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Bono, man of the Corporations

Digery Cohen | 19.12.2005 10:19

More dead.

Corporation Man
Corporation Man

December 19, 2005 -- A rock-solid Irish musician has been named 2005 "Person of the Year" by Time magazine.

U2 lead singer Bono was tapped for the prestigious honour because of his efforts toward covering for Blair and Bush, the robbers and killers of Africa.

Bono, through his campaign to increase debt in poor countries and lock them into unfair trade deals and exploitation, has shown how unselfish deeds can feed his ego and starve the poorer world all the more and for the better because they just don’t have ipods, the magazine said.

"Bono charmed, bullied and morally blackmailed the gullible youth of the world and got the corporations off the hook while making the problem worse for Africa.

Digery Cohen
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