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A Narrative of the London Bombings

Og | 18.12.2005 22:45 | Anti-militarism | Repression | London

The main points in this 'conspiracy theory' were sourced exclusively from mainstream news reports.

The government has forgone a public inquiry into the terror attacks on London transport on July 7th 2005, which killed fifty-two people and injured hundreds more, because it will take too long and waste valuable police time. Ministers said they will write a narrative instead; a whitewash, which will reiterate the fictitious story of four ‘radicalised’ British Muslim suicide bombers, attacking innocent civilians to avenge the Iraq war, which is entirely based on circumstantial and fabricated evidence.

An inquiry would raise awkward questions which the Intelligence Services could not answer, without implicating themselves. The tapestry of lies would begin to unravel and reveal government involvement. World leaders were congregating at Gleneagles, far from events unfolding in London and they took 6,000 MET officers with them for protection against G8 protestors. Another costly oversight was keeping the terror threat assessment during this crucial summit in the UK at a reduced level.

But we will never get to quiz former CIA agent, Bob Kiley, the ‘spook’ who manages London Underground System, about terror exercises on the same day. The CIA also conducted drills of hijacked planes flying into the WTC and Pentagon on Sept.11th 2001. It would have been interesting to hear Peter Power, former Anti-Terror Branch, describe how hairs on the back of his neck stood up when he realized the bombing drill by his PR firm had gone live, at the exact time and location.

The four accused were not typical of suicide bombers, so much so, that their families refused to believe their guilt, but they did fit the profile of the impressionable young men returning from Pakistani madrassas, which MI5 like to recruit to infiltrate mosques and use in other operations. Such facts shall not be aired, nor that the alleged mastermind of the 7/7 attacks, Haroon Aswat, was working for MI6 and on the British security services ‘Watch List’ when he was allowed to leave the UK.

When Aswat was located it was decided that, “For now, this man or any role he may have, does not figure to any degree of importance in our inquiry.” It was announced that the sole perpetrators were ‘clearskins’ previously unknown to authorities, but later it was disclosed by a well placed source, that Mohammed Sidique Khan was under surveillance. Richard Watson of the BBC said the news “would show the intelligence services had him well in their sights but allowed him to slip away.”

Intelligence failures aside, other claims are full of contradictions. If the bombers were intent on committing suicide, why did they buy return tickets to London from Luton and leave identifying items which led to the discovery of their bomb factory in Leeds? Even more perplexing is the eyewitness report of Bruce Lait, who felt a huge electrical surge but did not see any bag, he had to step over a hole in the floor where metal was pushed upwards, as though the bomb was underneath the train.

This suggests that it may have been planted on the track or the undercarriage, which would have been impossible for the suspects, but simple for Visor Consultants, the 1,000 person strong ‘crisis managers’ who were running a terror drill that same morning, on behalf of an unnamed business client. I don’t suppose they could be implicated? The government is not curious, although Blair insists, “I do accept that people want to know exactly what happened. We will make sure they do.”

It is possible that Mohammad Sidique Khan, Hasib Hussain, Shehzad Tanweer and Germaine Lindsay were paid or duped into participating in this mock terror exercise and were also victims. It has not been divulged how the devices were simultaneously detonated, but mobile phones are ruled out due to depth of the Piccadilly Line. The base ingredients of the explosives were said to be contained in drain cleaner, bleach and acetone, and easily bought without raising suspicion.

However, a report from Al Jazeera disputed this, saying that European investigators believed the “material used in the bombs was similar to the kind made for military use or for highly technical commercial purposes, such as dynamite used for precision explosions to demolish buildings or in mining” not readily available to terrorists, but accessible for Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Another anomaly is the blast on the only bus on diversion, whose camera was not working, despite regular maintenance.

The only evidence produced to incriminate the accused is CCTV images, which proves nothing, other than their presence at the scene, but this is doubtful too, because according to the time-table, the 7:40 Luton to London train was cancelled that day and even if it had not been, it wouldn’t have arrived in time for the men to be photographed in King's Cross Station at 8:26 a.m. These are just some of the discrepancies which need to be addressed in an independent investigation, to uncover the truth.

Then there is the nagging question of who gained from these vicious attacks; Muslims who are now more maligned and stigmatized, or the government who granted police unprecedented powers, of which ‘al Qaida’ is the prime target? The bereaved deserve an inquiry and the public demand to know why our civil liberties are being eroded in favour of a tome of new totalitarian terror laws. The Establishment has got a lot of explaining to do, no matter how they choose to narrate it.



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Bombs under carriages

19.12.2005 00:29

Precisely,Og, we take note of the precision at the early stages while they try to dismantle it later
Third reportage of the floors lifting up
From todays Independent

When the 7 July bombers struck, off-duty policewoman Lizzie Kenworthy was on the Tube train blown up at Aldgate station

"...there was a woman to their left who was on her back trapped in the metal, which had twisted up through the middle of the carriage."

