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Ilyan | 19.12.2005 17:43

Better here than -uk-features. For enlightenment.

note made to correct SWP speakers. Alas!
It can also serve as discussion note 67 for Plebs' College.

The first and most common SWP error is the denunciation of Keynes. If his name is to be used it should be used in the form "Misused Keyenes". No Government has practiced Keynesianism, they only make use of the deficit finance part of his theory to keep trade unionists in employment. Trade Unions are capitalist institutions, and participate in the divi up of the cake on capitalist terms. Trade Unionists must be taxed along with the Capitalists if the second part of Keynes is to be used to maintain Free Enterprise Capitalism, and prevent it turning into Monopoly and Fascism.

(Those who avoid taxing the Rich promote Fascism, and fund it)

Keynes Theory does circumvent Marx's internal contradiction in Capitalism, that makes Mr Keynes a Marxist. He will deny that, but his book "The Economic Consequences of the Peace" is mentioned in the Plebs' League 1921 book "An Introduction to Economics" which shows the contradiction. And there must be a source that put knowledge of what he had to circumvent into Keynes' head. To maintain mastery of his field, Keynes either read Marx, or that excellent republished Plebs' book. Something had to prompt his Theorising.

It is clear from what he says, that George Soros has taken aboard what Marx taught.

The option Marx says is now open to us is that the State withers away, or there is Fascism. So far in this century 1900-2000AD the efforts of those who advocate the withering away of the State have built some of the biggest and most draconian State institutions ever. So that the word Communism has become thoroughly discredited although it was never achieved.

Blair talks of a third way, a proposal first noted in 1954 when used by white supremacist South African agent who planned to use it to make Socialism impossible in the UK. The probability that Blair is part of the same conspiracy is very high.
