Gov. Schwarzenneger Refuses Clemency for Tookie Williams
Sean M. Madden ( | 12.12.2005 22:23 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles
Earlier today, I asked the question: Will "The Terminator" Terminate Tookie?
The answer is yes, and it is another sad day for humanity ...
The answer is yes, and it is another sad day for humanity ...
The following URL provides recent Google News results on the subject of Williams's rejected clemency bid:
Sean M. Madden (
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A Prayer for Tookie
13.12.2005 03:03
Bob C from California
crime to be black in america
13.12.2005 06:47
The normally dodgy Scotsman newspaper had an excellent front-page on rape last week, asking if a 4% conviction rate really meant we thought 96% of the women are liars or if it was the judiciary was just too male.
From childhood Tookie was seven times more likely to end up in a US prison simply for being born black, and since 'all men are created equal' the US justice department figures should it's own bias.
The vast majority of deaths caused by LA gang culture occur in El Salvador and Honduras. They could have exiled Tookie there - if he had reformed then he might have stopped the violence there and if he hadn't reformed, he wouldn't be the first or the worst US killer the US had sent there.
"Six percent in college
from livin on the block
twenty five percent in prison
the school of hard knocks
fifty percent in poverty
is livin on the rocks
five hundred brothas on a death row box
The punishment is capital
for those who lack in capital
because a public defender
can't remember the last time
that a brother wasn't treated like an animal."
Governor Terminator has shown his true Nazi colours.
13.12.2005 09:34
Sad Day
Thanks Danny
13.12.2005 10:24
It takes guts to point out the reality of Black based crime in the US today. Many are trying to push under the carpet the reality that the majority of crimes are commited by Blacks and that society is not dealing with this
ridiculous comments
14.12.2005 00:08
If they stop committing a disproportionate ammount of murders, they won't be disproportionately excuted.
If they stop screwing-up, they won't end up in the ghetto.
Some blacks understand that playing up this ridiculous "culture of entitlement" and "victimhood complex" only holds them back, but the lefties on here and elsewhere keep playing the same old tune. THAT is what holds blacks back, NOTHING else!
even sader
14.12.2005 00:36
oh dear quickly the truth has been posted
censor it
Death penalty vs life penalty
14.12.2005 15:41
"Justice for the innocent victims!" also gets yelled a lot.
If a person's been found guilty of murder, then they should get a life sentence with no parole. For a young person, spending the rest of their life in jail will be far worse than a quick death.
The US experience proves that the death penalty isn't a deterrent to crime: look at the sky-high murder rate there.
Justice hasn't been better served by killing the guilty man, and all his work against gang violence will now come to an end. The lesson learned by the kids thinking of joining the gangs is that murder is acceptable, if the murderer is powerful enough.
So everybody's the loser, this time. Again.
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