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Pictures of Glasgow No Borders Blockades

Dawn Raid | 16.12.2005 18:04 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression

This is a compilation of photos from this week's two blockades of the Home Office in Glasgow.

Wednesday, workers could still drive in
Wednesday, workers could still drive in

Clowns Slowly Rush the Fence
Clowns Slowly Rush the Fence

Barricades Not Borders
Barricades Not Borders

Keeping Watch, Keeping Warm
Keeping Watch, Keeping Warm

Genuine Photograph
Genuine Photograph

Here's some of the photographs taken at the recent blockades of Brand Street Immigration Office in Glasgow. They have been successful in preventing the practice of "dawn raids" on the flats of "failed" asylum seekers in the city, at least on the three days that they have taken place on.

Full coverage of the actions can be found on Scotland Indymedia
* Thursday

* Wednesday

* The first action, in November:

* What "Dawn Raids" Means

* What Happens at Brand Street?

Dawn Raid
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Good demo today 16/12/05

17.12.2005 23:57

Good demo today at Brand Street, about 300 people, including a (rather good) steel band. Didnt stay for very long, but there was a strong showing from the local community. Lots and lots of mums with children.

Mhairi McAlpine