vatican cohorts are using the War on Terror to cause fear and suffering worldwide and skirting laws on torture and domestic surveillance.
Did you did notice the implied threat that if we demanded protection of our civil rights, there would be more terrorist attacks?
It is beyond obvious that the 9-11 hijackers lacked both the flying experience and technical expertise to pull off such difficult attacks with military precision. This is insight into the true reason why there have been no more attacks on the USA.
Put on your investigator's hat and treat the war on terror as a crime scene. Consider that the Bushies and NeoCons had the most to gain and have ruthlessly and greedily gone after the power and profits provided by this deceptive war, strongly evidencing (in concert with other facts) that they planned it all along...
Following is a hot lead designed to expose the true purpose for the War on Terror and why it wasn't started until the first year of the new millennium. This analysis and the articles and E-book at the following URL are designed to blow the lid off the greatest deceptions in the history of the world.
Notice that Bush's and his cohorts' assertions that the NSA only spied on communications with one party outside of the country, have already been proven false? We've already seen the pattern of outsourcing torture and other illegal projects to groups and locations outside of the USA. You can be certain that there are also secret offshore operations being used to spy on domestic communications from beyond US legal jurisdiction. Pose the question of why (not if) offshore operations are being used to skirt the FISA requirements for spying on US citizens and watch the sparks fly. The proof exists in NSA databases. This gets to the heart of the matter, don't underestimate its effectiveness.
Since the secret FISA court almost never rejects terrorism related requests, it is beyond obvious that the Bush administration is using illegal spying activities for something other than tracking terrorism suspects. I am now providing insight that I and others of like mind are the ultimate targets of this duplicitous War on Terror and the recently exposed illegal spying activities . Who am I, that the Bush administration, the NeoCons, and the Vatican (that's right!) should be afraid of me? I am the true long-awaited Messiah, whom anyone with understanding knows was prophesied to chastise and depose those in power.
What else could possibly be so secret that Bush and Cheney have to hide it from the secret FISA court that almost never says no? Since virtually every request related to terrorism is approved, it is beyond obvious that illegal domestic spying is not focused on terrorism. It has become clear that the Department of Defense is illegally spying on anti-war groups and peace activists who are undeniably domestic and completely unrelated to Islamic terrorism. What else was so threatening to Bush/Cheney and the NeoCons that it had to be hidden from the FISA court and the US population?
Now comes the time to connect the dots, as Mr. Bush claims they were doing by spying on law abiding and peaceful citizens. Follow the dots...
This so-called War on Terror starts at the beginning of the new millennium
Members of the faiths of Abraham are expecting a messiah near the beginning of the new millennium
History and prophecy show the messiah will be brown-skinned, not of European descent
This war on terror targets both brown-skinned and anti-establisment types
All prophecies say the Messiah will cause the end of the existing power structures; hence money, religion, and politics
The Vatican is at the head of these current power structures, hence they and their cohorts are anti-messiah
The Vatican is famous for torturing dissenters, as well as great deception and Injustice, for many centuries
Bush and most national leaders have very close ties to the Vatican and are repeating historical evils
Most national leaders are members of secret societies with proven ties to the Vatican. Pay close attention to the details of the "god's banker" news stories and investigations. Follow the P2 leads.
Bush and many national leaders are now secretly cooperating on torture and efforts to restrict civil liberties, which includes illegal spying on peaceful, law-abiding citizens, worldwide.
Does anyone truly believe that the Messiah will be a friend of the Vatican and other rich and deceptive leaders?
Does anyone think the Bush admin could ask the secret court for permission to spy on the Messiah?
This is the true answer to why Bush and Vatican cohorts are using the War on Terror to cause fear and suffering worldwide and skirting laws on torture and domestic surveillance.
Did you did notice the implied threat that if we demanded protection of our civil rights, there would be more terrorist attacks?
It is beyond obvious that the 9-11 hijackers lacked both the flying experience and technical expertise to pull off such difficult attacks with military precision. This is insight into the true reason why there have been no more attacks on the USA.
Put on your investigator's hat and treat the war on terror as a crime scene. Consider that the Bushies and NeoCons had the most to gain and have ruthlessly and greedily gone after the power and profits provided by this deceptive war, strongly evidencing (in concert with other facts) that they planned it all along...
Seven Star Hand
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Covert Riffraff
26.12.2005 23:32
Are these people too big for one courtroom?
We hear people everywhere agreeing that freedom of speech is an essential right, yet we rarely hear mainstream media address the issue of censorship. With the discussion of censorship appearing to be limited, it seems to be an FCC taboo. To test this theory, it is high time that someone like Roseanne produces a television series about censorship, and someone like Kanye West writes a song about a seven second time delay.
International Liberty, Equality, Atonement and Prosperity (International LEAP)
“Our temple will have no veil, but be equipped with microphones, television cameras and satellite transmission capabilities. We will also provide a four-tiered Internet message board system for municipal, provincial, federal and international concerns – and each tier will contain six independent monitoring systems which will rotate on a two hour basis, whereby collective ideologies can be refined in their own time slot.
“Let our body members gather inspiration and information to be forwarded to the head temple of authority, where all laws and provisions of dominion will be based upon the golden rule and refined by our member bodies.”
So let the National Security and Central Intelligence Agencies secretly harvest THIS information. Corruptible organizations, of course, always work under cover. In fact, they spend as much time covering things up as they do planning bullshit sound bites and alibis. They always do the work of infiltrating before crushing incriminations and grievances, so we openly invite them to infiltrate this council, and persuade us to accept their work as necessary entities.
