Dictatorship approves anti-liberty bill
FREEDOM | 29.11.2005 19:59 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Repression | World
The out-house approved the counter-dissent measures after federal dictator-general philip duddock-ordered the sedition provisions must remain in the bill.
AUSTRALIA: Prime miniature john hoWARd (the coward's) anti-liberty directives have been passed in the out-house without them even flushing the toilet.
But a challenge has been issued to some neo-liberal sin-ators to wipe their arse after the sedition diarrhea started running down the back of their legs.
Mr Speaker, did you flush the toilet after that big shit?
The out-house approved the counter-dissent measures after federal dictator-general philip duddock-ordered the sedition provisions must remain in the bill.
"I argue very strongly that they ought to continue in their present form," he said.
But why does he argue so strongly? At a time when corruption in public office is the worst it has ever been in the last 200 years of Australia's history.
That means his neo-liberal dictatorship will be able to hide their crimes and corruption and continue to flout the rule of law.
The stench alone would warrant his government's dismissal because he's seeking to prevent people telling the truth about his government's continued and unabated corruption and crimes against humanity.
Duddock: "Sedition has become a more relevant offence."
But Mr Speaker, more relevant if you're a corrupt war criminal who seeks to quell dissent!
Earlier this week the Sin-ate recommended the-sedition should be removed because they could undermine free speech.
But random stop, search and seizure, tracking and tagging, home detention, and preventive detention of citizenry won't?
Right you lying creep of a dictatorship?
Now the legislation is listed to be debated soon in the sin-nate.
Related dissent:
Workers exploit NSW prisons: Daily Terror?
Of course communicating should be illegal just ask the terror? They see isolation and warehousing as the best option because that's the government's position and this propaganda aids that position and was pushed towards the terror for that conclusion and that no workers who have ever had a criminal record should ever work in the area of mentoring prisoners nor should they be allowed to communicate? I'm sure that suits the government just fine!
CIA agent spreads terror fears in Australia
Why shouldn't you be convinced after all gunaratna says he's a dr and reported to be a 'terrorist expert'? He even lives in Indonesia surrounded by bombs going off in his own backyard. But even with his alleged expertise it has only led to even more relentless and 'subsequent bombings' in Indonesia. So I suppose that's how you know you need an expert?
hoWARd, will keep chilling you!
All this nonsense to hide the fact that the Bali bombing was not State Sanctioned Terror when it clearly was in relation to the explosive used in the second Bali bomb blast in 2002 which was clearly military hardware.
Rumsfeld not welcome in Adelaide
Anti-war activists protested in Adelaide against United States Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, calling him a war criminal and demanding that he go home. With Adelaide in a security lockdown for the visit of Donald Rumsfeld and US Assistant Secretary of State, Robert Zoellick, for the annual Australian and US ministerial consultations (AUSMIN), the protest was allowed to go ahead on the steps of Parliament House.
Man to stand trial because police said he lied?
So if the authorities believe someone you know poses a terrorist risk - then if they interview you in alleged connection to their belief - and if police believe that you lied about it - then you can follow old mate here and prove you didn't lie or go to jail? Or be refused bail anyway and go to jail until you prove otherwise - after being isolated in AAA maximum-security with no fresh air or sunlight 'indefinitely' and get drip-fed through the courts?
Revive the rebellious spirit of Eureka by making the pilgrimage from Adelaide and attending Sedition Sunday! 11am 4th Dec, Eureka Park, Ballarat. Come for the whole weekend of Eureka activities. Gallopolli is militarist bullshit. Eureka is the real story of how Australia gained it's democratic and egalitarian traditions.
Things and places identified
He said Mulahalilovic worked as a handyman, lived with his wife, parents and brother and, with the help of family members, could provide around $1 million security to ensure his freedom until trial.
Dangerous handyman terror threat?
But the only mother of SATAN here is John HoWARd and his new Ant-Terrorism Bill!
Terror suspects 'kept in dark'
"They're all kept in solitary confinement, they're kept in Guantanamo Bay style conditions and they're very oppressive," he said.
What are the dangerous chemicals police found when they went fishing?
If police say they were making bombs when they were painting motor vehicles then the only terrorist act that wasn't prevented was when police went on a fishing expedition.
Prime Minister Guilty of Sedition
