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Bomber Blair being a hyprocrite as usual

saba | 23.11.2005 17:36 | Anti-militarism

Blair and Iran

Blair accuses Iran of being a rogue state, he says that ""Iran's nuclear programme, support for terrorism and "meddling" in Iraq were all worries that gave genuine cause for concern.""
Yet how many countries has Iran attacked since 1997? How many countries has Blair bombed since 1997?
Is Britain meddling in Iraq?
How many nuclear bombs does Britain have? How many bombs does Israel have? Who controls British foreign policy, Israel, America, or both?
Why is the anti-war movement in Britain so useless?
Is it the fault of the SWP?


Iran would pose 'serious threat' if it had nuclear weapons
By George Jones
(Filed: 23/11/2005)

Iran would pose a serious threat to world stability and peace if it developed a nuclear capability, Tony Blair told MPs yesterday.

He said it was a "concern and worry" because Iran was a powerful country with a large part of the world's energy resources at its disposal. The threat to world energy supplies because large reserves of oil and gas were controlled by rogue or unstable states such as Iran is one of the arguments being deployed by the Prime Minister to justify reviving Britain's nuclear energy programme.

Appearing before the Commons Liaison Committee, Mr Blair gave a further hint that he was ready to give the go-ahead for a new generation of nuclear power stations, saying he was prepared to face up to unpopular decisions.

"With some of the issues to do with climate change, and you can see it with the debate about nuclear power, there are going to be difficult and controversial decisions government has got to take."

He said Iran's nuclear programme, support for terrorism and "meddling" in Iraq were all worries that gave genuine cause for concern. But he said "no one is talking military action or any of the rest of it" as it was quite a different country from Iraq. Mr Blair said over-hasty withdrawal of multinational forces from Iraq would leave the country at the mercy of warring factions.

He described as "rubbish" the claim by Mohammed Sidique Khan, one of the London suicide bombers, that UK foreign policy was "oppressing" Muslims.

Mr Blair had been challenged by MPs on whether the Government had put sufficient effort into a "hearts and minds" campaign to tackle alienation in minority communities.

"I looked at it and said: 'This is someone brought up in this country who has all the freedoms of growing up in this country and a good standard of living because of growing up in this country'."



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Tony Blair has never unnessarily gone to war.

24.11.2005 12:53

In 1999, Tony Blair along with president Bill Clinton acted to save ethnic Albanians in Kosovo from ethnic cleansing by Serbian fascists! Read some history! In 2001 Tony Blair along with George BUsh sent in troops to hunt down and destroy Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan who had murdered 3,000 Americans on September 11th. In 2003 Tony Balir along with George Bush overthrew the Saddam regime which had brought 24 years of terror and massacre to the people of Iraq. It also had a valid reason for such action, because Saddam Hussein had for 12 years refused to co-operate with United Nations weapons inspectors!


You Mean "Propagandist", Not Realist

24.11.2005 23:37

"In 1999, Tony Blair along with president Bill Clinton acted to save ethnic Albanians in Kosovo from ethnic cleansing by"

The United States was funding the groups they then had to act against. The war was about oil, geostrategy, and containing Russia.

"In 2001 Tony Blair along with George BUsh sent in troops to hunt down and destroy Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan"

All evidence suggests that "al Qaeda" is wholly a creation of Western/Israeli Intelligence.

This war for the oil and gas pipeline to the Caspian Sea Basin was planned in 1999. European governments were told of Britain/America's intent to invade in late 2000.

"who had murdered 3,000 Americans on September 11th."

There is no compelling evidence which proves this to be true. That particular Conspiracy Theory, used by Fascists to launch the indefensible, falls to pieces under any amount of scrutiny.

"In 2003 Tony Balir along with George Bush overthrew the Saddam regime"

They spun this yarn after their LIES about WMD were exposed as such. Leaked documents prove that they knew their War of Aggression, planned before Bush was installed to the White House, was a breach of International Law.

"which had brought 24 years of terror and massacre to the people of Iraq."

Paid for and facilitated by the CIA. And now, the US/UK are murdering Iraqis by the thousands, even using banned WMD, and targeting civilians in False Flag Attacks, and journalists who they do not control.

"It also had a valid reason for such action, because Saddam Hussein had for 12 years refused to co-operate with United Nations weapons inspectors!"

That's a LIE. Saddam gave in to each new demand, intended by the US to force a confrontation. Frustrated, the US ordered out the inspactors, and along with its British partners, began an illegal, thirteen-year bombing campaign, and a selective interpretation of sanctions, which kept food and medicine out of the country, killing over a MILLION Iraqi civilians, at least half of them, children.

Don't Fall for the PsyOps