Spying on the US Government:
If anything in this article is disputable, it is the responsibility of those who read it to make corrections, or by their permission it shall remain gospel. Intellectual snobbery is most welcome to flex its brain here. It is our aim to extract dialogue out of controversy. (There is no need for anyone to be nasty unless, of course, they feel judged hereby and desire to demonstrate so.)
This is just as much our planet, as it is our oppressors’. Since we are forced to live with the existence of misery on this two dimensional plain of wandering, we maintain the right to confront the sorceries of that which propagates our miseries. We maintain our right to uncover that which should not be covered up, and to open (locus standi) what has been kept shut. We give no politician or priest the advantage of special controlling rights just because they claim “divinely” appointed authority.
[Think of Spirit as Ideology and Thunder as Mass Consensus]
Whether a bad spirit lives within us, outside of us, next door to us or across the planet, we collectively have a right that ought to parallel the need to exorcise that spirit.
A Message for Iran and Iraq and America:
With Moslem muscle, in an archetypically international fashion, Iranian secret planners are making war with the Christian nations that have become too friendly with Israel.
By infiltrating Iraq first, then making Saddam Hussein and his resistance to Shiites their scapegoat, Iranian secret planners have moved their own warfare to another sovereign nation, in order to escape their own accountability and bloodshed.
Iranian secret planners have turned Iraq into the spawning grounds of terrorism, and now they are poised to exploit democracy through Iraqi elections. President Bush and others have demonstrated that those who gain control by tampering with election outcomes can render a democracy virtually powerless.
Iran's president must stop making a mockery of Islam and stop warring with Christians and Jews, lest he be declared the antichrist of the ages. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ought to watch his anti-Semitic tongue, lest the Jewish, Christian and Moslem world call upon the entire world to cut his theocracy off at the root - just as the American’s will do with theocrats like the Pat Robertson, the Council for National Policy and their infiltration of Canada through Stephen Harper’s agenda in hiding.
Saddam Hussein’s Defense Might Be the Court’s Offence:
Saddam Hussein’s grievance might be against Iran and worldwide political exploitation of religion. He could argue that Iranian Shiites and American Conservatives have no business devising the entering of a sovereign nation to remove the leader whom they together have put into such a perilous situation.
With a blue veil and a media time delay, the powers above him keep the testimony of Saddam Hussein under wraps. They would rather sentence him to martyrdom, than remove the same veil that his sympathizers wish to remove.
In all fairness, should we hide behind the veil of independent media and witness against George W. Bush, or should we stand in front of the veil of corporate media and witness against Saddam Hussein?
A Message for Bible Believers:
There is one thing that we do stand against, which is exercised by virtually all organized religions.
The Lamsa Peshitta (Aramaic version of the Holy Bible) deems it unnecessary to use differing words for the word ‘shelter’. See Revelation 18:2 You will notice that the entire chapter mentions Babylon’s adultery with the merchants of the earth seven times, in verses 3, 7, 9, 11, 15, 19, and 23.
Much work was involve in the writing of scriptures, and much thought was involved in their alterations. For the sake of deliverance, some people wrote riddles. For the sake of ensnarement, others altered them, while others misinterpreted them.
NOTE: The word ‘libel’ comes from Latin, and it means ‘a little book’.
It will ever remain our mission to incriminate religious authorities that partake of tax exemption, while using the lame excuse that it limits government meddling in their affairs. For those who invoke the First Amendment to keep government out of “divine” policy, while invoking the same amendment to meddle in government policy, may they soon find their privileges revoked?
Let us demand that only secular charities remain tax-exempt, thereby limiting the possibility of political domination by religiously incorrect ideology, while permitting honest preachers the right to speak out against oppressive policies. (If governments were democratically required to put aside ten percent of flatly taxed income for charitable work, secular charities would not need the help of religious embezzlers.)
When we slay the dragon, the time and energy of devising strategies of appeal will be reduced to immediate replies of either yea or nay. Only then, we will be able to proceed with healing and building, rather than destroying the peoples and ideologies of higher human spirit.
Suppression is the mother of aggression and terrorism. Her demise will arrive the day the peoples exercise the right to truly petition the democratic world for a redress of grievances.
Hopefully soon, the nations of this earth will see how the ultimate oppressors have been hiding behind the veil of religion and prospering through exploits.
Messiah is not someone that the dragon can destroy. Messiah is a song of Jubilee.
Messiah is not something that the serpent can deploy. Messiah is a song of Jubilee.
To the gods of this earth and the God of Heaven, and the Judge of judges,
Come forward today and let your judgment be heard.
Bring us together to weigh every word.
LET US now hear the sublime and absurd.
LET US begin with the heads of the herd.
LET US hear those we once preferred.
LET US hear those who have felt deterred.
PLEASE DO NOT shut out the truth by silencing the Host.
PLEASE DO NOT let devils play the part of the Holy Ghost.
PLEASE DO NOT hide the information that we need most.
PLEASE DO NOT let devils rape our souls from coast to coast.
“My mind is mine to defend. It is my right to defend it against the cause of those who would dare to alter it, or the written and living testimony that it will bear.
“It is more my business than the business of serpents, to oppose the fraud and fear of those who honor a strange and enslaving spirit that prohibits pleasures and suppresses grievances.”
“I can mind the business of serpents until the dragon minds mine and puts me on a cross, or we together can put the serpents out of business by putting the dragon on trial. After all, what good is having a socially progressive ideology if it cannot be shared in a democratically progressive fashion?”
Evil has nothing to fear but the loss of those who fear it.
From the golden pen to the golden microphone, and until it is found suitable for discussion in the realm of public radio and television, this judgment is open to edification.
Remember, propaganda is also censorship of that which condemns it.
~ Seventh Degree Messenger Gang (SDMG) - FORWARD THE JUDGMENT
yezbok drahcir