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Story of the Al Housain Palestinian camp in Amman, Jordan.

Paul O'Hanlon | 09.12.2005 12:03 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | World

This is a 1,500 word article about a Palestinian camp in Jordan with 20 labelled photos and a piece by a Palestinian activist.

Story of the Al Housain Palestinian camp in Amman, Jordan

The population of the small Middle Eastern country of Jordan is over half Palestinian. Some 3 million out of a population of five and a half million are from Palestine. This is the story of one of the 19 Palestinian Camps in Jordan – Al Housain, which has a population of over 120,000 and is located near the Centre of the Jordanian Capital, Amman. The Palestinians were expelled from their homeland in the late 1940’s after the creation of the state of Israel. Many live in wretched conditions such as those of the Al Housain camp where despite aid from UNRWA and the Jordanian government life is hard.

I asked a Palestinian about the possibility of a one-state solution where Israelis and Plalestinians could live together but he said that was basically a non starter.

The main organisation which looks after Palestinians in exile is UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)


2005 has been a year of momentous change in the occupied Palestinian territory: a new President was elected, municipal elections took place, and Israel withdrew its presence from the Gaza Strip and from parts of the Northern West Bank. There was a marked decrease in the levels of violence prevalent during the previous years. A sense of hope, although still very fragile, has reappeared in this devastated land.

UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) is a relief and human development agency, providing education, healthcare, social services and emergency aid to over four million refugees living in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and the Syrian Arab republic.
UNRWA is by far the largest UN operation in the Middle East, with over 25,000 staff, almost all of them refugees themselves, working directly to benefit their communities - as teachers, doctors, nurses or social workers.

(An academic and leader of the UK's Palestinian Community Association)

Israel was set up by expulsion, rape and massacre"
"The Jewish state could not have come into being without ethnic cleansing and, more may be necessary in future to ensure its survival. This should shock no one, for it is entirely consistent with the basic Zionist proposition of an ethnically pure state.",3604,1171705,00.html
The Guardian, London, Thursday March 18, 2004
By any means necessary
It is not simply Israel's current hardline government that is to blame for the subjugation of Palestinians, but Zionism itself
By Ghada Karmi

Israel's deputy defence minister, Ze'ev Boim, recently wondered whether there was a genetic defect that made Arabs terrorists. "What is it with Islam in general and the Palestinians in particular?" he asked on Israel army radio. "Is it some sort of cultural deficiency? Is it a genetic defect?"
The dismay this arouses will be discounted by some of Israel's friends simply as evidence of the extreme nature of its present government, with its barrier wall and its "transfer" enthusiasts. If only Sharon and his hardliners were replaced by moderates, they say, we could return to a halcyon pre-Likud past that promised peace and coexistence. But to believe this is to misunderstand the nature of Israel's dominant ideology - of which Ariel Sharon and his minister are nothing more than devoted servants. It is not he that is the problem, but the Zionism he espouses.
For those who have forgotten or never understood what Zionism meant in practice, the Israeli historian, Benny Morris's latest revelations and comments - published first in the Israeli daily Haaretz and then in the Guardian - make salutary reading. They have raised a storm of controversy that is still raging two months later, perhaps because they were too honest about an ideology that some would rather keep hidden. Morris, who first exposed the dark circumstances of Israel's creation in his groundbreaking 1988 book on the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem, explains the Israeli project with a brutal candour few Zionists have been prepared to display.

Using Israeli state archives for his recently revised study, he reminds us that Israel was set up by expulsion, rape and massacre. The Jewish state could not have come into being without ethnic cleansing and, he asserts, more may be necessary in future to ensure its survival. This bald assertion should shock no one, for it is entirely consistent with the basic Zionist proposition of an ethnically pure state. Palestine's indigenous population was a clear impediment to this aim; which is why the concept of transfer was so central to Zionist thinking long before 1948 - advocated by Zionism's leaders and expressed through a series of specific expulsion plans from the mid-1930s onwards. These led inexorably to the 1948 Palestinian exodus and the refugee tragedy that persists today.

