Spoil the BPP's White Christmas
Auntie | 01.12.2005 18:00 | Anti-racism
As the BPP struggle from disaster to disaster, they're also struggling desperately for cash. One of their fund-raising schemes is to sell cod-pagan Yuletide cards with some ripped-off hippy dippy artwork. Clearly a copyright infringement, and one the artist, a certain Peter Pracownik, may want to take legal action over. Please take the trouble to inform him of the situation by e-mailing him at info@peterpracownik.com
03.12.2005 19:58
Well done everybody who responded to this post. Within 24 hours the BPP took the cards off their site, and hopefully they're being sued by the artist (though so far as I know nobody has had a direct response), adding further to their financial woes and helping to stop them spreading their racist lies.
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oh wow look!!!
01.12.2005 18:48
BPP Head Office
BM Box 5581, London WC1N 3XX
National Enquiries
National Organiser
bpp.uk@ntlworld..com 07708861198
Nationalist Week
Vanguard Magazine
Imperium Magazine
Imperium Articles
Yorkshire BPP
PO Box 115, Bramley, Leeds LS13 9AN
0845 2578404
Leeds BPP
Suite 267, 57, Great George Street, Leeds LS1 3JA
Bradford BPP
0845 2578404
South-East England BPP
Calder Valley BPP
Scotland Region BPP
Wales Region BPP
swalesbpp@avfc1.wanadoo.co.uk 07783007149
North-East BPP
West Midlands BPP
Birmingham BPP
North West BPP
West of England BPP
07944 897704
Brighton BPP
brighton_bpp@yahoo.co.uk 07914 031770
BPP Youth Divison
bppyouth@hotmail.co.uk 07906285978
BPP Overseas Organisation
BPP Ulster
Job Done.
01.12.2005 19:25
I'm sure others will be on the case as well.
sounds dodgy
01.12.2005 20:01
so their not copying the BNP and pretending not to be fash then.
ps suprised they have that many regional branches
website domain
01.12.2005 21:57
Simon Sheppard ( domains@drypool.org, admin@drypool.org)
0845 456 1677
PO Box 1004
Hull, Yorkshire HU3 2YT
Funnily enough, another charming fascist and apparently a computer engineer.
Thennis Datcher
e-mail: thennis.datcher@princeton.huntingdon.com
VERY dodgy!
01.12.2005 23:40
Bash the fash.
02.12.2005 03:18
The BNP gained 100,000 votes in the 1999 Euro elections. They then went on to gain 808,000 votes in the 2004 Euro elections. Thus, barely missing a seat in the North West.
They also had a substantial vote in the London assembley elections, also in 2004, missing a seat, which requires 5% of the vote, by only gaining 4.9% of the vote!!!
The BNP then went on to gain nearly 200,000 votes in the general election in 2005 which, under a perfectly proportional system, would have gained them 5 MP's from the 646 available.
I would imagine that Indymedia doesn't support RESPECT, and nor do I, but Respect's Muslim-based votes in the general election would have gained 2 MP's proportionally and is pathetic compared with the BNP.
If you add in the Scottish Socialist Party and the Socialist Labour Party, this might add a further 2 MP's to the left's tally. Which would still leave them 1 MP short of the BNP. Adding in all the other far-left groups who stood would make little or no difference.
I would suggest it is time for a reality check by the left. Throwing bricks through the windows of meetings organised by hard-line racists isn't going to stop the growth of the far-right.
Is it possible to stand alternative candidates and retain your revolutionary credibility?
Uncle Joe.
Uncle Joe
02.12.2005 09:24
Opposing the BNP does not mean we have to start participating in the farce of electoral politics. As for 'revolutionary integrity', if you're the same 'Uncle Joe' whose posted on Indymedia before, I'd suggest you lost your own 'revolutionary integrity' the minute you started posting the names of antifascists on Indymedia.
Red N Black
Worth an e-mail?
02.12.2005 09:37
Charlie Potatoes
Saddam Hussein was the ultimate fascist!
02.12.2005 09:43
Uncle Joe
02.12.2005 09:54
The other P
"Like I care"
02.12.2005 10:04
Ned Ludd
Saddam Hussein
02.12.2005 10:18
Ultimate fascist
02.12.2005 11:37
"Ded Hed Ned"
02.12.2005 12:51
like i really care
Don't care?
02.12.2005 14:21
My dog's too clever for you!
"like i really care"
Ha! Can almost hear you blubbing over your fallen fuhrer from here Nazi, must be hard losing two in one year!
Never mind, with the cards gone, you could always start selling pegs or something. What a shower!
02.12.2005 18:31
Don't be misled by all the contact details - 1 fash half a dozen sim cards - thanks for the PO No - did you know that they have to be attached to a UK address & the Post office will give you that address - there's another one for the christmas list.
Concerned made the usual Max attempt to change the subject - and yes I did and still oppose the occupation of Iraq. Hasn't some learned group just published some figures about it being as bad now as before occupation?
Crolt bopper
Reply to Red N Black
02.12.2005 21:54
I have been posting on Indymedia recently under the name Uncle Joe. I can assure you at no time have I ever posted the names of any anti-fascists.
"particularly when, like the BPP, they are committed to street confrontation. "
I would accept your point that groups as this should be challenged.
"revolutionary integrity"
I am a supporter of left-wing electoral alternatives such as the Socialist Alliance, of which I was a member, before it's destruction by the SWP. So I would not claim to be a revolutionary.
"As for the electoral approach..."
The IWCA have had some moderate success by gaining 3 concillors in Oxford and are gradually raising their profile after a successful London Mayoral campaign. My support for the IWCA lies in the fact that they have a militant anti-fascist background and they appeal to white, working class voters who otherwise might be targetted by the BNP and far-right.
Typically, the SWP chose to steer the Socialist Alliance, and now Respect, in the opposite direction. The SWP used the SA to target middle class feminists, students, and other social groups, thereby failing to make any progress with the working class. Respect is even worse in that it specifically targets Muslims.
My argument would be that it must be possible to have a socialist/working class party that doesn't target one religious/ethnic group (Respect), or target the middle class (the SWP and their SA), or admire Stalinism (Socialist Labour), or seemingly only target people who live on council estates (IWCA).
Uncle Joe
Reply to Uncle Joe
03.12.2005 16:59
I am very familiar with the IWCA approach and see much validity in what they say, agreeing that the rise of the BNP owes much to the failure of the middle-class Left as well as the continuing abandonment of the working-class by New Labour. I believe however that we should be aiming to organise in our own (working-class) communities without validating the electoral sham by encouraging people to participate in it. Despite getting on for a decade of electoral participation, the IWCA have made extremely limited gains on this front, though hopefully they have had some success in non-electoral terms.
I agree with your analysis of the SA and Respect, but really think that what has happened is inevitable when other groups and individuals are fooled into working with the opportunistic (and ruthless) SWP.
Red N Black
The ruthless SWP
08.12.2005 20:42
(1) About a year ago promoted two members of the BNP as national organisers in their Manchester student branch. Even better, they actually demoted a number of others to make way, who were presumably genuine SWP'ers.
(2) Get hemmed in by the police on May Day so that they have to piss themselves as they weren't allowed to go to the toilet for hours.
(3) Have become a mouthpiece for Islamic fundamentalism so that George Galloway can arselick his way across the Middle East and the Muslim world. Note, that Galloway is the third highest paid MP in the Register of Member's Interests. I wonder where all that money is coming from, it certainly isn't donations from the lowly constituents of Bethnal Green and Bow.
As Red Action say, "Let's face it, the middle class politically correct screeching of the SWP is enough to turn anyone to fascism."
Uncle Joe