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Complaint to the BBC: Re London 7/7 attacks

Bridget Dunne | 03.12.2005 00:56 | Terror War

Complaint to the BBC re:: Horizon 27/10/05
Based on the information I have discovered about the train times on 7/7 and this article by The Antagonist, I have decided to challenge the media on their deceitful reporting of events. Along with the Freedom of Information Act, the Press Complaints Commission allow citizens like myself who are concerned with the truth, to challenge those in authority. This is somethng we ALL can do.

Complaint to the BBC re:: Horizon 27/10/05
Based on the information I have discovered about the train times on 7/7 and this article by The Antagonist, I have decided to challenge the media on their deceitful reporting of events. Along with the Freedom of Information Act, the Press Complaints Commission allow citizens like myself who are concerned with the truth, to challenge those in authority. This is somethng we ALL can do.

Horizon, trumpeted by the Beeb as their flagship science programme, graphically reported and reconstructed the so-called bombers movements from Luton Thameslink station. The information they gave was false.

I am awaiting a reply from the BBC to the following complaint:

On a recent Horizon programme entitled "The 7/7 Bombers – A Psychological Investigation What makes someone want to blow themselves – and others - up?", the presenter clearly states with graphic images of digital clocks the following incorrect information:

The so-called bombers caught the 7.48 from Luton, they arrived at Kings X at 8.26 and separated at 8.30 at Kings X underground.

According to the released time tables from Luton the 7.48 was running 20 minutes late and arrived at Kings X at 8.42, making it impossible for these young men to have carried out the attacks as shown in your documentary. In fact no train left Luton that morning at 7.48.

You state on the BBC website that Horizon is BBC Two's flagship 50-minute science documentary series, surely you would check these facts before showing a forensic psychologist making the supposedly same journey as we are told these 4 young men did?

I emailed Horizon but have as yet received no reply, I would like this factually incorrect information to be aknowledged and publicly corrected.

The more complaints that the BBC receive from those concerned with the truth, the nearer we may be to exposing this mass deceit and subsequent cover-up.

Bridget Dunne


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No, really...

03.12.2005 02:45

...who was responsible then? Please do tell me.



Yes, really.

03.12.2005 07:45

Are you aware that the BBC is curently using fake journalists funded by the MOD to broadcast propaganda? Truth is the first casualty in time of war.


Sinister new world order conspiracy

03.12.2005 08:40

From a top-secret MOD website, here are some of the "fake journalists" working for the "little known outfit" BFBS:
Nazymedia really is excelling itself with this nutcake thread.


the point of the thread mr nazy...

03.12.2005 10:20

is to point to the disgraceful inadequacies in a programme which purports to 'reveal' the movements of the alleged bombers. That they have not only omitted or failed to find the actual simple facts, they have chosen to replace them with some 'made up' facts, in the manner of Chris Morris and his 'yellow cake'. This can only be as a s result of direct collusion with the forces of government and police. These are troubled times, mr. nazy.. so stick to the point, if you can. Thangs again.


good work!

03.12.2005 10:24

This is a good article and shows what some determination and research can come up with. And I would encourage everybody to keep a open mind and challenge the bias political concensus now followed by the BBC.

Keep up the good work!


Nazymedia really is excelling itself with this nutcake thread.

03.12.2005 10:46

You're posting on here dickhead. You're clearly a tosser who doesn't know what a Nazi is, and who isn't anything to do with what Indymedia stands for.

You seem too dumb to even understand what open publishing is, despite the fact you use Indymedias webspace and software to attack them.

Hopefully they'll use their software to filter you out.

Shum Mishtake shurely

Focus Is Interesting

03.12.2005 22:34

It's interesting that the people who loathe this site - but never seem to leave - only pop up on threads like these, which point out the lack of evidence to prove what the LIARS want us to believe, so that they can pursue further military aggression, and increase their powers.

Editors, Keep Close Tabs On This Plant's Activities

Good Work Bridget!

03.12.2005 23:24

Now this is exactly the kind of critical thinking we need to see at IMC sites!

All the people who who want to keep this information hidden can do, is pay some hacks to try to discredit independent citizen researchers by appeal to prejudice against "conspiracy theorists". These petty and bogus attacks wear thin with time, we can see who is seeking the truth and who isn't.

Bridget's quest for the holy grail of truth can easily survive such stupid insults. Rock on!

