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MP discredits Aspartame

aspartame eater | 15.12.2005 10:54 | Education | Health | Repression

Pushed through legislation, this sweetner is in many products if only you looked at the list of ingredients! "potentially" unsafe for you!

Keep away from aspartame, and check out,2763,1667734,00.html

fair play to the MP

aspartame eater


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15.12.2005 11:54

How dare they use this hallowed site to inform the world about dangerous metabolic poisons?

This a is a corporate repost or something, hide it now nanny imcuk.


this has been known about for years

15.12.2005 13:04

many people have been avoiding aspartame for many years already

a rat

Mission Impossible

15.12.2005 17:04

Betty Martini and the 'Mission Impossible' campaign has been working on this issue since 1993 - for some information on it see She has in the past done tours of the UK talking about this.

Phenanalyne (sorry about the bad spelling) is a toxin long linked to cancer of different types, yet is a compound in asparteme which is the main component of artificial sweetners, such as Neutrasweet, etc. Look at many packets of processed foods containing artifical sweetners and you will see the warning. Now, people will actually understand what that warning means.

Colin Blakemore
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