Wanda Fish calls on constitutional and civil libertarian lawyers to mount a case against Federal and State Governments for conspiring to overturn basic constitutional rights with the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005. These proposed laws break internationally recognised treaties on human rights, overturn the fundamental principle of presumption of innocence, and seriously threaten free speech and protest.
Man shot by police in fishing raids
But there is no such thing as an independent investigation team in NSW because police investigate themselves and cannot be relied upon ever.
ASIO fishing expedition makes arrests
Are you satisfied truthseeker? Well I'm not this is just another public relations exercise that no one can prove. But trust us we know best?
Anti-war rally report and photos
A crowd of people turned up in the 30 degree heat of a Melbourne spring day to the anti-war rally outside the State Library. There was a cross-section of people with Muslims and socialists particularly well represented by banners, placards and flags, but also such groups as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Women for Peace and Moreland Peace Group, and quite a few people unaffiliated with any group.
EUREKA 151-an opportunity to reclaim our rights and freedom!
The commemoration of the Eureka uprising-1854-is on the weekend of December 3-4 in Ballarat, Vic. The miner's revolt, & massacre by the govt lead to unprecedented advances in democratic rights. To-day, we are also facing tyranny with illegal wars, legalised concentration camps and the fast disappearance of our rights and democracy. Come along and create history again!
Thousands flood streets to protest draconian laws
There is widespread unease among Government backbenchers and civil libertarians. These orders will be imposed for no crime, control people and prevent people from speaking out or participating in their normal day-to-day activities. The backbench committee and Attorney-General were at loggerheads over issues of no principle in the laws.
Australian Prime Minister Plays Terror Card
Australian Prime Minister Howard is facing an uphill battle trying to justify these draconian laws, he's getting opposition from doctors organizations, human rights organizations, artists, musicians, TV stars.
Nazi tones in John Howard's anti-terror laws, says Malcolm Fraser
"Some of this legislation is truly terrible," he said. "Some of the analogies ... one of the first pieces of legislation Hitler's government put into place was something for 'the good order and safety' of the citizens of Germany: preventive detention ...
Australia's 'Anti-Terrorism' Bill: the framework for a police state
The record demonstrates that neither parliament nor the judiciary will defend even the most fundamental civil liberties. Notwithstanding the appeals of the Greens, the Australian Democrats and various dissident backbenchers, no amount of popular pressure will reverse their course. The defence of democratic rights requires nothing less than the development of an independent political movement of the working class, fighting for a socialist strategy aimed directly against the profit system itself--the real source of war, social reaction and inequality.
Mutiny on the bounty hunters
There was a serious threat to Australia's national insecurity that just happened to come up at the right time and that was obviously worked out by Lib/Lab in order to con the Australian public into thinking that the pre-meditators had no other course of action but to sign off on new draconian laws. A blatant and distorted lie that cannot be proved because it is a secret, in a secret society that we all should be terrified of. Shame coward's Shame!
Arbitrary Detention and Magna Carta
Below is a copy of an open letter re the proposed new anti-terrorism bill, sent to all premiers, chief ministers and the leader of the opposition. It is not overly complimentary.
Who cares about history and legal precedence?
So for all these reasons you should be terrified of history and legal precedence?
How's this for sedition?
I have read the proposed anti-terrorist bill and see that reference is made to sayings and acts done in good faith. I make as clear as possible, in terms as unambiguous as possible, that in urging disaffection - and hatred and contempt - I am motivated by no sense of good faith whatsoever.
"If the [police] are armed with one of these [orders] ... and if this person attempts to flee the arrest, he can be shot and fatally shot ... The police might knock on the door and [the person] might leg it out the back door without even being told why the police are there, and under these provisions they can be called on to stop and if they don't stop, they can be shot."
Shoot-to-kill bluff
The big terror news today is all about the federal dictatorship telling us that the intention of the Shoot-To-Kill policy was not to shoot you in the back if you ran from the police terror squad. And the States declaring they did not sign up for it. But that is not what this diversion tactic is about. It's about convincing you to eat the rest of the draconian laws because you were saved from the worst?
Secret agents brief Bracks on 'seditious' protest
