Another truth about Cuba hidden by IMC editors - why ?
Raul on behalf of Normando Hernández González. | 19.12.2005 16:22
Pinar del Río, Open Letter: Premeditated and subtle murder.
“I, Normando Hernández González, a prisoner of conscience from the group known as “the 75”, raise my voice to denounce the premeditated and subtle murder of which I am a victim by means of the representatives of Fidel Castro’s government. When the Cuban regime kidnapped me in March of 2003, I was already suffering from health related issues although I did not have a specific illness. Now, I am on the verge of death because of the present conspiracy within the prison system, the State Security, and the medical services of the Ministry of the Interior in Pinar del Río, all representatives of the Cuban government.
Let me explain: in November of 2004, after having undergone a gastroscopic procedure, with a biopsy and smear, I was diagnosed with erythematous gastritis on the lower portion of the stomach, jejunitis, partial atrophy in the intestinal cilia, Giardiasis or parasites (Giardia intestinalis) entrenched on the walls of the intestine, a vitamin deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B-12, as well as malabsorption syndrome in the intestine.
Due to an epidemic of pulmonary tuberculosis in prison, and exposure to the bacillus, I was admitted in the Abel Satamaría Hospital on January 5, 2005 in order to undergo chemoprophylaxis to prevent tuberculosis. The two tablets I took daily Monday through Friday for six months irritated my gastrointestinal illnesses. My gastritis became a chronic gastroduodenitis, while my jejunitis also became chronic. I began to suffer from problems in my colon, diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome by Miraida, specialist in gastroenterology.
These new findings, including the above mentioned, were diagnosed while undergoing a third gastroscopy with biopsy and smear. Before, the biliary drainage that was done to me in the National Hospital for Inmates in the Combinado del Este prison in Havana on December of last year had identified parasites entrenched in my gallbladder.
Until now, I have done eleven treatments to eliminate parasites, I have used Vitamin B-12 injections during 9 months, and have undergone medical treatments to control my arterial pressure and aleviate the pain and discomfort that these ailments produce. However, my health keeps worsening every day.
For those who are not familiar with the subject, I should explain that for the malabsorption syndrome, one should keep a strictly hygenic diet, free of solid material and dietetic fibers. This diet has not been offered to me since July 29, the day I was discharged from the hospital. It is important to note that to not consume dietetic fibers produces diseases in the colon ranging from an irritable colon, which I have, to colitis and colon cancer. Also, I must drink boiled water. If I do not do this, the treatments to eliminate the parasites will not be effective, for I would get infected once again and proof of this is that I have gone through eleven tratements and I am still infected.
However, the most serious problem I have is not about the above mentioned, but rather what the pneumology specialist and chief of the tuberculosis program in this province, as well as the gastroenterologist Miraida have informed me. They informed me that I have to avoid contracting any disease and most importantly tuberculosis, because if I do, I would suffer from chronic tuberculosis and would die from such complication since my body would not resist the treatment needed to fight this. The treatment consists of 15 tablets daily without counting those I must take to control my arterial hypertension and all my gastric problems. As we all know, in the Cuban prisons there are conditions created to infect prisoners with tuberculosis. These include the unbearable overcrowding, the lack of hygiene, and the bad nutrition, just to name a few.
During a medical visit with Dr. Juan de Dios, specialist in internal medicine and second chief of medical services in Kilo 5 ½ prison, where I am currently imprisoned, I explained everything I had been told, for fear that he was not aware of this, and he responded: “Look Normando, you are right in all you have told me. The chiefs also know this, but they have informed me that you must stay where you are. What do you want me to do?”
As you can see, my demands have reached ears that do not want to listen. The indifference and sadism of the competent authorities in Pinar del Río transform them into subtle murderers. Therefore, since I see my life threatened in this province, while I am here I refuse to accept any type of medical assistance and any food they give me. Since my health is incompetent with the prison system, I do not ask, I demand what by law is my right: My freedom. Because I know this government’s indifference to such protests and demands, I raise my voice so that everyone can know the cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment that the Cuban authorities impose on a prisoner of conscience. I raise my voice to make the prison system, the medical services of the Ministry the Interior, the State Security, the Cuban government responsible of the possible end of this defender of the freedom of expression, thought, and of conscience. I raise my voice to denounce what I consider a subtle and premeditated murder.
May God bless you all.
Prisoner of conscience Normando Hernández González.”
Raul on behalf of Normando Hernández González.