Dancing Dave
mail e-mail:

A very important story

04.12.2005 03:56

Bridget Dunne is one of the few persons investigating a story of great importance: so naturally she will come unde attack. What it means is that the 7/7 bombings may not have been the work of suicide bombers. The account by survivor Bruce Lait to Cambridge News provides some intersting side lights:

'"The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said.'


uphold holes and other paranoid fanatasies

04.12.2005 13:05

So the hole was the wrong way for a bomb in a bag? And only one person noticed? None of the policemen? Firemen? Ambulance men? Other passengers? Aha! Maybe they too are in the EVIL GRIP of the Bush/Blair/neocon/Zionist/Jewish conspiracy too ...


Here's the 7/7 conspiracy website

04.12.2005 13:52

For more on the 7/7 bombings mystery go here:

Quote: "A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th."


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You know What

04.12.2005 18:36

Fuck this. I've changed my mind. G.W and Tony Blair are bad for this world. I hate them. And i'm also going to reveal something else which none of you knew.

I dont only go by the name of Concerned. But i also go by the name of Voice of Reason, and Realist. There I said it. Sorry for taking on so many names its just that I needed to pretend my ideas had support. Sorry for fooling all of you with such clever disguises.


Sceptic troll

04.12.2005 22:19

the police man noticed the hole with its upturned edges first. Dont you read?


The policeman mentioned the hole

05.12.2005 13:44

not the upturned edges. See where the quotation marks are.

Even if the police notice it, the ambulance men, the London Underground men all notice it ... no one thinks this is odd? None of these people say anythihng to the papers? Or to the inquest? Perhaps THEY are all ZIONISTS too.


Timetable anomalies

05.12.2005 14:51

...what does this prove exactly though, CCTV captured the four blokes at Luton at something like 7.22 and at Kings Cross at around 8.30. They may have got the 7.24 train which apparently left at 7.25 and arrived at Kings Cross about 8.20

This is scarcely damning evidence of a cover up.

As for the bomb hole. People are always referring to this one eye-witness account out of the hundreds of accounts that make no mention of 'upturned edges'. If the particular bomb went off near a seat (bolted to the floor) the subsequent upward blast may well have turned some of the metal edge upwards. At the end of the day, neither me or the eyewitness concerned are experts in ballistics, so this too remains an isolated fragment of an issue that has been given an emphasis that it scarcely merits.


Bliar's Theory Still Unproven

06.12.2005 06:20

"This is scarcely damning evidence of a cover up."

So where's the "damning evidence" of the Government's Conspiracy Theory, the one Bliar used to seize powers denied him by the courts for four years?

See, that's missing, and that's troubling.

Not to mention that Bliar said an investigation would be a "ludicrous distraction" (what if the police said that about EVERY crime?).

Sorta like Bush and 911 ...

The evidence of the coverup is the coverup, Dummy!!

A Liar Lies, Even When He Speaks The Truth

Lets be honest...

06.12.2005 08:18 would never be convinced by any amount of evidence supporting the 'official view' simply becuase you would rather believe there is a cover-up and will never approach the subject in anything like an objective manner.

'The evidence of the coverup is the coverup, Dummy'

This is not a particularly logical argument as you have failed to prove that there is a cover up. Whatever shortfalls in the official view you perceive there to be does not, in itself, 'prove' any alternative explanation at all. And kindly refrain from petulant name calling, simply because I happen to disagree with you.


Circular Logic (or not)

06.12.2005 19:10

"The evidence of the coverup is the coverup, Dummy" - A Liar Lies, Even When He Speaks The Truth

What a GREAT argument!

Martians stole my car? No proof? That's the proof!

Faked Lunar Landings? No proof? It must be a consipracy

Birmingham Five guilty? No proof? That's the proof!

Tell me though, seriously, if there's no proof (because of the cover-up, of course), then how did you manage to discern that a conspiracy existed?


No, sceptic

07.12.2005 01:36


he does mentioned its upturned edges....Its the only press account that has appeared, and in a small newspaper. Has the media failed to notice it?or do the prefer 'the evil arabs did it'?


one policeman noticed it?

07.12.2005 10:36

No others? None of the other passengers? None of the firemen? None of the ambulancemen? None of the Underground staff?



07.12.2005 22:01

a policeman noticed it, as did Bruce Lait...most people are not very observant, nor can they take the leap from observation to conjecture, not during a time of trauma. But the question you should be asking is why this has not been investigated or reported beyond a casual mention in Cambridge News...can it be because people have adopted the suicide bomber nonsense?

The evidence for the suicide bombing theory is zero...but its what people choose to believe: its what theyve been led to believe. Like the americans, many would find it hard to accept that the bombs were placed by security personnel. And guess who handles security for british rail?


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