An Open Letter To The FBI And Other Government Terrorists
James F. Marino | 14.12.2005 21:37 | Repression
An Open Letter To The FBI And Other Counterintelligence Agencies Who Operate Under The Facade Of Legitimate Law Enforcement While Perpetrating Covert Forms Of Terrorism Against Targeted American Citizens
An Open Letter To The fbi And Other Government Terrorists
The fbi and other federally funded government organizations have in everyway possible violated the Constitution Of The United States Of America, as they continue each day to psychologically torture both my family and self, in a vicious and calculated campaign to destroy our sanity. Your illegal use of psychological warfare on us, and the additional use of classified and advanced terrorist/mindcontrol technology on myself, which includes electromagnetic weapons (specifically psychotronics), is duly noted. You people are terrorists and should be subjected to the punishments befitting of such lowlife creatures.
You are not a defender of the American people as your sordid COINTELPRO history clearly shows. You are the ultimate predators, given access to weapons which allow you the covert ability to torture Americans, and the plausible deniability to hide behind your criminal and cowardly acts, under the cover of law. These psychotic and vicious acts, which you mercilessly perpetrate against many American citizens, only further demonstrate your true purpose in this country: to serve those in power by covering up their crimes, and protecting the status quo at all costs, crushing any dissidence in the process through the use of terrorism. The fbi, nsa and cia are not liberators of free speech within the United States Of America; they are supressors of it.
You are not a proponent of the United States Constitution and the Civil Liberties afforded to each American by it. Instead, you are diametrically opposed to such freedoms which the American Civil Liberties Union's ongoing battles with you are testament to. You are the antithesis of the American way of life. And your presence in this country is an offense to each and every American citizen, and the very freedoms that America was founded on. If our forefathers could see the complete subversion of Government that the federal intelligence community has caused in this great country, they would surely be turning over in their graves.
You have murdered, either directly, or by your knowledge of and complicity in the cover up of other murders, countless numbers of American citizens, including many Native Americans whom you persecuted when they peacefully organized in support of their Civil Rights. Your COINTELPRO style attacks on the American Indian Movement (AIM) at Wounded Knee, which left over 60 Native Americans dead, and an innocent man by the name of Leonard Peltier imprisoned for life, are documented for future generations of Americans to see. Your notorious attacks on any types of activism are also well documented. Did you really think that you could get away with conspiring with the Oakland, California Police Department, to murder Judi Bari by bombing her car? Did you honestly think that the public would not find out about it, or that you tried to cover it up by framing Judi for it, while she lay near death in a local hospital, from injuries sustained in the bombing? Just what kind of lowlife creatures are you anyway?
You obviously knew that Judi wasn't a terrorist. If she was, there would have been no need for you to have gone to the considerable trouble of bombing her car and then entrapping her so that she'd get the blame for it. Talk about being vindictive.
Of course, you couldn't get an indictment because a Federal Grand Jury knew there was no real evidence. And when Judi sued you in court, even your positions as federal officers could not save you from a Jury who saw right through your lies, and awarded Judi and her partner Daryl Cherney, over 4 million dollars in damages. It must have been something for you and your giant egos to experience when the Jury found in favor of them instead of the fbi. Did it even register with any of you that when a federal Jury goes against the fbi in court that the fbi must have really overstepped its bounds? Probably not, since you are still committing the same criminal acts that you always have, over and over again!
What about Dr. Steven Hatfield, whom you all but accused of being the anthrax mailer? You never found any evidence to link him with this situation, yet you systematically destroyed his reputation. And you never even once offered an apology to the man whose life you completely destroyed.
And we certainly can't forget about the fbi's attack on Michael Boren Williams and his family when he accused
George H W Bush of illegal tactics in his 1988 campaign run against Gary Hart now can we? The following is quoted
directly from Michael himself:
"On 18. March 1988, several FBI agents ("America's Gestapo") battered down the door of my Colorado home with an FBI battering ram, shot my 2-year-old daughter's puppy in the head, and proceeded to seize virtually everything my family and I owned. While they were in the process of doing this, they stripped my wife (6 months pregnant) and baby daughter and performed body and cavity searches on both of them in the presence of a room filled with FBI thugs. The had no search warrants for this mob style seizure."
"To make a long story short, I was tortured for two years in the worst prisons in the world, ending up in the infamous Marion, ("Son of Alcatraz"). Why would the feds send an educated man, a corporate president, whom they admitted was "not dangerous at all" to the most maximum security prison there is? Because my REAL "crime" was resurrecting Senator Gary Hart's 1988 Presidential campaign and trying to expose ex-C.I.A. Director George Bush's rampant criminal activity to the American people."
