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New E-mail Alerts List

Covance Campaign | 25.11.2005 05:03 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | World

The Covance Campaign have set up an e-mail alerts list for subscribers to receive information about how they can help close down Covance Labs.

To subscribe, please click on the following link

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Raising The Dead

26.11.2005 16:55

What is the point in trying to start up an already failed campaign? Would it not be better to support a well established campaign? The last Covance advertised demo I went to not a soul turned up! This was Albert Hall Farm. I live 2 miles away so I went in support but I was on my own.


Re: Raising the Dead!

27.11.2005 00:14

I think it is disgusting that you are 'slagging off' other campaigns which is instantly showing what you are like. At least they are doing something to help achieve animal liberation. I attended a march in Harrogate against Covance earlier this year where 250 people attended. Last week i attended a supplier demo in York and 15 people turned up and occupied their premises for over 20 minutes and the police didn't take any action and no arrests were made. I guess you must have got the wrong date for the demo at Albert Hall Farm.

David Gilfoyle


27.11.2005 01:34

Well 'Wendy',
You're obviously doing your bit on your own, well done.
By no means is the campaign against Covance vivisection labs in the UK ' a failure' the way I see it from visiting their website.
Look how many supplier companies have dropped the labs and the volume of on site demos and supplier demos that continue to hit at the heart of this lab.
Am concerned that we should all be 'supporting well established campaigns' in your eyes?
By this, do you mean Animal Aid, CIWF and Viva?
Please explain.

Johnny Rotten

Re: Raising the dead.

27.11.2005 19:56

Wendy Wrote:
What is the point in trying to start up an already failed campaign? Would it not be better to support a well established campaign?

I agree. We only have to look at the history of Campaigns that DO have a large amount of support in the country. The SHAC campaign is the largest with SHAC campaigns is 18 countries. Just look at the amount of activity that has surrounded this campaign alone but still Huntingdon Life Science are still hanging on! HLS has less than a handful of labs worldwide but Covance has 83!! HLS is in debt and Covance is not. In reality Covance needs more than a handful of people turning up outside their lab once in a blue moon.
I also know a person who was told about the Farm demo and he drove 82 miles but the demo had been cancelled but he was not informed by text.

David Gilfoyle Wrote:
I think it is disgusting that you are 'slagging off' other campaigns which is instantly showing what you are like. At least they are doing something to help achieve animal liberation. I attended a march in Harrogate against Covance earlier this year where 250 people attended. Last week i attended a supplier demo in York and 15 people turned up and occupied their premises for over 20 minutes and the police didn't take any action and no arrests were made. I guess you must have got the wrong date for the demo at Albert Hall Farm.

It looks like Wendy was asking relevant questions if you ask me and not slagging off a campaign. The march you attended in early this year was not organised by the people who are organising the campaign now. It was organised by a couple who are friends of mine who travelled the country handing out advertising leaflets for the demo. I met them at an ARC meeting in Nottingham where they made a real effort to promote the march and the Covance campaign, something none of the other members bothered to do. Infact every ARC meeting and demo up until the march I bumped into them handing out leaflets and asking people to turn up! They also supported SHAC with demos in the north of England.

I had a look a the Covance campaign web site and could only find one demo in the last month! The demo at the railway museum that was in York but you will find that it was reported that 15/20 people turned up but in reality that was not the case because only 4 people turned up! The report was taken down. I know that numbers are small but numbers are bumped up in reports to make it look good. The best thing I could see on the site was the fur and circus demos.
I do believe that you soon will all be coming down to earth with a bump if you think that the police will not start to arrest members when you read of them running around kitchens etc.

Johnny Rotten Wrote:
Well 'Wendy',
You're obviously doing your bit on your own, well done.
By no means is the campaign against Covance vivisection labs in the UK ' a failure' the way I see it from visiting their website.
Look how many supplier companies have dropped the labs and the volume of on site demos and supplier demos that continue to hit at the heart of this lab.
Am concerned that we should all be 'supporting well established campaigns' in your eyes?
By this, do you mean Animal Aid, CIWF and Viva?
Please explain.

No by this I mean campaigns like SHAC and SPEAK but I see no problem with any of the above you mentioned! I have looked at the volume of supplier and customer demos, have you? 28 statements not all of them this year and most are old companies who have not dealt with Covance for a long time ;) I had a long phone conversation about it ;)

People need to support what campaign they feel is worth campaigning for and I have taken part in covance demos when in the area but we all need to see a true representation of what is going on in the campaign when we visit the web site.