This is, to my knowledge, now three eyewitness reports that suggest the bombs were under the train. Can the various committees of MPs said to be examining 7/7 be contacted and made aware of these reports?


Unique and meaningful

19.12.2005 17:05

"The only evidence produced to incriminate the accused is CCTV images, which proves nothing, other than their presence at the scene"

I guess that the video ( he made also proves nothing than he was at the scene?!!!

Tell me how do you leave bombs under bus floors? Why didn't anyone notice an left bag? Or is this just another 'floor' in your absurd theory?


The video and the bus

19.12.2005 21:59

If you consider the exercise and the recruitment, then you can consider scripted training videos. Or the Mohammed Siddique Khan video mentions nothing specific, but rather general 'lessons to be learned', the placement against another CIA/ISI placement Zaharwi seems rather blatant Propaganda 'proof'. Or we may consider CGI, and the smooth soundtrack contrasting with the video edits.
Or we may take the advice of some people who knew Khan saying it's not the guy

Nobody said anything about people planting bombs under bus floors.The bus bomb may well have been the one actual remotely ignited genuine rucksack bomb


Support that

20.12.2005 00:58

Racel North in her blog seems rather keen for an independent enquiry that would damp the suspicion that the UK state paraphenalia would seek to blow up its own citizens
I support that
Let the evidence be examined and be released


No rucksack required

20.12.2005 09:27

The bus driver pointed out that the number 30 bus was the only one to be re-routed after the initial bombs went off in the London Underground, every other bus carried on its normal journey, but for some reason this bus was diverted.

The driver notes the following about CCTV maintainence.

"CCTV gets maintained at least 2 or 3 times a week and can digitally store upto 2 whole weeks worth of footage. this is done by a private contractor....So when I heard that the CCTV wasn't working on a vehicle that's no more than 2 years old since last June.....I'm sorry that's rubbish, I work for the company I know different."

Also a point of interest....last saturday a contractor came to inspect the CCTV on the buses at the depot, According to my supervisor the person spent more than 20 hours over that weekend, 20 hours to see if the CCTV is working? Also that person who came was not a regular contractor, for security reasons the same few people always come to the depot to carry out work, this time it was different.

Drivers in the depot already think the so called bombers had inside help because it was to organised. Some even think it had help from the company."

I have received other information suggesting that the CCTV is regularly maintained and checked. The police pay the bus company to check it, and the bus company makes a substantial profit out of this, so all parties benefit from keeping the CCTV systems working.

This information makes it all the more suspicious that the bus cameras were not working.

Was the mammoth 20 hour inspection session of the CCTV a means of disabling the CCTV, or something even darker? Were the contractors, who were not familiar to the bus company employees, actually placing the bomb?

Inside Job

'Scuse me

20.12.2005 23:19

So, Inside Job, want to give us a credible source for that little piece or have we just to take your word for it?

Paranoid Pete

More on bombs under carriages

21.12.2005 01:56

Seems as if someone else says that the bomb seemed as if it was from under the Tube at Aldgate:

"CAMBRIDGE dancer Bruce Lait has spoken of his miraculous escape when a bomb exploded just yards away from him in a Tube train carriage.

The 32-year-old was knocked out by the blast and awoke to a terrible scene of devastation in the underground tunnel near London's Aldgate East station.


When paramedics arrived, they confirmed that the woman on top of him was dead and carefully moved her body. Mr Lait said the middle-aged woman had blonde curly hair, was dressed in black, and could have been a businesswoman.

He and Crystal were helped out of the carriage. As they made their way out, a policeman pointed out where the bomb had been.

"The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said."


metal bent upwards

21.12.2005 18:03

Im fairly certain the force of an explosion goes downward due to gravity. the force of the bomb detonating would blast through the floor of the carriage and reflect back off the trackbed which was only 2-3 ft away. If the bomb had been under the carraige, same effect basically, so the feature of metal bent upwards probably not conclusive, to rely on this fact might sink your thesis eventually.

Has anyone looked into spontaneous combustion?


hole in the floor

22.12.2005 01:11

A hole basted through the rather strong layer of the floor while the relatively frail walls and roof of the carriage remain intact
With the blast pressure taking the path of least resistance, an impossibility for a Leeds home-made rucksack bomb IMO


the photo

24.12.2005 00:15

if the picture is the right way up, looks like the floor is bent down. Whats needed is an enquiry with someone expert in explosives to answer these questions, rather than amateur speculation, including this post.


a proper independent enquiry

26.12.2005 01:14

Though who knows who would head it. Mansfield or Gareth or Arani perhaps. Certainly none of those fraternal judges
