Military plan will rob the community of its social fabric
Jack and Jill | 15.12.2005 09:12 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | World
But why would any person make a decision to take away from the social fabric, workers, and desperate, disadvantaged, disabled and mentally ill people and plough that money into military hardware to kill people? Where is the logic in that? Especially for an illegal and degrading war like Iraq.
AUSTRALIA: An alleged leading war-tank for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) issues says Australia will be able to make larger overseas deployments through a plan to set up a second mechanised battalion.
Prime Meanster john hoWARd and Defence Miniature Sinator robert 'dill' have launched two reports on the future of Australia's 'insecurity' and the military.
The Federal Dictatorship will spend $1.5 billion just taken off welfare recipients, university students and workers, over the next decade to increase armaments and restructure the military to carry out larger operations?
But why would any person make a decision to take away from the social fabric, workers, and desperate, disadvantaged, disabled and mentally ill people and plough that money into military hardware to kill people? Where is the logic in that? Especially for an illegal and degrading war like Iraq.
We're told that modified military structure will aim to produce a more mobile force with greater firepower that is able to stay longer in lethal situations.
Instead of a social structure that will produce a more healthy society with greater stability that is able to survive longer in desperate situations including humanitarian crisis.
The Federal Dictatorship says the second mechanised battalion will be operating by 2011.
And by 2011 who knows how many of our young people won't survive the misery of being poor, disabled, mentally ill or desperate?
The executive director of the Australia Defence Association, Neil James, says the change has big implications for future missions overseas.
"For instance, the task force we have in Al-Muthanna at the moment in Iraq ... we can only send sub-units of our only mechanised battalion," Mr James said.
"What this will allow us to do in the long run is if you needed to, to be able to send slightly larger formations, perhaps up to unit strength."
Sure it will, by doing exactly the 'opposite' of building a social fabric here at home and by not providing a safety net and the fundamental support so very necessary for the viable and sustainable growth of our own community!
Desperate workers
Sinator dill says the ADF plan requires the recruitment of 1,500 new soldiers.
But more likely they will start out as desperate job seekers on poor wages and conditions who are enticed by the ADF with music videos and hero status.
He says Reserves will be retrained to be effectively part of the front line.
Yeah! I'll be sending my kids along for a bullet in the head to become scapegoats for some illegal and degrading war?
Mr James says the recruitment target will be a challenge.
Sure it will if you can convince kids that a bullet in the head while they play AC DC won't put off their future dreams of growing old and having a family!
dill: "We've got reasonably full-on employment and a reasonably buoyant economy and there's less young people around and the Defence Force is disproportionately made up of young people," he said.
But now you've got no work choices then that was very well planned.
dill: "In a competitive economic environment, it's harder for the Defence Force to recruit, particularly when their conditions of service and salaries tend to lag behind community norms."
Hence no work choices that changes that!
The 'report' by the dictatorship says Australia's key defence goals are countering weapons of mass destruction, supporting unstable regional states and counter-terrorism.
Like those WMD they found in Iraq? Supporting Indonesia's State Sanctioned Terror? And countering dissent and liberty at home for people who don't agree?
Sinator dilll says increasing the ability to call in the Army in national emergencies will reinforce Australia's counter-terrorism capacity.
Yes sure and it will also undermine any dissent capacity by unions and peace activists who don't like your idea of illegal and degrading wars, scapegoats for the war on terror, a banana republic and a police state!
He says the amendments to the Defence Act are now public and will be examined by a parliamentary committee during the break.
A parliamentary committee made up of dictators!
dill: "It improves the flexibility of calling out the Forces," he said.
"The current rules are very rigid and the time frames within which we might have to act would be difficult to implement.
"They are changes to make the system more flexible and more adaptable to the circumstance, particularly the one we may not have predicted."
Like the backlash from pre-emptive war or a fresh attack on another sovereign nation!
Shame on you hoWARd Shame!
On top of a surplus of 11.5 billion dollars!
Australian state government prepares savage attack on democratic rights
Likewise, in the wake of the racial violence, there will be no public discussion or even the semblance of a parliamentary debate on Iemma's new legislation today. Having created the social and political climate that has led to the clashes in Sydney, the political establishment is rushing to exploit the situation to further its own right-wing "law and order" agenda.
VSU means thousands of job losses
They are responsible for the destruction of student services and the loss of 4,200 jobs.
ASIO raid family home
This is an assault on civil liberties, for all Australians - on the eve of Human Rights Day 2005 that marks the day in 1948, that the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Shame hoWARd shame on you!
Sinate passes disabled-and-desperate-to-work package
It is mainly aimed at single parents and people on disability support pensions.
Sinate passes counter-liberty laws
The sedition section of the laws allegedly mean people who are alleged to have incited violence against the dictatorship could be jailed for up to seven years and that may certainly depend on who you are, no doubt!
Anti-liberty laws should never be passed
Law Council president John North said the laws were flawed because they allowed people to be held without charge. "There's no amount of tinkering with those laws that can save the badness of that particular law," he said.