27.11.2005 22:41

I see you have answered the question for me Gandalf LOL I would add Uncaged to that list though,


Horse Rescue

28.11.2005 16:05

I think the Covance Campaign are brilliant, they've even helped rescue a badly neglected horse from the slaughter house. Keep up the good work, Sweetpea

mail e-mail:


28.11.2005 17:57

Funny, I heard that £20,000 was donated to the Covance campaign and it can not be accounted for! What was it spent on I wonder?

Yes the covance campaign did spend their last few quid on a rescue horse nothing wrong with that but what happend to the rest of that £20,000 I wonder?!? Drumming lessons? Motor Bike repairs? Vets bills, even though we have a PDSA that is free? Do you want me to carry on?

People like you make me sick!

mail e-mail:


28.11.2005 19:06

Isn't it strange that members of Wakefield Animal Rights stole banners, placards, campaigning materials, money and smashed props belonging to the Covance Campaign. Oh, and not forgetting they home demo they did on a campaigner as well as continous ringing up of people up to 20 times a day and until 2 in the morning.



28.11.2005 21:34

I am the Wakefield campaign so I assume you are talking about me. I was handed some Covance campaign banners that consisted of 4 hand made placards (Pills that kill) a large viagra pill and some costumes. I also was handed a large plaster beagle dog, Sony editing deck with small spy cam that was not working (that fact that the spy cam was not working was raised when it was handed over and I said it would TRY fix it) and 1 PC that is at my front door waiting to be picked up and has been for weeks since an e mail was sent to the person who gave it to me. The large Covance campaign banner was partly paid for out of my pocket and is now with some campaigners who regularly went up to Covance to demo. I find it hard to see how I could steal money from the Campaign because I did not have access to it. I was given a cheque to pay for the banner and I have the invoice to prove that it was paid for in full.

Smashed props? Oh yes this is another lie spat out by campaign members. The Covance campaign props, banner, computer etc was ceased by the police in one of many raids at my house. The plaster dog was broken when I went to pick my property up at the police station and it was documented before it was signed for and a complaint to the police was made by my solicitor. Other things personal to me was also damaged. The pills that kill placards was only worth putting in the bin so that is what I did. They was made of cardboard and did not survive the police property office. I will remind you that ALL this has been documented and I have all the paperwork to vindicate me from your lies.

Home demo of a covance campaign member? He is lucky he didnt get his head kicked in to be honest! He published a picture on the Covance campaign that he was asked to take down. He was e mailed and phoned many times with messages left but still would not take it down. I went to his house but he would not answer the door but I spotted him looking out of the corner of the curtain so I went to my car go out the megaphone and said "TAKE DOWN THAT PICTURE FROM THE WEB SITE" then I got back into my car and went home, the time was about half passed 8. I am surprised you let the gang of mates all drunk out of it because that is one of many stories that has gone around. He made a phone call to the police saying I was alarming and harassing him etc He even had the cheek to email me saying he had grassed me up to the law!!!

What about the phone call to my ISP with threats of legal action if I did not take down a couple of pictures? Pictures so small you could not work out who was in them. It went to nothing because you did not have a leg to stand on.

If you want to wash you dirty washing in public then so be it I do not care because I can back up all I have said in this post I can also confirm the post from Billy. £20,000 is allot of money and it did not go on what it was donated for it went on everything else but! Tell us all what you have got to show for the £20,000? Sony editing deck and spy cam, a few props and banners?

I left the covance campaign at the end of march and devoted all my time with the SHAC campaign and when we came back up north to do SHAC demos we also demoed on behalf of covance but they would not publish the demo reports or pictures much to the surprise of some SHAC members that came up with us. What sort of reflection on a campaign is it when members put their personal problems with others above the animals it is suppose to be campaigning for?

What you are left with now and a large part of the reason we left the campaign is a 15 year old spoilt little brat with an ego too big to run an affective campaign.

The covance campaign is a joke and not even enough imagination to design its own web site. It is a direct copy of the Sequani site.
Now if you want to carry this on it is up to you.

mail e-mail: info@wakefieldanimalrights
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Keep on Fighting!

29.11.2005 16:56

(not each other) but for animal liberation!


