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Removals from Colnbrook 16th December 2005

posted by mouse | 17.12.2005 20:17

About 20 people deported to Afghanistan without removal directions.

Message from Sheffield
Here is a report from one of our club members who was held in Colnbrook for a few nights. (He is now in Dover).
He told me that about 20 Afghanis were deported last night, three were returned to Colnbrook for no reason, one is his room mate.  When deported, they are just taken with no warning, no chance to telephone anyone to let them know what is happening.  They are strip searched, put in T shirts, jogging bottoms and flip flops, handcuffed and bunged on the bus.  The guards are not physically violent, but not gentle either, and are verbally very abusive, a lot of shouting, pushing and shoving. 
Have some further information about how the Afghanis were being deported from Colnbrook.
There was NO oportunity to phone out.  in the bus there was one officer to each detainee.  When being loaded onto the plane, then they put two officers to each detainee.  One Afghani said that his clothes were still at his lodgings and what about his bank account?  He was told that having been put in Colnbrook, he should have known he was about to be deported and made sure that his stuff was brought to him and as for his bank account, then to go the British Embassy in Kabul and sort it out from there.
The plane was a charter.  There were at least 30 - 35 on the bus, and other detainees were being put on the plane along with the ones from Colnbrook.  It was largish, between 60 - 100 seater.   On the side was and  Anyone heard of this outfit? 

posted by mouse