In an attempt to evade responsibility, Zionists have long tried to suggest that, but for the Arabs' "unprovoked" attack on Israel in 1948, there would be no refugees. This idea is both pernicious and false. Between January and the end of May 1948, a mere two weeks into the war, a third of the Palestinian population (my own family included) had left, most of them expelled. The "war" itself was more of a civil conflict and could not alone have accounted for the mass exodus. The Arab armies were notoriously ill-equipped and poorly trained and no match for the superior Zionist forces. Though ultimately ineffective, they came to defend the hapless Palestinians and to prevent their territories from being totally overrun.

The truth is that the problem for Zionism was always how to keep Palestine without the Palestinians. And hence today's Israeli anxieties about the so-called Palestinian "demographic threat". As the intifada continues, despite draconian suppression, there is a near panic over a "demographic spillover" that might dilute Israel's "Jewish character". One recent opinion poll shows that 57% of Israelis support transferring the Arabs, and government ministers such as Avigdor Lieberman advocate this idea quite openly.

It is against this background that the monstrous barrier wall in the West Bank can be understood. "The Palestinians will always pose a threat and they must therefore be controlled and caged in," Morris explains. Hence, also, Ariel Sharon's offer last December of a "unilateral" withdrawal from 40% of the West Bank, and his hardline deputy Ehud Olmert's support for partition "because of demography". But the problem also exists inside Israel, whose Arab population is 20%, and growing. It is estimated that by 2010 there will be an Arab majority in the whole of Israel-Palestine. How will the Zionists stem the tide and keep the state Jewish?

If Zionism is to prevail, there are few choices. As Morris says, it can only be by superior force to overcome "the barbarians who want to take our lives". The Arabs have "no moral inhibitions", he claims, insisting that in Islam "human life doesn't have the same value as it does in the west". Is this observation much different from Boim's Arab genetic defect? And can the rights of such inferior people equate to those of Jews? "The right of [Palestinian] refugees to return ... seems natural and just," Morris says. "But this 'right of return' needs to be weighed against the right to life and wellbeing of the 5 million Jews who currently live in Israel." Apparently, Jewish self-determination is an imperative that supersedes the rights of the people at whose expense it was promulgated.

And in this he encapsulates the essence of Zionism. Though creating Israel entailed Palestinian suffering, Morris argues, it was for a noble aim. That is why Zionism is still a dangerous idea: at its root is a conviction of moral rightness that justifies almost any act deemed necessary to preserve the Jewish state. If that means massive military - including nuclear - force, unsavoury alliances, theft of others' resources, aggression and occupation, the brutal crushing of all resistance - then so be it. No one should be under any illusion that Zionism is a spent force, regardless of current discourse about "post-Zionism". That a benign Zionism, sympathetic to Palestinians, also exists means little while these basic tenets remain.

We must thank Morris for disabusing us of such notions. But a project that is morally one-sided and can only survive through force and xenophobia has no long-term future. As he himself says: "Destruction could be the end of this process."
Ghada Karmi is research fellow at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, and author of In Search of Fatima: a Palestinian story.

"The law under which Jews from the former Soviet Union can immigrate to Germany is close to the restricted definition of 'Jewish under Jewish law'. The Israeli Law of Return, however, is in fact based on the Nuremberg Laws, in which the Germans expanded the definition of who is Jewish in accordance with their own needs." [, Israel, Saturday, May 24, 2003 Iyyar 22, 5763]
"Arabs are beasts, not human beings"

In short the Palestinians have the right to return.

20 labelled photos are attached.

Paul O'Hanlon
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Uncle Hajj Loves You

09.12.2005 16:06

It'a fun using the owrds "refugee camp when sopeaking of the cities in which "palestinians" live. Kinda makes the ignorant think they've been living in tents for 60 yrs. Very good propaganda.

Propaganda Central

They are indeed Refugee Camps

09.12.2005 17:03

They're packed to the gills with refugees who have been waiting 60 years to return, as you so helpfully pointed out.

camp: shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs

A refugee camp is a camp built up by governments or NGOs (such as the ICRC) to receive refugees.

Solve the refugee problem and there won't be a need for refugee camps.


Uncle Hasbarah loves you

Propaganda Emotive Language- Orwell is Smiling

09.12.2005 21:15

"Solve the refugee problem and there won't be a need for refugee camps."

"Palestinian" refugees are the only refugees on the planet which have NEVER been resettled. They are also the only refugees to have their very own UN sugardaddies. UNWRA.

