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Right to Ban Neurotoxic Aspartame in New Mexico and UK

Dr. Betty Martini | 18.12.2005 23:14 | Analysis | Health

Efforts are being made in New Mexico, the UK, the Falkland Islands and other areas to ban aspartame (E951/Canderel/NutraSweet/Equal, etc.). Activists all over the world with Mission Possible Intl are alerting consumers aspartame is a chemical poison.

X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 13:21:16 -0500
From: "Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum."
Subject: The right to rid New Mexico of the neurotoxic drug aspartame: Member of Parliament also demands ban.

To the Honorable Patrica Madrid and Stuart Bluestone:

Its an open and shut case. New Mexico's Legislature vested the EIB with the power, authority and duty to hold a rule making hearing on aspartame, petitioned by Stephen Fox. As Attorney Stevan Looney explained the hearing is not preempted by federal law or by the Supremacy or Commerce Clauses of the U.S. Constitution. He provided the evidence to back this up. What good would an Environmental Improvement Board be if it couldn't act to prevent New Mexicans from being poisoned?

There have been many authorities that have tried to prevent the public from being poisoned by aspartame, but were stopped by intimidation, politics and bribes. They had every right and power to put a stop to what Dr. James Bowen told the FDA is mass poisoning of the American public and 100 countries of the world. New Mexico can put a stop to it finally providing a precedent for the world to follow by allowing and insisting on due process.

On December 16 even a member of Parliament called for a ban of aspartame in the UK: The Public Health Minister should have done her homework instead of defending industry. Critical mass has been reached and there are many efforts now to ban it.

In the very beginning when the original manufacturer, Searle, was trying to get aspartame approved, the FDA asked the Department of Justice to prosecute them. Both U.S. Prosecutors, Skinner and Conlon hired with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired. wanted them indicted for fraud.

The definition of bribery is the act or practice of giving or accepting money or some other payment to influence judgement or action. I would call this a bribe. They paid off the prosecutors by giving them jobs. Then came the political reward system. Sam Skinner became Secretary of Transportation that squelched the cries of the pilots having grand mal seizures in commercial airliners from this seizure triggering chemical. The seizures have squelched the careers of many pilots.

Here is the FDA audit, the Bressler Report: Searle excised brain tumors from the rats, put them back in the study and if they died resurrected them on paper. They filtered out what they didn't want the FDA to see. Jerome Bressler told me it was even worse than the report exposed because the FDA deleted the worst 20%. This was confirmed in conversations with Bressler by Doctors H. J. Roberts and Russell Blaylock. Dr. Roberts asked his congressman to request the missing material but FDA refused. Altering reports is fraud by the FDA itself.

At every turn there were shenanigans. Ajinomoto, an aspartame manufacturer tells this lie: "Furthermore, when questions were raised about the Searle's studies, FDA had an outside group of pathologists review crucial aspartame studies. GAO found that throughout aspartame's approval history, the FDA addressed safety issues raised internally and by outside scientists and by concerned citizens."

Dr. H. J. Roberts in his books on aspartame tells the facts about this so-called outside group of pathologists.

The failure to challenge the MANUFACTURER'S contract with Universities Associated for Research and Education in Pathology (UAREP) was a great shortcoming. This private group was engaged to determine the factual accuracy of prior aspartame studies - BUT with the stipulation that UAREP "shall not express an opinion regarding either the design or safety significance of these studies, nor make recommendations about the safety of aspartame for human use!

Dr. M. Adrian Gross, FDA toxicologist, also challenged the credentials of UAREP relative to its ability to assess prior aspartame studies.

On 8/4/76 , G. D. Searle representatives convinced FDA to allow them to hire this private agency, UAREP, and pay them $500,000 to "validate" 12 studies. (Gordon l987 page 498 of US Senate l987). A half a million dollars to be sworn to silence!! A bribe! A lot of people will shut up for a half a million dollars!

They just couldn't prove this chemical poison is safe. The late FDA toxicologist, Dr. Jacqueline Verrett, and also a member of the Task Force that investigated the authenticity of research done by Searle to said the original aspartame studies were "built on a foundation of sand". (Testimony of Dr. Jacqueline Verrett, FDA Toxicologist, before the U.S. Senate committee on Labor and Human Resources, regarding "NutraSweet Health and Safety Concerns," November 3, l987). She testified flawed tests conducted by Searle - as the basis of FDA approval - were a "disaster" and should have been "thrown out".

Aspartame was never proven safe. FDA toxicologist and Task Force member, Dr. Adrian Gross summed it up (Wilson l985):

"They (G. D. Searle) lied and they didn't submit the real nature of their observations because had they done that it is more than likely that a great number of these studies would have been rejected simply for adequacy. What Searle did, they took great pains to camouflage these shortcomings of the study. As I say filter and just present to the FDA what they wished the FDA to know and they did other terrible things for instance animals would develop tumors while they were under study. Well they would remove these tumors from the animals."