"Our intelligence suggests that certain individuals disaffected with Premier Bracks and other State and Territory leaders will gather at Parliament House at 1pm on Saturday 22 October," said an agency spokesperson.
Sedition Laws Target Peaceful Civil Disobedience
But wait you say - the government says that it is offering an "acting in good faith" defence against sedition charges. Read on:
Yeah but what causes Sedition?
But What?
The race that doesn't stop the nation
Cracks in terror solidarity
But Mr Howard's push is in trouble as a growing number of solicitors-general, senior members of the bar and legal bodies are swaying premiers to take more time to examine the bill, its judicial safeguards and the possibility it will be struck down by the High Court as unconstitutional.
Prime meanster 'tells' States?
hoWard controls the media giants, the sin-ate, the States and Territories and now he wants you! Any time he pushes a button on his dictatorial consol, you will jump and he'll use you as cannon fodder. hoWARd will be handed insurmountable scapegoats on a silver platter to wipe his dirty lies and war crimes clean.
Shoot to kill on the belief of reasonable grounds is a problem
Provisions in relation to use of force in s105.23 raise serious concerns. In particular subsection 105.23(2) specifically contemplates the use of lethal force against a detainee where an AFP member believes on reasonable grounds that this is necessary to protect life or to prevent serious injury to another person.
SM Herald Poll flawed
I wonder if they asked themselves if it were all right for them to be suspected and treated like that? And that was the dribble coming from the government dictators all along. Who reads the herald? or votes there? Not me!
Anti-terrorism laws draw rights watchdog's ire
"This is a shocking departure from Australia's proud tradition of protecting individuals from an overly powerful state."
Inside the Insiders
This is a copy of a letter sent to ABC online this morning in response to their 'current affairs' programme "Insiders". It reads, in part, as follows: "On your webpage you declare "Insiders" is a, "fast-moving treatment of national affairs". Because of the loaded reporting style, I would say Insiders is more like a gaggle of protection for the elite, and a thorough-going endorsement of the state's handling of national affairs."
When Terrorism Outlaws Democracy
Federal and state leaders sold out democracy when harsher laws were agreed at the Terror Summit. The stronger laws potentially threaten to target Muslims and dissidents with searches, raids, and secret detention. In a country without a Bill of Rights, the draconian Terror Laws set us up for police statehood.
They know where you live
But lawyers worry that promises of "judicial review" will not amount to a real safeguard for those detained. Barker says: "It doesn't make oppressive laws any less oppressive because you involve judges somewhere in the process. And if I were a judge I would think very carefully before lending my name to an oppressive process."
Evans: moderate threat
Now whip it, into shape, shape it up, get straight, go forward, move ahead, try to detect it, it's not too late to whip it, whip it good!
Mein Kampf by John Howard
All Sieg Heil John Howard as his enabling act gets passed.
But a challenge has been issued to some neo-liberal sin-ators to wipe their arse after the sedition diarrhea started running down the back of their legs.
Mr Speaker, did you flush the toilet after that big shit?
The out-house approved the counter-dissent measures after federal dictator-general philip duddock-ordered the sedition provisions must remain in the bill.
"I argue very strongly that they ought to continue in their present form," he said.
But why does he argue so strongly? At a time when corruption in public office is the worst it has ever been in the last 200 years of Australia's history.
That means his neo-liberal dictatorship will be able to hide their crimes and corruption and continue to flout the rule of law.
The stench alone would warrant his government's dismissal because he's seeking to prevent people telling the truth about his government's continued and unabated corruption and crimes against humanity.
Duddock: "Sedition has become a more relevant offence."
But Mr Speaker, more relevant if you're a corrupt war criminal who seeks to quell dissent!
Earlier this week the Sin-ate recommended the-sedition should be removed because they could undermine free speech.
But random stop, search and seizure, tracking and tagging, home detention, and preventive detention of citizenry won't?
Right you lying creep of a dictatorship?
Now the legislation is listed to be debated soon in the sin-nate.
Related dissent:
Workers exploit NSW prisons: Daily Terror?
Of course communicating should be illegal just ask the terror? They see isolation and warehousing as the best option because that's the government's position and this propaganda aids that position and was pushed towards the terror for that conclusion and that no workers who have ever had a criminal record should ever work in the area of mentoring prisoners nor should they be allowed to communicate? I'm sure that suits the government just fine!