It's the world's longest running welfare scam. In addition the definition for "Palestinian" refugees is quite different than that of other refugees. It covers ALL of the children that they will ever have into perpetuity. This of course is to insure that there will always be "refugees" to play with.
Had the neighboring Arab nations allowed the "palestinians" to integrate into their societies 60 years ago, this wouldn't be an issue. Instead, many still languish in "camps" today in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Even in "palestinian" controlled Gaza, their cities are called "camps".
Factually more Jews were ethnically cleansed from Arab lands than those who fled during the 1948 war which was initiated by the various Arab nations. There was never a special department in the UN set up for these refugees. Fortunately for them , Israel exists, and has welcomed these refugees, no matter where they came from. Too bad the Arab nations never had the respect to care for their arab brothers.

Getting back to the original point...New York City is a Refugee Camp, along with Rome, Paris, Berlin and London according to the definition used to describe "palestinian" cities as "camps". Great propaganda

Arthur Kennedy

A Zionist Talking About Propaganda - Priceless!!

10.12.2005 04:37

"definition for "Palestinian" refugees is ..."

The quotation marks identify the racism inherent in your supremacist ideolgy.

"Had the neighboring Arab nations allowed the "palestinians" to integrate into their societies 60 years ago, this wouldn't be an issue."

So, if they had simply "gotten over" being Ethnically Cleansed by European Zionist Terrorist Organizations, this wouldn't be a problem. Always Blaming the Victim, the Zionists. Anything to avoid that spotlight, right?

"Factually more Jews were ethnically cleansed from Arab lands"

Factually, that is a LIE.

The bulk of the people you're referring to left to start a new life in the great, new, peaceful Eden the Zionists told them they could expect. Hey, everybody needs tax revenue!

Published By
Jews For Justice in the Middle East

Jews For Justice For Palestinians

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation

Hasbara hasbara Zionists Hasbara

10.12.2005 15:56

"Had the neighboring Arab nations allowed the "palestinians" to integrate into their societies 60 years ago, this wouldn't be an issue."

IRRELEVANT SAYS: "So, if they had simply "gotten over" being Ethnically Cleansed"

Before the Arab nations attacked Israel, invaded, occupied and annexed the lands they captured ("palestinian" lands of course); Syria considered the "palestinains" to be Syrians, Trans Jordan considered them "TransJordanians", and egypt saw them as egyptians.
Syria had considered "palestine" as Syria...which also included Trans Jordan.
King Abdullah of Trans Jordan wanted to build the Pan-Arab Mega state. That also included Arabs living in Judea, Samaria and Israel. If Israel hadn't existed, the Arabs would have returned to the business of killing each other.

Hey, you know what was really cool? When the PLO tried to overthrow the Hashemite's occupation of Jordan, and Syria sent their tanks to help the PLO. King Hussein of Jordan actually asked for Israeli help to drive the Syrians back accross the border. It worked. Israel flew some jets over the Syrian invasion force, and Assad said "Holy Shiite" let's get out of here.

PaliPropaganda Doesn't Work Among Educated People

Anyhow ...

11.12.2005 16:28

Published By
Jews For Justice in the Middle East

Jews For Justice For Palestinians

A Field Guide to Hasbara (Zionist Propaganda)
World Union of Jewish Students
(Another Zionist organization masquerading as a benign Jewish students' club)

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation

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Stop Pepsi Apartheid and Imperialsism

11.12.2005 20:02

I see the ZIONISTS have forced the poor palestinian refugees to live in camps with unfortune modern buildings, roads for their cars, new mosques, hotels for other poor refugees and worst of all, the ZIONISTS invasion forces of OCCUPATION and apartheid force the poor palestinian refugees to drink PEPSI!!!! Oh the inhumanity.

refugee "camps" go better with Coke


14.12.2005 13:02

"Factually more Jews were ethnically cleansed from Arab lands"

Factually, that is a LIE.

Nonsense - my family is from Iran.

Under the Shah we were very wealthy and owned land with industrial interests.

When I was 9 we were expelled by The Ayatollah from Tehran - the reason was that we were Jews. We did not leave for a better life in Israel - we left because we were expelled, everything was taken from us.

We came to the UK, many of our friends fled to Israel as the place where they felt they would be safe as Jews.


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