Your jobs are no longer safe!
"I make this promise to the federal members of Parliament who voted for these laws, who were elected by people who had no idea they would vote to tear up their workplace rights," she said.
Prime Meanster john hoWARd and Defence Miniature Sinator robert 'dill' have launched two reports on the future of Australia's 'insecurity' and the military.
The Federal Dictatorship will spend $1.5 billion just taken off welfare recipients, university students and workers, over the next decade to increase armaments and restructure the military to carry out larger operations?
But why would any person make a decision to take away from the social fabric, workers, and desperate, disadvantaged, disabled and mentally ill people and plough that money into military hardware to kill people? Where is the logic in that? Especially for an illegal and degrading war like Iraq.
We're told that modified military structure will aim to produce a more mobile force with greater firepower that is able to stay longer in lethal situations.
Instead of a social structure that will produce a more healthy society with greater stability that is able to survive longer in desperate situations including humanitarian crisis.
The Federal Dictatorship says the second mechanised battalion will be operating by 2011.
And by 2011 who knows how many of our young people won't survive the misery of being poor, disabled, mentally ill or desperate?
The executive director of the Australia Defence Association, Neil James, says the change has big implications for future missions overseas.
"For instance, the task force we have in Al-Muthanna at the moment in Iraq ... we can only send sub-units of our only mechanised battalion," Mr James said.
"What this will allow us to do in the long run is if you needed to, to be able to send slightly larger formations, perhaps up to unit strength."
Sure it will, by doing exactly the 'opposite' of building a social fabric here at home and by not providing a safety net and the fundamental support so very necessary for the viable and sustainable growth of our own community!
Desperate workers
Sinator dill says the ADF plan requires the recruitment of 1,500 new soldiers.
But more likely they will start out as desperate job seekers on poor wages and conditions who are enticed by the ADF with music videos and hero status.
He says Reserves will be retrained to be effectively part of the front line.
Yeah! I'll be sending my kids along for a bullet in the head to become scapegoats for some illegal and degrading war?
Mr James says the recruitment target will be a challenge.
Sure it will if you can convince kids that a bullet in the head while they play AC DC won't put off their future dreams of growing old and having a family!
dill: "We've got reasonably full-on employment and a reasonably buoyant economy and there's less young people around and the Defence Force is disproportionately made up of young people," he said.
But now you've got no work choices then that was very well planned.
dill: "In a competitive economic environment, it's harder for the Defence Force to recruit, particularly when their conditions of service and salaries tend to lag behind community norms."
Hence no work choices that changes that!
The 'report' by the dictatorship says Australia's key defence goals are countering weapons of mass destruction, supporting unstable regional states and counter-terrorism.
Like those WMD they found in Iraq? Supporting Indonesia's State Sanctioned Terror? And countering dissent and liberty at home for people who don't agree?
Sinator dilll says increasing the ability to call in the Army in national emergencies will reinforce Australia's counter-terrorism capacity.
Yes sure and it will also undermine any dissent capacity by unions and peace activists who don't like your idea of illegal and degrading wars, scapegoats for the war on terror, a banana republic and a police state!
He says the amendments to the Defence Act are now public and will be examined by a parliamentary committee during the break.
A parliamentary committee made up of dictators!
dill: "It improves the flexibility of calling out the Forces," he said.
"The current rules are very rigid and the time frames within which we might have to act would be difficult to implement.
"They are changes to make the system more flexible and more adaptable to the circumstance, particularly the one we may not have predicted."
Like the backlash from pre-emptive war or a fresh attack on another sovereign nation!
Shame on you hoWARd Shame!
On top of a surplus of 11.5 billion dollars!
Australian state government prepares savage attack on democratic rights
Likewise, in the wake of the racial violence, there will be no public discussion or even the semblance of a parliamentary debate on Iemma's new legislation today. Having created the social and political climate that has led to the clashes in Sydney, the political establishment is rushing to exploit the situation to further its own right-wing "law and order" agenda.

VSU means thousands of job losses
They are responsible for the destruction of student services and the loss of 4,200 jobs.

ASIO raid family home
This is an assault on civil liberties, for all Australians - on the eve of Human Rights Day 2005 that marks the day in 1948, that the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Shame hoWARd shame on you!

Sinate passes disabled-and-desperate-to-work package
It is mainly aimed at single parents and people on disability support pensions.

Sinate passes counter-liberty laws
The sedition section of the laws allegedly mean people who are alleged to have incited violence against the dictatorship could be jailed for up to seven years and that may certainly depend on who you are, no doubt!

Anti-liberty laws should never be passed
Law Council president John North said the laws were flawed because they allowed people to be held without charge. "There's no amount of tinkering with those laws that can save the badness of that particular law," he said.

Your jobs are no longer safe!
"I make this promise to the federal members of Parliament who voted for these laws, who were elected by people who had no idea they would vote to tear up their workplace rights," she said.

Jack and Jill