"Can you imagine that? A man has to DIE fighting for justice in America? Must I die in order to be the one man who stands up to these demonic, power-crazed maniacs? I have sworn to fight them to my last drop of blood and my last breath of air, so I may, indeed, die fighting. Better to die as a hero than live as a coward."
And did you really think that the world would forget about your COINTELPRO tactics against Dr. Martin Luther King jr. or the Black Panther Party? Both of whom you destroyed in one way or another. Exactly how did you engineer Dr. King's death anyway? And if it was not for the Black Panther Party's liberation of files from an fbi office back in 1971, and its liberal sharing of them with the media, do you think that the American people would have ever found out about your COINTELPRO activities? Yes COINTELPRO, short for counter-intelligence program. The tactics used to perpetrate disinformation, black propaganda and the untruth to the American people, while you carry out your seditious crimes against them. This name keeps coming up over and over again in regard to the fbi. And you agents claim that you no longer use these tactics, but of course, those of us who have been terrorized by you know different. They just fall under the terms domestic terrorism and national security these days; how convenient for you.
What about WACO and Ruby Ridge? Did you expect us to forget about the more then 70 men, women and children who were burned beyond recognition, or that when the fbi and batf determined that their psychological warfare campaign against the Branch Davidians was not effective enough, decided to open fire on a group of Davidians as they were trying to surrender to you?
Many who witnessed these attacks have also reported that the fbi and batf were using psychological warfare on the Davidians, and quite possibly psychotronic weaponry as well. I have personally seen many photos of the charred remains of the Davidians. They are permanently etched within my memory as I expect they are in yours. And I hope that you take these visions of your insidious acts of cowardice with you to your own graves; especially the photos of the helpless children that you so wantonly murdered.
And lest we not forget about the two federal marshalls who illegally invaded the Weaver Compound in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in a blatant attempt at provoking the Weaver Family into confrontation. A confrontation in which 13 year old Sammy Weaver would be shot dead as he ran from a federal marshall. And then there's the cold blooded murder of his mother shortly after that, as fbi sniper Lon Horichi shot an unarmed and terrified Vicki Weaver straight through her head, as she held her baby in her arms. Just the vision of this act send chills down one's spine. And yes, there was the shooting of Dad, Randy Weaver as well. Even the Department Of Justice was appalled at the fbi's horrendous behavior in this situation. And you could not convince a Jury that the fbi had acted properly here either, as they awarded Randy Weaver over 3 million dollars in damages, the result of your vicious and unprovoked attacks on him and his family.
But this punitive award could not bring back Randy's wife or young son now, could it? And of course, no one should ever forget that this entire situation was started by two federal marshalls, who without a search warrant, decided to illegally trespass on the Weaver's property just looking to start trouble. These federal marshalls clearly broke the law. And it was both Vicki and her son Sammy who paid for it with their lives. Vicki never got to see her family grow up. And Sammy will never have the chance to have one of his own. You want to talk about justice in this country? Neither of these people ever received any.
Still yet another fbi victim, actress Jean Seberg, was constantly hounded by you, the result of her support for the Black Panther Party. Your relentless attacks on the late actress not only forced her to miscarry in her pregnancy, but eventually drove her to commit suicide. Or was it really a suicide after all? Perhaps you just killed Jean and made it look like one. The fbi's attacks certainly did nothing to improve the quality of her health; that's for certain.
Photos of Jean over the last year of her life showed a woman who'd aged at least 10 years during that time, due to your relentless psychological operation campaign against her. Richard W. Held, then a key figure in the fbi's COINTELPRO operations, was directly responsible for Jean's death. Instead of being punished for it, this lowlife thug went on to a successful career as head of security for Visa International -- if you work for the fbi crime definitely does pay -- and for some agents quite well. Ultimately, whether or not Jean died by her own hand or was murdered by the fbi in a "made to look like suicide," you people and your despicable COINTELPRO tactics will forever be remembered as the cause of her untimely death. You took a beautiful and talented young woman and you destroyed her! Jean's blood, like so many others who've fallen victim to the fbi, is on your hands!
You have violated the Civil Rights of countless numbers of American citizens, and in many instances allowed innocent men and women to be imprisoned, due to either your own incompetence, or crimes in which you were involved, then covered up.
You people are criminals in the deepest sense of the word, and your ultimate legacy will reflect this, as the American people awaken to the despicable crimes that the fbi and other government organizations, including the national security agency, central intelligence agency, and drug enforcement agency are guilty of.
And unlike you, the American people will find legal recourse in which to rid themselves of the likes of your kind. Any future mention of you will only exist as a once powerful, but no longer threatening malignancy within their memories, the accounts of which, they will pass on down through their own progeny.
James F. Marino
American Psychotronic Torture Victim


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James F. Marino