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"Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist" attacks migrants

anti-fascist | 22.11.2005 14:56 | Migration

If you want to read some really filthy attack on migrants, read the November issue of the "Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist". It claims that "the latest weapon in the armoury of capitalism is a massive increase in the numbers of people migrating to Britain." Hello? Have they recently merged with the BNP?

I can't bring myself to copy & paste their deluded statement here.

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Out of context

22.11.2005 16:26

They say so yes, but that is out of context. We all know that Capitalism uses migrants to reduce costs and get cheap labour?

Hello??? Is this being a nazi?? Then I must be one...


Agree, it's scary

22.11.2005 16:26

This is a frighteningly Nationalist Communist article in workers' power. There seems to be no attempt to include migrants within 'the working class', instead talking about 'our' attachment to the land, and even supporting England against Pakistan in the cricket! Is this typical of CPGB(ML)? It looks like Nationalist Socialism to me...


real communists are internationalists...old lessons from history

22.11.2005 19:16

Yes, capitalism has always used migration to lower wages and divide workers. This is nothing new...

Marx said the same about the bosses use of impoverished Irish workers to scab and undermine wages, conditions and the Trades Unions of settled workers in England in the 19th century...


We have always faced this choice...

a) Side with the racist or xenophobic chauvinism of our bosses, sacrificing our class independence and fueling pogromms and generally playing into the trap of divide and the tiny cpgb(ml)


b) HELP UNIONISE THEM! All around the world, immigrant workers have joined with settled workers to forge class solidarity...English and Irish, black and white, etc...this is the essence and history of the labour movement

This is eminently possible today....Polish and Portugese migrant workers in the UK countryside have staged several strikes and blockades this summer against their exploitation wages...

Its not as if they are all scabs... they probably have more militancy and solidarity than settled workers at the moment, and need us to join them...

PS..the CPGB(ML) have always had dodgy national-communist politics, its not as if they have suddenly capitulated to nationalism...but as there is less than 10 of them, and they are all aged over 60, I shouldnt worry too much....another tiny and ridiculous sect ...but its a discussion that does come up aqmongst wider layers...

PPS CPGB (ML) are Maoists, and not to be confused with the CPGB (Weekly Worker) who have more decent internationalist politics, but are still a ridiculous and jumpped up little sect...

Barry Kade


22.11.2005 19:34

Let's not get the Judean People's Front crossed with the People's Front of Judea.

The Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) is not the same organisation as either the Communist Party of Britain (Morning Star) or the Communist Party of Great Britain (Weekly Worker).

Tim van Tinteren

Albania is the true model

22.11.2005 21:24

I thought the CPBML (not CPGB (soviet lackeys!)) had died the death a long time ago. In the eighties they were fond of telling everyone that Albania was the only true model for a socialist state (under the left of Kim-Il-Sung, Hoxha). When Albania fell badly, so did they.They always were anti economic migrant as layed out by Reg Birch in their 1971 manifesto Some of their ex-members have done rather well including Alexi Sayle (comic and excellent writer). Norman Candy (London rep for the CWU (postal workers union).


Pedant 2

22.11.2005 21:50

Just a note further to Tim's posting above to clarify matters (if that is possible in the strange world of left sectarianism!).

The Communist Party of Britain is the people who produce the Morning Star newspaper. They are 'orthodox' communists associated with the 1951 Manifesto "British Road to Socialism".

The Communist Party of Great Britain (newspaper: Weekly Worker) is the former Leninist wing of the old CPGB.

The Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) - i.e. the people behind the article debated here - produce a monthly magazine called Workers and developed a type of Maoism based on Enver Hoxha's regime in Albania.

The Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (newspaper: Proletarian) is a purist Stalinist outfit formed by Harpal Brar and others expelled from Arthur Scargill's SLP in 2003. It is known for its uncritical support of 'socialist' Zimbabwe.

The Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) is different from the old RCP - I'm not sure what the heck their ideology is.

The New Communist Party (newspaper: The New Worker) split from the old CPGB in 1977 over 'revisionism'. Editorially, it supports North Korea.

And, just to confuse matters, the Revolutionary Communist Group (newspaper: Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!) are pro-Cuba but not linked with the 'official' communist party.

There is a full list of leftist, post-leftist, left-nationalist and anarchist groups in Europe, ranging from Social Democrats right through to anarcho-primitivists, at the website Fasciating for movement trainspotters!


Albania is the true model

22.11.2005 22:13

I thought the CPBML (not CPGB (soviet lackeys!)) had died the death a long time ago. In the eighties they were fond of telling everyone that Albania was the only true model for a socialist state (under the left of Kim-Il-Sung, Hoxha). When Albania fell badly, so did they.They always were anti economic migrant as layed out by Reg Birch in their 1971 manifesto. They continue to be in favour of worker nationalism see Some of their ex-members have done rather well including Alexi Sayle (comic and excellent writer)and Norman Candy (London rep for the CWU (postal workers union)). I hope national worker instincts haven't found their way onto the CWU executive!



Brilliant Article

22.12.2005 01:07

What exactly is wrong with the points raised in the article?. There is not a section of the media now, which does not say that immigration is necessary for the economy. Along with the usual suspects mentioned in the article. This really should tell you something.