This is the "science" that approved aspartame. Its all in the public domain. The manufacturers argue GAO examined FDA's process for approving the additive and found FDA had acted properly, but the report said on the first page: "We did not evaluate the scientific issues raised concerning the studies used for aspartame's approval or FDA's resolution of these issues, nor did we determine aspartame's safety. We do not have such scientific expertise." The GAO wearing horse blinders, checked if FDA did the paperwork right, never mind how many it sickens and kills. The manufacturers never tell the whole story. They filter out the truth.

For 16 years FDA steadfastly refused to allow aspartame on the market. But Searle had built a $19 million dollar NutraSweet factory and had $9 million dollars worth of inventory. So they hired Secretary of Defense, Don Rumsfeld, a veteran political operative. Rumsfeld said he would call in his markers and get it approved. He didn't care if it was safe or not. Washington, attorney James Turner eloquently tells how Rumsfeld managed this when the FDA said no in the aspartame documentary - Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, View the clip where Turner tells how Rumsfeld got this poison approved.

FDA is an agency which can deny approval of poison just like the EIB has the power to ban it. But the manufacturer used its influence to prevent this agency from doing its job. You will hear Mr. Turner explain President Reagan appointed a commissioner to approve aspartame but was so fearful it would take 30 days to get him there he actually wrote an EXECUTIVE ORDER making the current FDA Commissioner powerless to do anything about aspartame . This is as outrageous as paying an organization a half a million dollars to keep their mouth shut.

The manufacturers should be criminally prosecuted for genocide. Dr. James Bowen explains how aspartame complies with the Federal Domestic genocide law, Title 18:

In the documentary Mr. Turner explains how famed Dr. John Olney who was trying to prevent approval, demanded that Searle redo studies in his lab so he could know they were done correctly. They were and showed brain damage, but Searle never gave the studies to the FDA.

Searle knew from the start that aspartame triggered brain tumors and could care less. In their secret trade information released during congressional hearings is this paragraph:

"With the spoon-for-spoon, we have no way of estimating maximum likely abuse and hence need to utilize data based on almost complete conversion to DKP. If we include this use in the original FAP, we stand a good chance of ending up with nothing in the short run and nothing in the long run whereas the other approach would give us something in the short run and quite likely as much as we would ever get in the long run."

DKP is a brain tumor agent. So what they are saying here is if they tell the FDA they won't get it approved. In l983/84 before Searle sold to Monsanto they actually had 6 studies done in central and south America. They "sacrificed" people in poor villages. These studies showed aspartame destroys the brain and central nervous system and hardens the synovial fluids. Subjects in these studies which were 18 months long developed seizures and brain tumors, and some died. The pregnant woman lost her baby, hemorrhaged and disappeared. It is criminal not to publish such studies but they didn't. I have the affidavit of the translator.

In July the Cancer Research Center of the European Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences in Bologna, Italy reported their 3 year study to evaluate the potential carcinogenic effects of aspartame. These studies revealed only the rats given aspartame developed malignant brain tumors (like the subjects in central and south America). It showed aspartame causes lymphoma and leukemia, cancer of the kidneys and cranial peripheral nerves. They called aspartame a multipotential carcinogen at their conference in September.

Even FDA toxicologist, the late Dr. Adrian Gross, told Congress aspartame without a shadow of a doubt can cause brain tumors and brain cancer and violates the Delaney Amendment which forbids putting anything in food you know will cause cancer. He said because of this the FDA should not even been able to set an allowable daily dose. In fact, his last words to congress were: "And if the FDA violates its own laws who is left to protect the public."

The problem is the manufacturers lie constantly. Aspartame Makers Tell A Whopper:

The manufacturers of aspartame are pros at influencing those who oppose them. The National Soft Drink Association wrote a 30 page protest against adding aspartame to pop. Section 402 of the FDA Act 21 provides a food is adulterated if it contains, in whole or in part "...a decomposed substance or if it is otherwise unfit for food". So they knew it violated federal adulteration statues and yet they turned around and added it to aspartame anyway, and lobbied for the manufacturer. For this reason they added the protest to the Congressional Record of May 7, l985, Senate, Page S 5509.

NSDA knew aspartame decomposes in soft drinks. They objected: "Searle has not demonstrated to a reasonable certainty that aspartame and its degradation products are safe for use in soft drinks. ... Aspartame is inherently markedly and uniquely unstable in aqueous media. In a liquid such as a soft drink aspartame will degrade as a function of temperature and pH." Therefore, it violates New Mexico adulteration statutes as well.