CIA agent spreads terror fears in Australia
Why shouldn't you be convinced after all gunaratna says he's a dr and reported to be a 'terrorist expert'? He even lives in Indonesia surrounded by bombs going off in his own backyard. But even with his alleged expertise it has only led to even more relentless and 'subsequent bombings' in Indonesia. So I suppose that's how you know you need an expert?

hoWARd, will keep chilling you!
All this nonsense to hide the fact that the Bali bombing was not State Sanctioned Terror when it clearly was in relation to the explosive used in the second Bali bomb blast in 2002 which was clearly military hardware.

Rumsfeld not welcome in Adelaide
Anti-war activists protested in Adelaide against United States Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, calling him a war criminal and demanding that he go home. With Adelaide in a security lockdown for the visit of Donald Rumsfeld and US Assistant Secretary of State, Robert Zoellick, for the annual Australian and US ministerial consultations (AUSMIN), the protest was allowed to go ahead on the steps of Parliament House.

Man to stand trial because police said he lied?
So if the authorities believe someone you know poses a terrorist risk - then if they interview you in alleged connection to their belief - and if police believe that you lied about it - then you can follow old mate here and prove you didn't lie or go to jail? Or be refused bail anyway and go to jail until you prove otherwise - after being isolated in AAA maximum-security with no fresh air or sunlight 'indefinitely' and get drip-fed through the courts?

Revive the rebellious spirit of Eureka by making the pilgrimage from Adelaide and attending Sedition Sunday! 11am 4th Dec, Eureka Park, Ballarat. Come for the whole weekend of Eureka activities. Gallopolli is militarist bullshit. Eureka is the real story of how Australia gained it's democratic and egalitarian traditions.

Things and places identified
He said Mulahalilovic worked as a handyman, lived with his wife, parents and brother and, with the help of family members, could provide around $1 million security to ensure his freedom until trial.

Dangerous handyman terror threat?
But the only mother of SATAN here is John HoWARd and his new Ant-Terrorism Bill!

Terror suspects 'kept in dark'
"They're all kept in solitary confinement, they're kept in Guantanamo Bay style conditions and they're very oppressive," he said.

What are the dangerous chemicals police found when they went fishing?
If police say they were making bombs when they were painting motor vehicles then the only terrorist act that wasn't prevented was when police went on a fishing expedition.

Prime Minister Guilty of Sedition
Wanda Fish calls on constitutional and civil libertarian lawyers to mount a case against Federal and State Governments for conspiring to overturn basic constitutional rights with the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005. These proposed laws break internationally recognised treaties on human rights, overturn the fundamental principle of presumption of innocence, and seriously threaten free speech and protest.

Man shot by police in fishing raids
But there is no such thing as an independent investigation team in NSW because police investigate themselves and cannot be relied upon ever.

ASIO fishing expedition makes arrests
Are you satisfied truthseeker? Well I'm not this is just another public relations exercise that no one can prove. But trust us we know best?

Anti-war rally report and photos
A crowd of people turned up in the 30 degree heat of a Melbourne spring day to the anti-war rally outside the State Library. There was a cross-section of people with Muslims and socialists particularly well represented by banners, placards and flags, but also such groups as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Women for Peace and Moreland Peace Group, and quite a few people unaffiliated with any group.

EUREKA 151-an opportunity to reclaim our rights and freedom!
The commemoration of the Eureka uprising-1854-is on the weekend of December 3-4 in Ballarat, Vic. The miner's revolt, & massacre by the govt lead to unprecedented advances in democratic rights. To-day, we are also facing tyranny with illegal wars, legalised concentration camps and the fast disappearance of our rights and democracy. Come along and create history again!

Thousands flood streets to protest draconian laws
There is widespread unease among Government backbenchers and civil libertarians. These orders will be imposed for no crime, control people and prevent people from speaking out or participating in their normal day-to-day activities. The backbench committee and Attorney-General were at loggerheads over issues of no principle in the laws.

Australian Prime Minister Plays Terror Card
Australian Prime Minister Howard is facing an uphill battle trying to justify these draconian laws, he's getting opposition from doctors organizations, human rights organizations, artists, musicians, TV stars.

Nazi tones in John Howard's anti-terror laws, says Malcolm Fraser
"Some of this legislation is truly terrible," he said. "Some of the analogies ... one of the first pieces of legislation Hitler's government put into place was something for 'the good order and safety' of the citizens of Germany: preventive detention ...

Australia's 'Anti-Terrorism' Bill: the framework for a police state
The record demonstrates that neither parliament nor the judiciary will defend even the most fundamental civil liberties. Notwithstanding the appeals of the Greens, the Australian Democrats and various dissident backbenchers, no amount of popular pressure will reverse their course. The defence of democratic rights requires nothing less than the development of an independent political movement of the working class, fighting for a socialist strategy aimed directly against the profit system itself--the real source of war, social reaction and inequality.