The manufacturers of aspartame are pros at manipulating studies not to get the right result. NSDA said inferior test methods were used by Searle. "High pressure liquid chromotography is a far superior analytical method relative to thin layer chromatography and numerous HPLC methods exist for the detection and quantification of amino acids. Searle's choice of TLC over HPLC adversely affected the quality and type of analytical data generated on aspartame and its decomposition products in soft drinks." S5507 ... "an important decomposition product of aspartame, aspartic acid cannot be detected at all using TLC." S 5508

The Trocho Study in l998 in Barcelona showed formaldehyde converted from the free methyl alcohol in aspartame accumulates in the cells and damages DNA with most toxicity in the liver, but substantial amounts in the brain, retina, kidneys and adipose tissue (fat cells). The symptoms of Desert Storm Illness are identical to the FDA report of 92 symptoms. Pallets of diet pop laced with aspartame sat in the 120 degree Arabian sun for as long as 8 weeks at a time and the troops drank these formaldehyde cocktails all day long. Also aspartame interacts with vaccines and other toxins. They didn't have a chance. The Trocho Study is an independent, unbiased study not controlled by the manufacturers so they were threatened and intimidated. It's one of the most damning studies done on this neurotoxin.

What breed are those who willingly murder other human beings? How low can you sink beneath the sewer? People are dropping dead from aspartame. Read neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D.,'s report:

In l985 finally there were hearings and Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote a bill to put a moratorium on aspartame and have NIH do studies on the problems being seen in the population such as seizures, what aspartame does to the fetus, behavioral problems, especially in children and even drug interaction. There were even two more congressional hearings with scientists and physicians acknowledging the toxicity of aspartame but nothing was done.

As the 8 month investigation by UPI brought out, the manufacturer got those who testified against them on a yacht and attempted to change their mind. This investigation also discusses when Dr. Richard Wurtman of MIT wanted to do studies on aspartame and seizures he was threatened by the Vice President of Searle their research funds would be rejected and he didn't even deny it. Life Sciences or ILSE is a front group for research funds, and its funded by aspartame manufacturers and companies like Coke. Indeed his research funds were rejected. Today Dr. Wurtman no longer speaks out against aspartame and MIT gets their research funds. But Dr. Wurtman left quite a paper trail besides his incredible testimony against them in Congress including the book, Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function on aspartame, which has now been withdrawn from MIT. There may be used copies available.

Why did Dr. John Olney try to prevent approval of aspartame? Because he did studies on aspartic acid in l970 (which is 40% of the aspartame molecule) and found it caused lesions in the brains of mice. He founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity. Aspartic acid literally stimulates the neurons of the brain to death causing brain damage. Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD, wrote the book on it, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills,

So Dr. Olney wrote a report to the Board of Inquiry on the damage aspartame would do to the brains of our children, especially in combination with MSG. Aspartame has an additive and synergistic effect with MSG, another excitotoxin. The FDA actually agreed with Dr. Olney. Now that aspartame has been on the market for over two decades we see that his prophecy has been fulfilled. Parents Magazine in l999 wrote the article "What's Happening To Our Children", that almost every family has been effected. They said the norm was "abnormal" and by the time a child had reached the 4th level of high school one out of four had contemplated suicide. Aspartame triggers ADD, ADHD, Tourettes, mental retardation, autism, etc. Dr. Louis Elsas, Professor of Pediatrics, Genetics, also testified before Congress. The 50% phenylalanine in aspartame floods the brain because as an isolate its neurotoxic. It lowers the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin. When you deplete serotonin it can trigger manic depression or bipolar, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, paranoia, etc. While it triggers psychiatric and behavioral problems it interacts with all antidepressants and psycho drugs. Aspartame is a psycho drug!

In his first press conference, Dr. H. J. Roberts said unless something was done then in 5 or 10 years we would have a global plague on our hands. We do and Dr. Roberts not only foretold it but published the 1038 page medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic,

The aspartame manufacturers with their bottomless checkbooks fund the professional organizations like the American Diabetes Assn, American Dietetics Assn, the MS people, etc. who push their propaganda and defend them. Those responsible to solve the problem ARE the problem. Presented with either taking their money or alerting the public they sacrifice the victims and push the manufacturers lies. They have despicable front groups like the Calorie Control Council who sink so low as to push this poison on pregnant women who may lose their babies or give birth to impaired infants.

Stop these monsters who destroy our children and sow sickness and death planetwide. New Mexico can set a precedent for the world to follow, by stopping it in your state.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum., Founder, Mission Possible Intl, 9270 River Club Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097 770 242-2599 and Aspartame Toxicity Center

Other reports you may wish to read: Ajinomoto, Aspartame and Brain Tumors: Recipe for Death:

Two New Studies on Aspartame:

Testimony Before Congress by Louis Elsas, M.D.,

Open Letter to the Albuquerque Journal and New Mexicans:

Congressional Record, Dr. Richard Wurtman

Dr. Betty Martini
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Contact the Home Office

19.12.2005 11:43

Contact the Home Office and ask them for a ban on aspartame and MSG.

Or better still

Home Office
Direct Communications Unit
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