Mutiny on the bounty hunters
There was a serious threat to Australia's national insecurity that just happened to come up at the right time and that was obviously worked out by Lib/Lab in order to con the Australian public into thinking that the pre-meditators had no other course of action but to sign off on new draconian laws. A blatant and distorted lie that cannot be proved because it is a secret, in a secret society that we all should be terrified of. Shame coward's Shame!

Arbitrary Detention and Magna Carta
Below is a copy of an open letter re the proposed new anti-terrorism bill, sent to all premiers, chief ministers and the leader of the opposition. It is not overly complimentary.

Who cares about history and legal precedence?
So for all these reasons you should be terrified of history and legal precedence?

How's this for sedition?
I have read the proposed anti-terrorist bill and see that reference is made to sayings and acts done in good faith. I make as clear as possible, in terms as unambiguous as possible, that in urging disaffection - and hatred and contempt - I am motivated by no sense of good faith whatsoever.

"If the [police] are armed with one of these [orders] ... and if this person attempts to flee the arrest, he can be shot and fatally shot ... The police might knock on the door and [the person] might leg it out the back door without even being told why the police are there, and under these provisions they can be called on to stop and if they don't stop, they can be shot."

Shoot-to-kill bluff
The big terror news today is all about the federal dictatorship telling us that the intention of the Shoot-To-Kill policy was not to shoot you in the back if you ran from the police terror squad. And the States declaring they did not sign up for it. But that is not what this diversion tactic is about. It's about convincing you to eat the rest of the draconian laws because you were saved from the worst?

Secret agents brief Bracks on 'seditious' protest
"Our intelligence suggests that certain individuals disaffected with Premier Bracks and other State and Territory leaders will gather at Parliament House at 1pm on Saturday 22 October," said an agency spokesperson.

Sedition Laws Target Peaceful Civil Disobedience
But wait you say - the government says that it is offering an "acting in good faith" defence against sedition charges. Read on:


Yeah but what causes Sedition?

But What?

The race that doesn't stop the nation

Cracks in terror solidarity
But Mr Howard's push is in trouble as a growing number of solicitors-general, senior members of the bar and legal bodies are swaying premiers to take more time to examine the bill, its judicial safeguards and the possibility it will be struck down by the High Court as unconstitutional.

Prime meanster 'tells' States?
hoWard controls the media giants, the sin-ate, the States and Territories and now he wants you! Any time he pushes a button on his dictatorial consol, you will jump and he'll use you as cannon fodder. hoWARd will be handed insurmountable scapegoats on a silver platter to wipe his dirty lies and war crimes clean.

Shoot to kill on the belief of reasonable grounds is a problem
Provisions in relation to use of force in s105.23 raise serious concerns. In particular subsection 105.23(2) specifically contemplates the use of lethal force against a detainee where an AFP member believes on reasonable grounds that this is necessary to protect life or to prevent serious injury to another person.

SM Herald Poll flawed
I wonder if they asked themselves if it were all right for them to be suspected and treated like that? And that was the dribble coming from the government dictators all along. Who reads the herald? or votes there? Not me!

Anti-terrorism laws draw rights watchdog's ire
"This is a shocking departure from Australia's proud tradition of protecting individuals from an overly powerful state."

Inside the Insiders
This is a copy of a letter sent to ABC online this morning in response to their 'current affairs' programme "Insiders". It reads, in part, as follows: "On your webpage you declare "Insiders" is a, "fast-moving treatment of national affairs". Because of the loaded reporting style, I would say Insiders is more like a gaggle of protection for the elite, and a thorough-going endorsement of the state's handling of national affairs."

When Terrorism Outlaws Democracy
Federal and state leaders sold out democracy when harsher laws were agreed at the Terror Summit. The stronger laws potentially threaten to target Muslims and dissidents with searches, raids, and secret detention. In a country without a Bill of Rights, the draconian Terror Laws set us up for police statehood.

They know where you live
But lawyers worry that promises of "judicial review" will not amount to a real safeguard for those detained. Barker says: "It doesn't make oppressive laws any less oppressive because you involve judges somewhere in the process. And if I were a judge I would think very carefully before lending my name to an oppressive process."

Evans: moderate threat
Now whip it, into shape, shape it up, get straight, go forward, move ahead, try to detect it, it's not too late to whip it, whip it good!

Mein Kampf by John Howard
All Sieg Heil John Howard as his enabling act gets passed.